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Old 09-02-2020, 06:11 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by yourdesire View Post
Jasman it's for them to decide some are so strung out they don't hardly know there own name. Pimps like keeping them that way, makes them easier to control. For every thought you have there are at least that many ways that people / pimps will keep these girls under control and for every thought you have there are that many reasons why girls do not leave. No one but them can help a managed girl.

True. I have only had two encounters in 25 years of hobbying that turned bad ( as in attempted robbery or assault) and both of them have been pimps. Fortunately neither pimp was particularly big nor bad so I was able to handle the situation.
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Old 09-02-2020, 08:48 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by Kshunter View Post
True. I have only had two encounters in 25 years of hobbying that turned bad ( as in attempted robbery or assault) and both of them have been pimps. Fortunately neither pimp was particularly big nor bad so I was able to handle the situation.
Wow!! So they try to rob you afterwards!!

Holy shitt!! And people still see these women!!!
Ohh Kayyyyy no no no
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Old 09-03-2020, 04:12 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by JasminDelights View Post
Holy shiit YD!!
You are quite a educated and informative beautifullady!!!
On top of their turmoil of physical and Mental abuse they are drugged up!!! I can't imagine a life like that!! Thts aweful!!! I guess prayers are the best we can do! Wow. I feel like I see or hear about it movies without piecing that it takes place in real life around us
Yes mam real world too. There have been adult women who have been kidnapped and trafficked women who have very moral lives so to speak not promiscuous in any way grabbed from the grocery store
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Old 09-03-2020, 10:25 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by JasminDelights View Post
Wow!! So they try to rob you afterwards!!

Holy shitt!! And people still see these women!!!
Ohh Kayyyyy no no no
One after and one before. The one after, I just tossed him out of the way and left. Skinny little fucker. The one before came out with a baseball bat. I'm not a huge guy but he was maybe 5-2 and 110 pounds soaking wet. I always wondered how long it took his knee to heal. I broke mine a couple of years later in an accident and had some empathy for him then.
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Old 09-03-2020, 11:09 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by BigDeal View Post
Thats the 1870's
Just to clarify
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Old 09-03-2020, 01:52 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by Kshunter View Post
One after and one before. The one after, I just tossed him out of the way and left. Skinny little fucker. The one before came out with a baseball bat. I'm not a huge guy but he was maybe 5-2 and 110 pounds soaking wet. I always wondered how long it took his knee to heal. I broke mine a couple of years later in an accident and had some empathy for him then.
You got a bigger heart than I do. I know how it feels to have torn my ACL and I still wouldn't have cared after he attempted to do that!
They deserved what they got.
They wouldn't have cared about your life or well being. Why would you.
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Old 09-03-2020, 07:55 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by JasminDelights View Post
You got a bigger heart than I do. I know how it feels to have torn my ACL and I still wouldn't have cared after he attempted to do that!
They deserved what they got.
They wouldn't have cared about your life or well being. Why would you.

I wouldn't say it was a big heart. More like, "Wow, that must have really fucking hurt when I did that." Believe me, I didn't regret it.

Back to the original point about pimped women. I avoid them for multiple reasons. The first is the experiences I just mentioned. The second is the fact that the fewer people who know that I exist in the hobby, the better. And pimps are not exactly known for their business ethics. And finally, pimps aren't exactly known for their tender loving care of their women, and I'm not good with that either. Just too many reasons to avoid. Have I seen 'managed' women beyond the two that I mentioned? Almost certainly, just because it's hard to avoid if you hobby much. But - if it becomes known that a woman is pimped, I won't see her, no matter how hot she is or how stellar her reputation.
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Old 09-04-2020, 08:47 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by Kshunter View Post
I wouldn't say it was a big heart. More like, "Wow, that must have really fucking hurt when I did that." Believe me, I didn't regret it.

Back to the original point about pimped women. I avoid them for multiple reasons. The first is the experiences I just mentioned. The second is the fact that the fewer people who know that I exist in the hobby, the better. And pimps are not exactly known for their business ethics. And finally, pimps aren't exactly known for their tender loving care of their women, and I'm not good with that either. Just too many reasons to avoid. Have I seen 'managed' women beyond the two that I mentioned? Almost certainly, just because it's hard to avoid if you hobby much. But - if it becomes known that a woman is pimped, I won't see her, no matter how hot she is or how stellar her reputation.
With that being said is it fair or right of a women to say to a man that she would not like his company with the reason being
The last 3 companions he saw were managed.
If thats something were fully aware of?
Do women ever fear seeing men who have seen managed women?
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Old 09-04-2020, 09:43 AM   #39
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Do women ever fear seeing men who have seen managed women? Maybe I'm missing something here but I see no reason to fear this as long as he's not a manager/pimp
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Old 09-04-2020, 11:09 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by huskerred View Post
Only managed woman I would see is one I was managing. Not for personal gain, but to get them on sound financial footing.
Met a lot of great women, a quite a few could use help in the financial management area of their lives.
That is just an insult to all women. Some of the best financial management people I know are women: that includes banking, investments, and real estate management. I grew up with women who owned their own businesses, women doctors, women bank presidents, woman CPAs and women lawyers. The only thing that holds women from accomplishing everthing that guys do is listening to people who tell them they can't, and picking a bum who beats them and calls himself their protector.

Telling young girls they can't starts in many elementary schools; especially in the inner city of Kansas City, MO. It is one of the worst school districts in existence, and it is controlled by the Democrat party who is responsible for the lack of progress of the black community. The Democratic Party control of the black community is planned and funded by those who only want votes and no progress. It starts with the lack of education, and telling the ladies they can't.

You sound like a pimp telling the girls that they need his help, and they can't get alone without him to help them through the difficult part of handling their own money. Look up the slang word cockwomble: that is a perfect description of a pimp. Women can, and do, perform the same tasks as men: plus they have a pussey that men want.

Why the hell would any women turn over the money she earns to a guy that doesn't want to work.

Why would a guy waste his money giving it to meet a lady who turns the money over to a bum.


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Old 09-04-2020, 11:58 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by JRLawrence View Post
That is just an insult to all women. Some of the best financial management people I know are women: that includes banking, investments, and real estate management. I grew up with women who owned their own businesses, women doctors, women bank presidents, woman CPAs and women lawyers. The only thing that holds women from accomplishing everthing that guys do is listening to people who tell them they can't, and picking a bum who beats them and calls himself their protector.

Telling young girls they can't starts in many elementary schools; especially in the inner city of Kansas City, MO. It is one of the worst school districts in existence, and it is controlled by the Democrat party who is responsible for the lack of progress of the black community. The Democratic Party control of the black community is planned and funded by those who only want votes and no progress. It starts with the lack of education, and telling the ladies they can't.

You sound like a pimp telling the girls that they need his help, and they can't get alone without him to help them through the difficult part of handling their own money. Look up the slang word cockwomble: that is a perfect description of a pimp. Women can, and do, perform the same tasks as men: plus they have a pussey that men want.

Why the hell would any women turn over the money she earns to a guy that doesn't want to work.

Why would a guy waste his money giving it to meet a lady who turns the money over to a bum.


Depends on what you consider as work. Does driving a gal to appts, waiting for hours on end, then driving to the next not considered work? Taking on risk isn't considered work? Booking rooms so the gal can remain anonymous not considered work? General security and a "lookout" not considered work? Maybe doing some scheduling and communication while she works? Everyone needs to be paid if they add value. I'm not condoning any violence or bad behaviors towards the women and they should be freely able to leave, quit or take time off if they choose.

The problem can be once a guy gets into that lifestyle it is hard to do another job so he will want to keep his gals working and take a cut. What is a reasonable cut? 30% maybe? 25%? A smart pimp/manager would be as invisible as possible and would never stand out or look like a pimp. Just be a ordinary mule. Don't flash cash everywhere, etc. A good manager would make sure she doesn't get involved with any bad drugs, and would hopefully make sure she got to yearly appointments for teeth and tests.

This is just from a Pimp/Manager view, I've never been...
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Old 09-04-2020, 02:26 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by royamcr View Post
.... would be as invisible as possible and would never stand out or look like a ....
So does one running away (so all you see is the back of his head), or hiding behind a dumpster, count as invisible?
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Old 09-04-2020, 03:48 PM   #43
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No, talking totally out of sight and out of mind. No shiny gold teeth either. No Bling.
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Old 09-08-2020, 10:27 AM   #44
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One more thought on this. The whole "managed/independent" thing is one of the biggest reasons I stick to women over 30. I figure that by the time a woman hits 30, she's making an informed decision about whether or not to do this - I have no desire to be with a coerced woman.

But guys - when a gal shows up here and she's 18-22 years old but she already knows all the lingo, all the acronyms, etc., how in the hell do you THINK she got that knowledge?
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Old 09-08-2020, 11:50 AM   #45
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I am sure girls these days have the capability to do a search on how to be a hooker. I bet they are nervous as hell to do it and they want to learn as much about it beforehand. One reason why so many go the "sugar" route. It isn't like a guy out of the blue can call them that way. They can at least chat a bit on the site before going the next step to call or meet.
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