Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Thanks Fred , you are younger and well up on the new conventions that were not around when I was coming up.
Your posting is much appreciated and enlightening except occasionally when you get a little un-friendly.
I'm glad you are not too hard on an old timer like me.
No problem, and some of your conspiracy theories aren't too far fetched.
I apologize for occasionally being unfriendly but the destruction of America saddens and angers me, and I mostly blame it on the race hustlers on the far right and the far left, and at times that is misinterpreted as racism. I would say I'm closer to the side that says the experiment in diversity isn't really working for anyone except those few who benefit from the fractured society diversity creates. When someone makes statements on here that sustain that destruction, perhaps I overreact in my replies.
As for Lucus the Dufus claiming I'm in love with a 40 year old midget hooker, the fact is that I have known her since she was about 27, and she is 35 today, and she is a short and petite Latina, just like I prefer.
I see nothing wrong with loving her - if I were a Mormon, I'd make her my second wife no problem but it isn't going to happen so we just enjoy each other's company from time to time and I give her some filthy mammon to sustain her and her kids - none of which are mine!
Lucas is a scared little pussy who didn't show up to fight me. Even if he really is 6'4", I'm not much smaller and I can sustain pain in a fight, not too much but I always leave a mark, even if I lose, which is rare but if you aren't a pussy you will occasionally end up overmatched and pay the price. Since I'm only in my late forties I have always recovered....so far. One of these days we are all going to go anyway so why be a coward like Lucas?