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1.Unemployment Down ? Down to what ? What is the number ?
2.Wages Up ? Up to what ? What is the number ?
3.Minority Hiring Up ? Up to what ? What are the numbers ?
4.Deaths are Down from the Chump Virus ? I thought deaths were up above 160,000.
There used to be a guy on here,a numbers guy,that could maybe help.
You must mean that the parameters you mentioned above are slightly improved from the Horrible levels we have endured the last few months under Chump's Mis-Leadership.
Don't take at face value all the Bullshit that Draft Dodgin' Donnie spews forth !!
Next thing you know you be buying a Condo from him.
1.Unemployment Down ? Down to what ? What is the number ?
2.Wages Up ? Up to what ? What is the number ?
3.Minority Hiring Up ? Up to what ? What are the numbers ?
4.Deaths are Down from the Chump Virus ? I thought deaths were up above 160,000.
There used to be a guy on here,a numbers guy,that could maybe help.
You must mean that the parameters you mentioned above are slightly improved from the Horrible levels we have endured the last few months under Chump's Mis-Leadership.
Don't take at face value all the Bullshit that Draft Dodgin' Donnie spews forth !!
Next thing you know you be buying a Condo from him.
I thought Trump didn’t use condos. That’s what Stormy said, eh?
I don't work for you. You can look it up on The Young Turks network or whatever Fake News source you are commanded to watch by your Masters.
You can Live by Fake News and/or Die by Fake News for all I care.
Is that Trumpspeak for “I don’t know and I don’t care?”
Yous should have prefaced your originals claims with “a lot of people are saying...”, or “read the books.”
What is the translation for “I have done more for the blacks than anyone with the possible exception of Abraham Lincoln?” Because he said that too. He also said that nobody had done a better job with the virus than he had...yous didn’t even have a test before Trump took over, right?
Are these alls secret code words alerting the underground? When should we expect the war to begin? Anybody know? I need to be able to clean up my basement to accept Yankee refugees.
Again, nobody has defended those claims, good buddy. Just the classic name callings and scatologies!
Trump’s speech the other night was a rambling mess. Yous should all be proud.
Yous crow about job creation, but won’t take responsibility for the unemployment rate he caused.
We’ve flattened our curve in Canada by acting responsibly. Floridians are dying at alarming rates, but Trump claims the virus is going away there, and apparently yous believe him.
Trump still hasn’t ordered masks. Deaths continue to rise in the USEh. Unemployment is still in double digits.
And on and on.
Yous don’t work for me. But Trump works for yous right? Looking past his lies is one thing, but you actually believe them, eh? Such a phenomenon.
The Chumpsters on here are extremists. They spew all kinds of shit with nothing to back it up. They get their "News" off YouTube !
And their primary source is whatever comes out of Draft Dodgin' Donnie's mouth.
Does DPST stand for Deep State ?
If so what is the Deep State ?
Fisherman....DPST is some cutesy little acronym that Chicken Little made up during one of his paranoiac "Marxist" episodes. I never put forth the effort to remember WTF it translates to.
I think someone on here told me the acronym stands for Democratic Political Socialist Totalitarian. I had no fucking clue myself until I asked and someone was kind enough to tell me in this forum. I knew what the "D" and "P" stood for, but I had no idea what the "S" and "T" stood for so I was just curious.
I think someone on here told me the acronym stands for Democratic Political Socialist Totalitarian. I had no fucking clue myself until I asked and someone was kind enough to tell me in this forum. I knew what the "D" and "P" stood for, but I had no idea what the "S" and "T" stood for so I was just curious.
you almost got it. lol! change out political with progressive.
Damn you, Dilbert; I didn't want to name you as the one who told me but I thought you said the "P" stood for "Political". LOL
I guess I still don't know. oeb said I was correct. Maybe it changes. Fuck if I know. Thanks for the "S" and "T" clarification though.
oeb is a little out there with his views but he seems like a good enough dude. I just don't understand some of his posts on occasion, but big deal. He can think how he wants to think. Whether I agree with his posts is completely irrelevant. I just know he seems to hate everything he perceives as liberal. That's his call and his right to do so.