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Old 08-06-2020, 11:42 PM   #121
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Two parties fir President and VP were a disaster when we had it before 1804. Adams‘ and Jefferson's friendship never really recovered. And Adams term, despite the fact that he was a very able man, was a failure.
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Old 08-07-2020, 12:18 AM   #122
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Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
could the Bradley (a.k.a. Wilder) effect play out in 2020?


Biden has an 8 point (give or take) lead now, and has, according to "well-placed sources" narrowed his choice to either Rice or Harris. we will know by next week, with some 80 days left until the election.

could the polls be off by, say, 2-3 pct., based on the Bradley/Wilder effect? too soon to know, perhaps.. but if Biden's lead widens to, say, 10% by Mid-August, shortly after his VP pick?

I don't know, but I haven't heard any "pundit" offer an opinion that a particular choice of Biden's would increase his lead. quite the opposite, I'm hearing Biden hopes to choose someone who won't draw votes away.
I like Harris over Rice. The republicans will hammer Rice for Benghazi 24/7 until election day. Plus, Rice has never run for political office. Biden has 5 point leads in Mich and Penn. If he flips one other swing state he will get to 270 electoral college votes.
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Old 08-07-2020, 12:34 AM   #123
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Originally Posted by Precious_b View Post
Because you said I was being patently dishonest.
That's because you are. You're calling Trump guilty of being crooked and you're demanding that he releases his financials in order to prove his innocence and despite that, you refuse to hold Biden to the same standard. You're being intellectually dishonest and I called you out on it.

I was just reminding you that it can go either way in other countries judicial principals.
This is a non-sequitur. Why the fuck would I care what happens in other countries?

Here it is innocent. I care neither way.
Um, you should care about being innocent until proven guilty.

The truth holds the burden in the end.
And you have presented absolutely none.

As for Biden, BRING THE CHARGES TO COURT LIKE THEY SHOULD HAVE DONE YEARS AGO. "Any move now and it will be like you whine for trump: a political hit.
You don't understand how the judicial system works, do you? You can't take the charges to court if you don't press charges. And you can't press charges on simple he-said-she-said. And this was brought to the attention during the primaries. She was actually more for Bernie.

I didn't get a chance to see the news today.
You can do the leg work to see what is happening in the courts involving trump this week. Don't kill the messenger of mainstream media if they are accurate on stating so. And on the subject of proving, you have nothing showing he is a gazzillionaire. Only a picture on tv.
No. YOU do the legwork. YOU'RE the one making the claim. YOU give me the information. You're asking someone to prove a case for you. That's not how discussions work. Fucking learn this, then get back to me.

I told you ima butthurt if someone ignores ethics to do a legal maneuver that exposes their moral bankruptcy. Why are you hung up on this? We've both stated our opinions on this. Add something new.
Because nobody is going to work based off YOUR ethics, dude. What the fuck makes you think your ethics is supposed to be the system in which everyone practices businesses and/or writes policies? You're a butthurt lefty who teaches others to be envious of the rich. You're actually really greedy when you think about.

What was his position when this happened?
I would say let the person above him do it. Keep his hands off it so no one can say he did something to it (i.e. dog ate it before we could show it.) I agree with you about the #metoo. So does Catherine Denuve and Kate Mulgrew. I entirely understand Mulgrew POV on it.
You'll have to look for that yourself.
This was way back in the 90's when he was a Senator. And Tara's mom even went on Larry King to bring this to the attention of the media. Granted, she didn't reveal his name, but I mean, it's not like you need a map to connect the dots.

Mika Brazinksi then asked Biden why he isn't releasing the seal to prove his innocent since the University of Delaware (I think) is the place where his Senate information was sealed. He said "Because it contains top secret information about my policies (WHICH IS A HUGE FUCKING FLAG BTW). She then asks if they could just look up Tara's information in that campaign and he just froze like a fucking deer in headlights.
Only because there are two ways to do it.
USA it is innocent. Others have Guilt. In vino veritas
Why the fuck are you bringing up other countrie's judicial system? I don't care.

Not me. My work is not on the high end of price but I put my workmanship up against anybody: those that are cheaper on the bid and those in the big name companies.
Good for you? I guess?

But that's me. As for trump, he got illegals. Doesn't matter if his fault, *mainstream* will report it.
Of course he got illegals. I'd get illegals too, if I could churn a profit.

And bust a Union town? I'm not the only one who smells the stench of it.
Then you need to expose the stench, not wait for someone else to do it.

And you claim he is a billionaire. Mexican stand off. All doubt removed when those records more than likely become public. Patience.
So, to clarify. Every major publication says he's a billionaire.. but you doubt it because you haven't seen financials. Don't you think scrutiny would be placed on these publications to make the claim he was a billionaire before they published that type of information? I love you unbelievably stupid standard. "I know everyone says Trump is a billionaire, but I don't believe it, so THEY have to prove to ME, why he isn't!"

That is the height of laziness.

We already stated our positions on mainstream media. They are different. Truth be told, I threw Al-Jazeera out there to get your goat. Task completed
No, the only thing accomplished was you came off looking for straws to grasp. And it's been shown. But that task was completed the moment you thought OAN was mainstream. Pathetic.
Show the source of that 1.2billion ain't connected to leveraging.
Uhm, no? You're the one claiming it was from leveraging. YOU present the proof. You can't say "he's guilty until you prove to me he's innocent." And saying "Well they do that in other countries!" is a stupid, stupid excuse.

That's going of the mainstream. Again, our definitions are different. Add something new or just drop it.
You presented a literal quote that debunked your own definition of mainstream, dude.

Of course. We gotta have some entertainment.
It's not entertainment. It's manipulation. And I think America deserves better. Look at the Floyd incident. After the body cam footage was released, the game changed. Why hadn't the media releaed it? Because they want to manipulate us.

None. Well, I do see some of the Bee. Don't mind her at all. I like Olivers back ground. Kinda sad. But his accent reminds me of being in England again.
If I gave you the script for all of these shows, there is no way you would ever tell the difference between which script belongs to whom. (unless you count for accent)

Have kept track of what derogatory statment specifics he used. [URL="https://time.com/4885584/donald-trump-mexico-wall-transcript-call/" Only that he begged the Mexican President to give lip servce involving the Wall which Enrique Peña Nieto spit on him with his response.[/URL][/COLOR]
Have you? Because he didn't call Mexicans rapists. And so what if he told the Mexican pres to give him some street cred? Who cares?

Joking dude. Cool down.
Saying "I was just joking, dude" after you lose an argument really doesn't make you look any less dumb.

I put that in there to try and see if there was an angle to mainsteam that you were not getting across to me. For the lack of better words, a linguistic thing.

Well, wahtever the reason, it completely destroyed your own argument of OAN being mainstream. Good job at self ownage.

Correct. At this point in time. Things can go either way in a heart beat. That is all up to how the captain of the ship sets the course. He hasn't been doing good at that.
Trump's entire take on the economy has been more laissez faire, which allows businesses to do what they need. And it worked.

And you're right. Things can go bad in a heartbeat. Like an overblown pandemic. You can't blame Trump for a bad economy when the STATES are the one shutting businesses down.

We are in agreement with the lack of leadership he is currently having.
He's been a good leader. Better than most, even. But he needs to stop listening to the wrong people and listen to the people that vote for him. Fuckers like Fauci and Brooke have no skin in the game like we, the tax payers, do.

Don't go making me look for another link that shows it was scraped. It's out there easy enough for you to find. I'm saying the plans they drafted for a worse case scenario are being ignored/not used/scrapped/whatever. Now, if it is specifcally a $$$ matter, I do not know the specifics of that.
The worst case scenario DID happen though. The economy shut down. We spent trillions in a few months. Almost every major economic gain is gone (but its coming back kinda). People lost their jobs. Unemployment is up. Tell me what Obama would have done to remedy this. Throw more money at the problem?

His *help* has a political bias. And a self serving lean for his supporters. As for Chicago, they are already a special kind of fucked up situation for quite awhile.

If you're drowning, would you or wouldn't you accept help from anyone? That's a stupid reason not to accept health.
Oh, they've asked. And he dished it out like a political fiefdom to those that kissed the ring.
And stop with ignoring of help being given to those that kiss his ass. You throw that shit out when you have a serious problem.
Dude, he helped California and NY, the two biggest states that won't ever vote for him anyway. That's a far cry from asking them to kiss the ring. Hell, Cuomo is still blaming Trump AFTER he received help and despite the fact that he was the one who sent old folks with covid to die in nursing homes.

I've supplied alot more links than you.
You will give lip service that it comes from those whiny liberals or something. But the cases in judical deversion (sp) are real and are referenced there.
*YOU* can look for the specific docket numbers.
You make a claim. You prove it. Don't ask me to do work for you because you're lazy.
I understand. Over a hundred bills have passed one house. Guess where they are now? Collecting dust in Mitchs office. He it the real bastard on the Hill in my book. I'd have him out before trump.
Lol. Pelosi, Schumer, Chuck, Ryan and all of the others are laughing their asses off while they "fight" meanwhile, we all are suffering. Fuck congress.

You think someone from the republican party is going to go on record and state that about race?
I'll give you that if you need that burden. I just look at the actions beside the policies.
What actions make you think the GOP hated Obama bc of race?

If he wasn't supported, his name wouldn't be on the ticket. Like the Alamo or chess, a win is a win. Doesn't matter the number of people or pieces on the board.
No. His name was on the ticket because the PEOPLE wanted it there. The 2016 election was a huge referendum against the dumbass GOP. That's why McCain, Bush, Ryan and Romney hate Trump so much.

I have voted for most every party. I've yet to do Libertarian. You put a tag on me. The one I wear is that I vote for who I think is best at the time.
I would REALLY love to have two different parties for President and Vice President.
Lol, it's always going to be a two party system. That is never going to change. Sadly. Believe it or not, Trump is actually far more moderate than typical Republicans and he actually is more of a classical liberal/Democrat.
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Old 08-07-2020, 02:53 PM   #124
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I do not quiet understand how and why Biden missed Tulsi Gabbard as possible VP pick. It seems like he is suffering from dementia. She has very strong credential, smart, beautiful, and excellent communication skills as debator. Many Americans would have vote for Biden just to watch this beautiful woman alongside.

Kamala Harris is a very strong debator, but Biden should refrain from picking her as VP due to bad exchanges between two during first presidential debate.

That leaves Biden to choose Susan Rice.

Trump has been great president except he is an asshole, arrogant, unkind, unethical, immoral, racist, untrustworthy, not a good listener, and has a habit of throwing people under the bus.
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Old 08-07-2020, 04:38 PM   #125
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Biden's record is the Racist Record - but DPST's have only denial and deflection in their TDS.
Every word of poster's description of Trump applies even more to Biden
Plus - senility!
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Old 08-07-2020, 06:13 PM   #126
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Originally Posted by Lookin4u View Post
Kamala Harris is a very strong debator
What are you talking about? Kamala Harris is an awful debater. Tulsi verbally tore Kamala's pussy and ass apart.

Trump has been great president except he is an asshole, arrogant, unkind, unethical, immoral, racist, untrustworthy, not a good listener, and has a habit of throwing people under the bus.
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Old 08-07-2020, 09:31 PM   #127
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Originally Posted by TexTushHog View Post
Actually the polls weren’t wring last cycle. They were exceedingly accurate. Most national polls measure likely voters in proportions that mirror the popular vote. Trump out performed polling by at most 1 to 2 points. Action wide and the polls accurately predicted Hillary being substantially ahead (she had 3,000,000 ,ore votes than Trump). Sample sizes were smaller in State polls, but they were very close, too. Off an average of 2-3 points.

Final polling showed Hillary had a 70% chance of winning. Round ito 2/3. So if you rolled a die and it fines up 1-4, HRC wins; 5 or a 6, Trump wins. No one should have been surprised by either result.




Hillary winning the popular vote by 3 million is a red herring. She won 4 million more votes in california. without california she gets drubbed even worse in the popular vote and electorial. btw this scenario is the exact reason the electorial college exist. it worked as planned
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Old 08-08-2020, 08:43 AM   #128
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Wasn't uncle joey gonna pick like 2/3 weeks ago , the LSM is again ignoring the demented one his still looking for his pudden
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Old 08-08-2020, 11:27 AM   #129
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Originally Posted by rexdutchman View Post
Wasn't uncle joey gonna pick like 2/3 weeks ago , the LSM is again ignoring the demented one his still looking for his pudden
No, Man, he say early August. The Fox people say this morning Biden say he chose his girl, just waiting to announce who she is
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Old 08-09-2020, 12:45 AM   #130
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Originally Posted by Purlie Victorious View Post
No, Man, he say early August. The Fox people say this morning Biden say he chose his girl, just waiting to announce who she is
Considering that Gov Whitmer had a secret meeting with Joe last Saturday, I think it is one of these three.

1. Harris

2. Rice

3. Gov Whitmer
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Old 08-09-2020, 11:55 PM   #131
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I've been thinking Whitmer might be the choice, the past day or two.. I feel like Biden likes her a lot. but that would piss off a lot of blacks, who might withhold strong support, after they feel a Black Woman was almost a guaranteed pick.

I still think Rice is Biden's smart choice.
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Old 08-10-2020, 08:29 AM   #132
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Biden decides who is black or not.

if he chooses Whitmer - she can be black if he thinks so.
rice is involved with her many contra- DPST investments - much like Communist Benie and his three houses and millions in the bank.

a closet capitalist - like all the DPST nomenklatura!

CT - i know you are a voluntary sabbatical - but u are missed!
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Old 08-10-2020, 08:41 AM   #133
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riciesy she know where the odumboos bodies are buried ,PS NOW joey s saying august 23 , so late july early august now latter august ( I want my pudding)
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Old 08-10-2020, 08:42 AM   #134
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Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
I've been thinking Whitmer might be the choice, the past day or two.. I feel like Biden likes her a lot. but that would piss off a lot of blacks, who might withhold strong support, after they feel a Black Woman was almost a guaranteed pick.

I still think Rice is Biden's smart choice.
If Biden was really smart, he'd pick a dude who actually doesn't suck as his VP, then make him identify as a woman.

Not a total shit candidate (by Democrat standards)? check.
"Woman"? check.
Crosses off the LGBT requirement? check.

Hell, make it a white guy who identifies as a black man and cross off the black box as well!
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Old 08-10-2020, 01:29 PM   #135
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Originally Posted by Aoi View Post
If Biden was really smart, he'd pick a dude who actually doesn't suck as his VP, then make him identify as a woman.
there is more than one person I can think of, who believes Michelle Obama is that Candidate!

Originally Posted by oeb11 View Post
Biden decides who is black or not.

if he chooses Whitmer - she can be black if he thinks so.

CT - i know you are a voluntary sabbatical - but u are missed!
I think Whitmer is the "blackest" of the white candidates, in that she would be the best received of the possible white choices. but I think the "let down" factor is too great to go with a non-black female. Biden put himself in a box, promising a woman, then allowing the "black woman" frenzy to spiral.

thanks for the kind words. it is sort of voluntary, but it's not, LOL.. when I get 18 points for basic bullshit, the decision is not exactly mine.
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