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Old 07-21-2020, 03:36 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by 1blackman1 View Post
Arguing at length as to why someone’s argument is stupid only serves to legitimize the stupid argument in the first place. So why go back snd forth. I’ll say this though. Since we would be starting from far different facts and points of view scribbling some lines on ECCIE would be insufficient.

And yet, here you are arguing in your opinion, stupid things. Does that say anything about you?

If you believe that BLM wants the US torn apart and whites hung and no police at all, you’re clearly getting your understanding from the likes of Breitbart Hanity Watters or even worse OANN.

Or right out of the mouths and writings of BLM leaders and supports like this who get published in the New York Times.

“Don’t get me wrong,” writes police abolitionist Mariame Kaba in the New York Times. “We are not abandoning our communities to violence. We don’t want to just close police departments. We want to make them obsolete.”
“We should redirect the billions that now go to police departments toward providing health care, housing, education and good jobs,” Kaba continues. “If we did this, there would be less need for the police in the first place.”

So if gang bangers just had better health care, better education and a $15 an hour job, they would give up killing each other and anybody in the vicinity of a gun battle over who gets a particular street corner? Not buying it. Gangs will exist and they will kill till they are stopped not offered better economic opportunities by going to a 9 to 5 job. You know that and I know that and social workers will not, can not stop gang bangers.

Or you’re scouring the internet for some manifesto that no one marching for equity and equality has ever read and believing that forms some kinda guiding principle. The 10s of Thousands marching for Black Lives want this country to treat Blacks with fairness, equality and respect which sadly it doesn’t, in practice even if the laws claim that it should. If you believe otherwise nothing I say will make you understand so there’s no point wasting time trying to open your eyes.

My eyes see burning and looting but perhaps if your watching MSNBC, you don't see it. All you hear is "peaceful protesters". You're right, nothing you can say can change what I see. Yes, there are thousands of peaceful people marching but to ignore the ones who are not peacefully protesting but committing violence for the sake of violence and that is what the Left is doing, is wrong. They want people to ignore "those people" as if they don't exist and to criticize "those people" is to criticize all protesters, which is wrong.

Antifa isn’t an organization. No matter how much Barr, Trump or Cruz try to create a boogeyman, it ain’t real. Do some guys show up to engage Whites with their nazi and confederate flags yep, they do. But they are not a terrorist organization in any way or form.

What's the definition of an organization? Here's one.

How would you define an organization?

An organization is a group of people who work together, like a neighborhood association, a charity, a union, or a corporation.

An organization can be defined as a group of people who organize. Some people not only show up but travel to places because the organizers, whether designed or take it upon themselves, tell them to. Are they led by one person? No. Do they have one bank account, probably not but they have funds available like any organization where people who believe in their "mission" contribute money.

Here's another.

is a group of people who work together. Organizations exist because people working together can achieve more than a person working alone.

By those definitions, Antifa, is an organization.

Hell the KKK and other right wing organizations go around public spewing hate in the name of White Rights and White Power but no one has any issue with them.

Really? No one has any issue with them? Now that's a dumb thing to say. I have a big problem with them and any criminal act like vandalizing a building, burning a building, attacking innocent people like the photographer in Seattle, that Antifa did. Doesn't matter what you call yourself, if you break the law by destruction of property or violence against a person, you should be punished. It's called arson and assault, both illegal and punishable by jail time. Both Antifa and the KKK have done both. The only difference I see is that the KKK has a longer and admittedly more brutal history but that doesn't let Antifa off the hook for their actions.

In fact, a few years ago didn’t they march in Charlottesville chanting about white power and not being replaced by Jews. Didn’t one of them run over people on a street. That’s actual violence aimed at our citizens.

And what happened to that guy? Did nobody care and he went free?


Charlottesville driver Alex Fields Jr found guilty of murder

Kind of puts to rest your argument that nobody cares, huh?

Even Steve Scalise spoke to their organization a few years back and took their money.

Let's check with PolitiFact


Readers first tipped us off to Scalise’s alleged involvement with the Duke group on Dec. 29, 2014, hours after a Louisiana blogger first broke the story. Later, Scalise, a Louisiana Republican and House majority whip, admitted, to a degree, that he spoke at the rally, though he also said he doesn’t remember doing so and denounced the group. An organizer for the event now says Scalise didn’t even attend. So far, we’ve found no videos or photographs from the event.

You can read the rest of the report but to this day, there is no evidence that Scalise "knowingly" attended and spoke to a hate group. What did he say at this "meeting" that was so receptive to the group?

Scalise, then a state representative, "discussed ways to oversee gross mismanagement of tax revenue or ‘slush funds’ that have little or no accountability. Representative Scalise brought into sharp focus the dire circumstances pervasive in many important, under-funded needs of the community at the expense of graft within the Housing and Urban Development Fund, an apparent give-away to selective group based on race." That was the only mention of Scalise on the thread

Not exactly a "let's kill Black's, Jews and homosexuals, huh? Can anybody find anything outside this one event where Scalise said anything along the lines of a typical KKK supporter? Not to my knowledge. Much ado about nothing unless of course one chooses to make something out of nothing.

When the govt says those are domestic terror groups then Antifa can be equally grouped in with them.

I agree if either or is, then both are

As for this vast anarchy gripping the country. I don’t see any where I live. Don’t see any where my parents are. Or my friends. Bet there’s none where you are either. So the country is pretty damn safe as far as I can see. Now if Fox Breitbart and OANN have you believing that anarchists are on the next street over from you just about to overrun the govt you’re more gullible than I presumed.

So if it isn't on your street, where your parents live or your friends live, it doesn't exist and is of no importance. An interesting perspective and you are perhaps gullible in you disbelieve..
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Old 07-21-2020, 04:32 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by 1blackman1 View Post
I can’t believe you took the time to write or copy/paste this. It’s one of the dumbest things I’ve read this weak. Dumbest thing I’ve read today for sure.

New member added to the Idiot Crew though I guess you’ve always been a member but have been a little less vocal in the idiocy.

It amazes me that some of the Idiots, like Wacky, Oeb,Turd, Lev and others have absolutely nothing better to do but spout lines upon lines of ignorance, stupidity and idiocy. The ramblings are somewhat entertaining so keep up the good work.

you voted for this idiot just because he's black. you voted for a racist. does that make you racist? or just gullible?

or both?
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Old 07-21-2020, 04:51 PM   #18
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No mention of the Bugaloos or right wing violence like the Man's Rights dude that tried to kill a Federal Judge just the other day?

IMO, we Americans are all being played by our foreign adversaries, ironically using mostly US generated technologies like FB, Twitter, et al to amplify extremists on both ends of the political spectrum and make it easy for them to connect and organize. Very low risk or cost for the Russians and Chinese and Iranians. Getting Americans at each other's throats is the only real way to weaken us... and it seems to be working at the moment.

With the polls looking bad for the right wing, lots of fear mongering and scare tactics are now being deployed. The country will continue to operate if Biden is elected (or not), it will continue whether the Rs or Ds run the Senate. Lefties had to suck it up and deal with Trump in charge. Those on the Right need to accept the possibility that the majority do not want to continue with him in charge. Just like with COVID, take a deep breath, exercise some patience, don't rely on single sources of "truth" and just realize that the hard core lefties and hard core righties kinda need each other to create the antipathy required to stay energized. And the hard core on either side is NOT a majority... not even close.

For full disclosure I am a slightly right of center, and a Gold Star son (dad was a Naval aviator killed over Vietnam when I was 9) who loves his country and looks for authentic politicians of all stripes that are interested in solving our nation's problems even if I don't agree with all of their policies.
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Old 07-21-2020, 05:03 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Grace Preston View Post
But keep your hands off my OBGYN

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Old 07-21-2020, 05:04 PM   #20
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As I said. I won’t go back and forth with you and this ends it here for me. You believe what you want and I’ll do the same. Neither of us, likely smart individuals will change our minds because someone on this forum types something.

This goes back to the OP’s belief which I think is pretty dumb that the world is coming to an end and that our republic is in the grips of anarchy to be wiped from history if the Democratic Party takes over government. That it’ll be an existential crisis from which the USA cannot survive. All because BLM wants respect and equality and there happens to be some very limited anarchists running around which I’m pretty sure most people would agree aren’t part of the BLM movement. Nonetheless you can only make your point by lumping them together. No one has asserted that there’s 10s of thousands of anarchists attacking people and property yet in order to make BLM into the boogeymen and women the arnarchists and rioters have to lumped with them regardless of whether they are in fact one.

If you want to start going after and rounding up whites rghters and the members of the Klan and Klan adjacent, I’m with ya. That’ll make a great start. Let’s declare them domestic terrorists and start hunting them down across the nation. Because they have actually hurt people or emboldened others to hurt people, which sure you don’t abide. As soon as that starts I’ll be glad to have a discussion about Antifa and anything you claim is left wing or anarchists. As usual you only point out leftist groups but you’ve not said any right wingers are just as dangerous. Hence,you are being disingenuous misleading and dishonest l, which makes you no better than the people you’re getting yourself news and information from such as Hannity Bannon Watters and whomever else y’all listen to and read these days all of which we know are driven by an agenda and the politics of hate.

Does it really matter that Scalise didn’t beat the drum of racism at the rascists meeting. Isn’t it enough that they felt he was one of them and that he didn’t decide maybe those aren’t the folks I should be looking from support from. Let’s be real, if you go and speak at a Klan rally you can’t thereafter claim that you’re not a Klansman.

To your points. We can agree that Gangs fighting drug wars need to be stopped. And no, it won’t all go away if good jobs were offered because for some, easy fast money is better than a 9-5. Shit, we are posting on a whore board. The women here choose everyday a quick $300/hour over $15. But none of that has anything at all to do with BLM, Antifa or anything else previously brought up by the original poster. Nonetheless, As usual you go off on tangents to make points that have nothing to do with the discussion except to create a distraction which you believe somehow proves your point, which it doesn’t. No one is supporting gang warfare or drug dealing (which is the basis for a vast majority of crime in the urban areas). Nothing in any BLM protest says “more drug dealing street warfare”. I guess you’re somehow conflating a desire for reducing police harassment snd abuse witha desire for police to actually fight crime. We should be able to agree that those are not mutually exclusive goals. Now If you have a sensible solution to that like actually stopping drugs from entering the country (no one in the hood grows poppy or cocoa) or taking the war on drugs to the countries where it’s produced, we can talk.

Now have at it. I’ll be entertained I’m sure by your response and likely the responses to many of the threads on here to which some will be stunningly stupid or dumb or idiotic. I await them all, truly entertaining reads even if for their ridiculousness.
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Old 07-21-2020, 05:05 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
Spelling week, as “weak”, is pretty fucking stupid.
So is supporting Trump.
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Old 07-21-2020, 05:06 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Lapdog View Post
So is supporting Trump.
Not even close gonad Lapper.
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Old 07-21-2020, 06:01 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by 1blackman1 View Post
As I said. I won’t go back and forth with you and this ends it here for me. You believe what you want and I’ll do the same. Neither of us, likely smart individuals will change our minds because someone on this forum types something.

This goes back to the OP’s belief which I think is pretty dumb that the world is coming to an end and that our republic is in the grips of anarchy to be wiped from history if the Democratic Party takes over government. That it’ll be an existential crisis from which the USA cannot survive. All because BLM wants respect and equality and there happens to be some very limited anarchists running around which I’m pretty sure most people would agree aren’t part of the BLM movement. Nonetheless you can only make your point by lumping them together. No one has asserted that there’s 10s of thousands of anarchists attacking people and property yet in order to make BLM into the boogeymen and women the arnarchists and rioters have to lumped with them regardless of whether they are in fact one.

blacks will get respect when they stop blaming whitey for their racist slavery past. yes their slavery past, not whites. every one of these so-called "racist killings" by cops has one common denominator ..

it always starts with a suspected criminal resisting arrest. you can deny that all you want but it's a fact. and the same thing happens to whites who resist arrest. you just don't see white people getting all uppity and obstreperous about it.

notice i haven't said anything about equality.

If you want to start going after and rounding up whites rghters and the members of the Klan and Klan adjacent, I’m with ya. That’ll make a great start. Let’s declare them domestic terrorists and start hunting them down across the nation. Because they have actually hurt people or emboldened others to hurt people, which sure you don’t abide. As soon as that starts I’ll be glad to have a discussion about Antifa and anything you claim is left wing or anarchists. As usual you only point out leftist groups but you’ve not said any right wingers are just as dangerous. Hence,you are being disingenuous misleading and dishonest l, which makes you no better than the people you’re getting yourself news and information from such as Hannity Bannon Watters and whomever else y’all listen to and read these days all of which we know are driven by an agenda and the politics of hate.

the Klan isn't an issue. you don't see them burning down Seattle. that's ANTIFA. so who is the real problem right now? the Klan or ANTIFA?

Does it really matter that Scalise didn’t beat the drum of racism at the rascists meeting. Isn’t it enough that they felt he was one of them and that he didn’t decide maybe those aren’t the folks I should be looking from support from. Let’s be real, if you go and speak at a Klan rally you can’t thereafter claim that you’re not a Klansman.

seems even the left (far) leaning politifact doesn't claim just because Scalise spoke to some part of this group BEFORE the actual event means Scaliseis a klansmen or supports the klan.


"Knight said Scalise would not have known the event was held by Duke, whose name is prominent, especially in Louisiana, and would have signaled red flags."

"I’ve known David for 40 years, so I did him a favor," Knight told the Post. "As part of that, I decided to ask Steve, our local representative, to come by and say a few words before the conference started. He agreed, believing it was going to be neighbors, friends, and family. He saw me not as David Duke’s guy, but as the president of our civic association."

To your points. We can agree that Gangs fighting drug wars need to be stopped. And no, it won’t all go away if good jobs were offered because for some, easy fast money is better than a 9-5. Shit, we are posting on a whore board. The women here choose everyday a quick $300/hour over $15. But none of that has anything at all to do with BLM, Antifa or anything else previously brought up by the original poster. Nonetheless, As usual you go off on tangents to make points that have nothing to do with the discussion except to create a distraction which you believe somehow proves your point, which it doesn’t. No one is supporting gang warfare or drug dealing (which is the basis for a vast majority of crime in the urban areas). Nothing in any BLM protest says “more drug dealing street warfare”. I guess you’re somehow conflating a desire for reducing police harassment snd abuse witha desire for police to actually fight crime. We should be able to agree that those are not mutually exclusive goals. Now If you have a sensible solution to that like actually stopping drugs from entering the country (no one in the hood grows poppy or cocoa) or taking the war on drugs to the countries where it’s produced, we can talk.

what a long winded "whitewash" of BLM. whether you know it or will admit it .. BLM DOES WANT TO ELIMINATE the police forces in this country.

do you support that?

Now have at it. I’ll be entertained I’m sure by your response and likely the responses to many of the threads on here to which some will be stunningly stupid or dumb or idiotic. I await them all, truly entertaining reads even if for their ridiculousness.

the forum awaits your reply.
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Old 07-21-2020, 07:17 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
the forum awaits your reply.
Doubtful Wacky, but hey why not waste some more of my time.

I won’t even entertain your ignorance or stupidity on slavery or fascism because, well everything you say in that respect reaches bounds of ignorance and stupidity it can’t be argued. I guess I’m just not dumb or stupid enough to find a way to get to your level.

No one, BLM or otherwise advocates eliminating the police. No matter how many times you say it doesn’t make it true. In case you weren’t aware, there are black police too. And black police chiefs. Black people actually have relationships with the police which could be better and should be better. What is wanted is for the police to stop killing people, primarily unarmed people, mostly disproportionate numbers of unarmed black people. That’s actually a pretty reasonable request I think.

You always fall back to the same faulty argument that resisting is what result in the death. Here’s a real simple fact, the punishment for resisting arrest is not death in any of the 50 states, so if the police kill people for resisting, particularly those that are unarmed, they need to really revisit how they police. Of course agreeing with me here would mean you can blame blacks so you’ll twist you’re elf into a pretzel to disagree.

Sadly in this country we accept something that no other civilized country accepts. Police killing citizens that aren’t shooting at or trying to stab them. Our police kill people for resisting arrest for selling loose cigarettes, DUIs, traffic violations, selling bootleg DVDs, wearing a mask because they have anemia, and any other number of nonviolent crimes. Are our police just worst than everyone else’s. Or maybe they are put in situations where police shouldn’t be. Maybe their approach to policing needs to be rethought. Better training. Better policing. Wow, there it is. Fix the policing and maybe police harassment and killings of unarmed people (disproportionately black) might come to an end or be vastly reduced.
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Old 07-21-2020, 07:23 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by EagleEye View Post
No mention of the Bugaloos or right wing violence like the Man's Rights dude that tried to kill a Federal Judge just the other day?

IMO, we Americans are all being played by our foreign adversaries, ironically using mostly US generated technologies like FB, Twitter, et al to amplify extremists on both ends of the political spectrum and make it easy for them to connect and organize. Very low risk or cost for the Russians and Chinese and Iranians. Getting Americans at each other's throats is the only real way to weaken us... and it seems to be working at the moment.

With the polls looking bad for the right wing, lots of fear mongering and scare tactics are now being deployed. The country will continue to operate if Biden is elected (or not), it will continue whether the Rs or Ds run the Senate. Lefties had to suck it up and deal with Trump in charge. Those on the Right need to accept the possibility that the majority do not want to continue with him in charge. Just like with COVID, take a deep breath, exercise some patience, don't rely on single sources of "truth" and just realize that the hard core lefties and hard core righties kinda need each other to create the antipathy required to stay energized. And the hard core on either side is NOT a majority... not even close.

For full disclosure I am a slightly right of center, and a Gold Star son (dad was a Naval aviator killed over Vietnam when I was 9) who loves his country and looks for authentic politicians of all stripes that are interested in solving our nation's problems even if I don't agree with all of their policies.

My condolences on the lose of your father at such a young age.

I'd say that last line is an impossible task and we may never again see such a leader if we ever really ever had one. I think our system is such that it is almost impossible to destroy it with all the checks and balances we have. How brilliant were our racist Founding Fathers.

I don't have to agree with all of anybodies policies but I have to agree with some and for the life of me, I can't think of a single, not one policy being proposed by the Democrats.
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Old 07-21-2020, 07:38 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by HedonistForever View Post

I'd say that last line is an impossible task and we may never again see such a leader if we ever really ever had one.

Part of that really lives in a horrible truth-- it is damn near impossible for a truly good man... to be a good President. Carter is a perfect example of this. He is truly a great man-- but was an absolutely lousy President. Something about being a natural humanitarian just runs counter to the skill sets needed to be an effective leader of the free world.
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Old 07-21-2020, 08:36 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by 1blackman1 View Post
As I said. I won’t go back and forth with you and this ends it here for me.

I'm curious. What is the point of being here if you won't go "back and forth" with me? That's my whole point of being here, to challenge and be challenged. You sound like some others who get upset when they are challenged instead of digging in and prove WITH FACTS why the other person is mistaken. I think I can be convinced if I am proven wrong, I just haven't seen anybody do it yet.

You believe what you want and I’ll do the same. Neither of us, likely smart individuals will change our minds because someone on this forum types something.

Then again, why are you here? You say you find this entertaining but it sure doesn't sound like it. It sounds like all this makes you hopping mad unless getting mad is entertaining which I would put right up there with being whipped or pissed on as erotic.

This goes back to the OP’s belief which I think is pretty dumb that the world is coming to an end and that our republic is in the grips of anarchy to be wiped from history if the Democratic Party takes over government.

To deny that major US cities are gripped in anarchy is a stunning admission to me. Portland alone has had 51 straight nights of violence, not protests with people chanting holding signs but violence but you are right, if you don't live in Portland, it isn't in your neighborhood.

That it’ll be an existential crisis from which the USA cannot survive.

Some have said that but I don't believe that at all. I think in a couple of years, 2 to be exact, we will get a good dose of what this new Democrat party is all about as as we did with Obama, who was down right Conservative compared to this group. I had a friend who use to tell me that all the time and I called him crazy. Maybe he could see the future. Whether it takes 2 or 4, Republicans will be back.

All because BLM wants respect and equality and there happens to be some very limited anarchists running around which I’m pretty sure most people would agree aren’t part of the BLM movement.

Doesn't really matter whether they are part of BLM although I believe a good many are. The point is, Democrats will not speak against these anarchists no matter who they are affiliated with or have no affiliation. That's the problem. Democrats will not speak out against the violence, period.

Nonetheless you can only make your point by lumping them together.

I think I have separated them every time I have ever spoken on these subject. I even said in one of my last posts that there are tens of thousands of peaceful protesters but the violent ones can not be ignored and continue to say "mostly peaceful". If buildings are being burned and people hurt every single evening, that is the story, not the peaceful demonstrators.

No one has asserted that there’s 10s of thousands of anarchists attacking people and property yet in order to make BLM into the boogeymen and women the arnarchists and rioters have to lumped with them regardless of whether they are in fact one.

You have completely mis-understood what I have said and have lumped me in ( like you are complaining of others doing ) with those that have because you won't take the time to answer me as an individual. You hear me say something you don't like and assume I'm saying the same thing everybody else is like this will be the end of America when I distinctly said it will not.

If you want to start going after and rounding up whites rghters and the members of the Klan and Klan adjacent, I’m with ya.

I want to round up those actually committing crimes. I do not want to go into a Klan or an Antifa meeting and arrest people. Right now, it is not the Klan burning and looting. Sorry, it just isn't. When the Klan did commit a criminal act, the guy was arrested and convicted of murder. Should we have arrested everybody he went to the protest with? Sorry, I'm not for doing that. If you commit a criminal act, I want you arrested and I don't care who you are affiliated with. To say you won't support arresting an Antifa member who throws a Molotov cocktail unless a Klan member sitting at home is arrested is absurd.

That’ll make a great start.

If they have both committed a crime, yes. It is not a crime to be a member of the Klan or Antifa.

Let’s declare them domestic terrorists and start hunting them down across the nation.

And go back to the days when all Black people were "labeled" as one thing even if not all were an actual criminal? Surely you can see the folly in arresting somebody for having an opinion. You only get arrested if you commit a criminal act. Say it with me, "you only get arrested..........

Because they have actually hurt people or emboldened others to hurt people, which sure you don’t abide.

I do not. I also don't abide arresting anybody for "solely" being a member of a group. Sometimes people are coerced into being in a group or gang that hasn't hurt anybody.

As soon as that starts I’ll be glad to have a discussion about Antifa and anything you claim is left wing or anarchists. As usual you only point out leftist groups but you’ve not said any right wingers are just as dangerous.

Sure I did, you just didn't bother to pay attention because you want to label me without treating me as an individual.

Hence,you are being disingenuous misleading and dishonest l, which makes you no better than the people you’re getting yourself news and information from such as Hannity Bannon Watters and whomever else y’all listen to and read these days all of which we know are driven by an agenda and the politics of hate.

I don't know any such thing. What I do know is that the left for 4 years has been driven by the politics of hate which I'm going to address as soon as I finish this post. For 4 years, the Left and MSM has driven a narrative of hate based on a lie, that the Trump campaign conspired with Russian Intelligence to interfere in the 2016 election. Check out my post called "Another note from Peter Strzok". I don't pay any attention to Bannon but Hannity and Watters have been right for 4 years and the New York Times and WaPo and MSNBC and CNN, have been wrong. That's as clear as day and will be made even more clear in a couple of months when the Durham report is out.

Does it really matter that Scalise didn’t beat the drum of racism at the rascists meeting. Isn’t it enough that they felt he was one of them and that he didn’t decide maybe those aren’t the folks I should be looking from support from. Let’s be real, if you go and speak at a Klan rally you can’t thereafter claim that you’re not a Klansman.

Sure you can if the guy who sets your calendar doesn't tell you whom it is you will be speaking to and the only way to confirm Scalise harbored White Supremacist feelings, would be to point to additional information other than one meeting he may or may not have attended. Did you even bother to read the article from Politifact? I'll bet you didn't because you can't be bothered with anything that doesn't fit the narrative you want to believe. If it can't be shown that Scalise supported what the Klan supported and I don't believe it can, then you have no prove that he was aligned with them. Just because a group supports and thinks you support them, doesn't mean you support the group.

To your points. We can agree that Gangs fighting drug wars need to be stopped. And no, it won’t all go away if good jobs were offered because for some, easy fast money is better than a 9-5.

And what did Barack Obama do to stop the gangs killing each other over drugs in Chicago

Shit, we are posting on a whore board.

That may be how you see it. I prefer not to use that pejorative towards women.

The women here choose everyday a quick $300/hour over $15.

Which has nothing at all to do with violence. I'm not against gambling or even using drugs. I'm against the violence associated with SOME selling of drugs. To me, if you want to sell drugs without a weapon, without resorting to violence to protect your income, be my guest. If women want to be compensated for their time, it isn't hurting a sole and has nothing to do with violence. Why you would even bring that up surprises me unless of course you are one of those men that hate women that do this but you can't help yourself from partaking.

But none of that has anything at all to do with BLM, Antifa or anything else previously brought up by the original poster.

So why bring it up? We are talking about violence not everything that is illegal.

Nonetheless, As usual you go off on tangents

This from the guy that just brought up escorts. Talk about going off on a tangent. Good grief!

to make points that have nothing to do with the discussion except to create a distraction which you believe somehow proves your point, which it doesn’t.

Which you just did bringing up escorts in a discussion of street violence.

No one is supporting gang warfare or drug dealing (which is the basis for a vast majority of crime in the urban areas). Nothing in any BLM protest says “more drug dealing street warfare”. I guess you’re somehow conflating a desire for reducing police harassment snd abuse witha desire for police to actually fight crime. We should be able to agree that those are not mutually exclusive goals. Now If you have a sensible solution to that like actually stopping drugs from entering the country (no one in the hood grows poppy or cocoa) or taking the war on drugs to the countries where it’s produced, we can talk.

Yes, I have a solution. If you are caught selling drugs with a weapon, you get life. You severely injure somebody with a weapon in the commission of a felony, you get the death penalty. That should put a dent in crime but that would mean incarceration and death penalty for too many minorities so violent crime will never be addressed in this country.

Now have at it. I’ll be entertained I’m sure by your response and likely the responses to many of the threads on here to which some will be stunningly stupid or dumb or idiotic. I await them all, truly entertaining reads even if for their ridiculousness.

I hope you were entertained.
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Old 07-21-2020, 08:38 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by 1blackman1 View Post
Doubtful Wacky, but hey why not waste some more of my time.

I won’t even entertain your ignorance or stupidity on slavery or fascism because, well everything you say in that respect reaches bounds of ignorance and stupidity it can’t be argued. I guess I’m just not dumb or stupid enough to find a way to get to your level.

you are in DA NILE sparky. watch the remake of "Roots" .. you know .. your story .. about how poor little (fictitious) Kunta Kinte became a slave. the truth is .. he was captured by another BLACK tribe and SOLD as a ... SLAVE. in some cases these black slaves were sold to other blacks.

most blacks who know the true history of the slave trade are ashamed of their own savage intra-racist acts and they should be.


No one, BLM or otherwise advocates eliminating the police. No matter how many times you say it doesn’t make it true. In case you weren’t aware, there are black police too. And black police chiefs. Black people actually have relationships with the police which could be better and should be better. What is wanted is for the police to stop killing people, primarily unarmed people, mostly disproportionate numbers of unarmed black people. That’s actually a pretty reasonable request I think.

what happens when you defund the police forces until there is no more funds to support police forces? you don't have police forces anymore. BLM wants to "defund" police .. so where does that stop?

you realize that even a small "defunding" reduces police and thus INCREASES crime, yes?

so haw far does this go before you have no police? do you really think they will stop before they have control of all funds previously used to fund police departments?

this actually makes sense for high crime areas like Detroit. BLM "thinks" that with no police then these "murders" as you call them will stop. and they will. guess what INCREASES exponentially without police? CRIME.

if you think the BLACK on BLACK murder rate in places like Detroit and Chicago is bad now, pull the police out and see what happens. in 3 months there won't be a black person alive in these towns and it won't be "evil white cops" that cause it.

it will be the BLACKS themselves.

how's that fact sit with ya?

You always fall back to the same faulty argument that resisting is what result in the death. Here’s a real simple fact, the punishment for resisting arrest is not death in any of the 50 states, so if the police kill people for resisting, particularly those that are unarmed, they need to really revisit how they police. Of course agreeing with me here would mean you can blame blacks so you’ll twist you’re elf into a pretzel to disagree.

faulty? lawless behavior that results in resisting arrest to the point where the suspected criminal is a threat to the general public and must to stopped by deadly force to protect others is faulty? interesting take but by an outright racist whitey hater like you i'm not surprised.

most states do allow the use of deadly force to subdue a dangerous suspect. you keep jabbering "unarmed". that dude in GA was unarmed .. until he tried to grab the officer's gun. Yes i said GUN. what he got was the officer's taser. he wanted the GUN not the taser. doesn't really matter as a taser in a deadly weapon in GA and many other states.

that guy became a felon and a DANGER to the community the moment he tried to grab that officer's weapon.

would you have felt "better" if the cops let that guy run off with a taser .. let alone a gun .. and then killed some innocent citizen to car jack their car so he could escape?

would you cheer if the victim was white? would you burn down a Micky D's if the victim was black?

Sadly in this country we accept something that no other civilized country accepts. Police killing citizens that aren’t shooting at or trying to stab them. Our police kill people for resisting arrest for selling loose cigarettes, DUIs, traffic violations, selling bootleg DVDs, wearing a mask because they have anemia, and any other number of nonviolent crimes. Are our police just worst than everyone else’s. Or maybe they are put in situations where police shouldn’t be. Maybe their approach to policing needs to be rethought. Better training. Better policing. Wow, there it is. Fix the policing and maybe police harassment and killings of unarmed people (disproportionately black) might come to an end or be vastly reduced.

if you think deadly force issues only exist in the US you are truly lost in stupidity, racism and "hate whitey" bullshit.

and if you think only blacks end up dying when police make an arrest, you'd be wrong.


'You're gonna kill me!': Dallas police body cam footage reveals the final minutes of Tony Timpa's life

Tony Timpa was white. the officers were white.

this guy was also white. shot by white officers because he would not surrender and was armed.

^^^^^ WHITE GUY! was ARMED, did not surrender. DEAD!

now the sorry story of little Devon Bailey ..

never heard of him have you? well let me help ya out here ..


oh my! that cop ASSASSINATED poor Devon!!!!!!

did he really? NO. he stopped an ARMED ROBBERY SUSPECT who RAN and was a threat to the community. Colorado law allows this. just like the WHITE DUDE who also would not submit to authorities.

this is will sting a bit .. even hurt .. but it's for your own personal growth ..

at the 10:00 mark the TRUTH is shown


your fellow racist ecky9.5k tried and FAILED to make any argument to justify little Devon the criminal. can yous do better?

oh and while you are at it justify the WHITE GUY too .. if you want to or can.

thank yous valued poster
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Old 07-21-2020, 09:13 PM   #29
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Firstly Wackey stick to what I actually said. I agree that police kill more than blacks. What I actually said is disproportionately blacks. I also said police shouldn’t be killing people for resisting arrest. You didn’t address any example I gave that could have not resulted in the death of the person. Instead you found some crazy example that you think buttresses your argument but it actually doesn’t. Use of deadly force shouldn’t occur when there’s multiple cops and one individual who is unarmed. Nevertheless it does. And like I said, in the civilized countries, police don’t have anything close to the number of police involved shootings or killings. Even less when the person is unarmed.

Reallocating funds from police departments don’t eliminate them just like cutting funds to any other department. Saying it just won’t make it true. Militarized police departments and police funding is a very recent phenomenon. Rethinking staffing, cutting desk jobs, having police live where they work, recruiting better cops, requiring more education, all could go long ways in creating better police forces. Reallocating resources would likely result in police forces being more efficient. It’s a false narrative to claim less money means they’ll be gone altogether.
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Old 07-21-2020, 09:33 PM   #30
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HF, as I noted previously I don’t get bothered upset or anything else from anything I’m this board. Why should I.

I don’t recall any posts by you, where you have said anything against right wing terrorists. A member of the Boogaloo just killed a police officer in 2 cities under the guise of being part of the protests. White supremacist organizations were shown to be part of the rioting and looting pretending to be part of the protests in order to make it appear BLM was doing so. I’ve heard nothing from you acknowledging their existence. I personally don’t think anyone should be rioting or looting or burning down Wendy’s. Those involved should be arrested and charged. I also disagree with police using crowd disbursement on peaceful protestors, but police have done so. You’ve not voiced any objection to that either. Those things show me that you’re disingenuous and your narrative is dishonest. Not lumping you in with anyone, that’s all you.

You stated that you believe a good many of the anarchists are BLM then you deny lumping anarchists in with peaceful protesters just 2 sentences apart. Really. Democrats speak out against the violence every time it’s brought up. Saying they don’t is simply untrue but if all you watch is Fox, you might miss it.

One thing we might agree on is that crimes committed with a gun in ones possession should result in very stiff penalties. Let’s not stop at drugs though, let’s go with all crimes and we might have something there.
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