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Old 07-20-2020, 01:18 PM   #31
friendly fred
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Originally Posted by Grace Preston View Post
Won't happen. Ivy League schools always give preference to legacy students.

Moreover-- even a "less qualified" student who gets into an Ivy League school... tends to have better credentials than a good % of students at any public university.
Getting into an Ivy League school is the entire challenge. Everyone who goes there graduates though most of the non legacy, non affirmative action admits are generally pretty sharp, to be sure.

I dated a black girl who graduated from Brown and she thought she was pretty smart but I read her master's thesis for Carnegie Mellon School of Business and had a good laugh. She based the whole thing on the Mission Statement of one of my businesses (back when that was a thing) and thought it was profound. I had made the thing up on the spot one day because a customer told me I needed one and I got my secretary to frame it.

One of my best friends went to Princeton though and he was a smart motherfucker. He never bragged about it to anyone though....
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Old 07-20-2020, 01:21 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by friendly fred View Post
It is hard to fathom how YOU can call ME a racist based upon your anti-Semitic posts.

Legacy admits are of course a continuing problem but the practice is falling out of vogue.


Your kids will probably be so fucking dumb the admissions office will laugh at their poorly presented application for admission.

Why do I say your kids will be dumb? Your own grammar and sentence construction is poor but also only a stupid woman could possibly fall for fat failure like you - hence the ill equipped retards she bore with you as the "father" assuming she didn't fuck around on you in which case the kids might not be total fuckups.

I probably wouldn't base what most Ivy Leagues will do based on Johns Hopkins. Ivy Leagues still rely heavily on students who are able to cover tuition without financial aid-- since every Ivy League institution has programs in place for students whose family incomes are below 60-70K (Hint-- if you have the chops to get in.. but not the money-- you can still graduate from an Ivy League institution for free-- without a drop of loan debt).

Moreover-- most Ivy League institutions aren't going to anger those who contribute the most heavily to their endowments. 75% of Ivy League colleges openly admit to considering legacy. The only Ivy League college that does not consider it at all.... is MIT-- and to be fair, despite being continually considered one due to the difficulty getting in.. MIT is not technically an "Ivy League Institution".

Knowing where LM matriculated from-- his school will be one of the last to drop the practice.
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Old 07-20-2020, 01:28 PM   #33
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Are Ivy Leaguers more likely to pay child support as ordered?
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Old 07-20-2020, 01:32 PM   #34
Grace Preston
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
Are Ivy Leaguers more likely to pay child support as ordered?

Interesting question. I would like to think so, since I'd imagine most graduates at the very least, have the means to do so comfortably. However... asshats exist in every socio-economic circle so....
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Old 07-20-2020, 01:37 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Lucas McCain View Post
LOL @ Unfriendly Ignorant Jew Fred. Grace is correct. They are legacy kids. They will get in with no problem no matter what their grades are because of me and their mother. Nice try though you silly pathetic old bitter man

They don't need my help to go Ivy League. They can do that on their own because they all make excellent grades. I highly doubt they will even need me or their mother if they decide to go that route.
Your own answer proves you're bullshitting about going to an Ivy League school because you are ignorant about the admissions process.

They turn down many valedictorians so your kids "good grades" won't get them in you dick sucker.
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Old 07-20-2020, 01:46 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by friendly fred View Post
Your own answer proves you're bullshitting about going to an Ivy League school because you are ignorant about the admissions process.

They turn down many valedictorians so your kids "good grades" won't get them in you dick sucker.
Bush got in! I doubt it was his "good grades"! Same with John Kerry! Which one got LM's vote?
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Old 07-20-2020, 01:47 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by friendly fred View Post
Your own answer proves you're bullshitting about going to an Ivy League school because you are ignorant about the admissions process.

They turn down many valedictorians so your kids "good grades" won't get them in you dick sucker.

They don't turn down many legacy applicants who have reasonably strong grades and scores. Reading between the lines-- it would appear that both LM and his ex are alumni-- which means education is likely pushed heavily in the household. I'm betting grades aren't going to be a concern.

Without revealing too much-- his credentials are legit. Anything beyond that is up to your own opinion and interpretation.
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Old 07-20-2020, 02:05 PM   #38
Lucas McCain
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Wow. Unfriendly Jew Fred seems to be quite upset today. Calling you a "Jew" is not racist. Perhaps you should not have put that in the old handle you ran from and I would not have even known. You're pretty dumb. I know that and you know that. It is what it is so get over it.

You are talking about my kids. What's the purpose of that? Yeah, I call you a dumb pathetic old Jew because you are but that's me. My kids have nothing to do with your stupidity. Keep hoping for the worse for my kids but trust me, they'll be just fine you silly old pathetic Jew. Their Dad makes plenty of money to take care of them.

What's funny to me is that you say I don't know the Ivy League admissions process although I have 3 degrees from there. You could not get accepted to a single college. Can you explain the admissions process to me? Some of you retards crack me up. LOL
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Old 07-20-2020, 02:19 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by Lucas McCain View Post
...Their Dad makes plenty of money to take care of them.
So, your post is relevant to the thread topic. .... Carry on!

And if necessary you can always cash in your "gun" collection, right?
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Old 07-20-2020, 02:37 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by Grace Preston View Post
it would appear that both LM and his ex are alumni
You are 100% correct. My ex was a legacy kid at that university. I was not. I did it on my own and was not handed any favors. My kids are legacy kids now because their parents are alumni.
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Old 07-20-2020, 02:39 PM   #41
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I'm going to write this in the hopes someone can assist.

My wife's ex owes 70K in back child support. Everytime a process server comes to visit him his parents hid him. We knew where he lived and where he moved to. The State of Texas knew where he lived and what car he drove. Finally I hired a PI to get a recent picture and personally contact him to get him served.

Finally after his child graduated high school the father was successfully served. He did not go to court. They issued a bench warrant. The state has done nothing. Still has a valid DL and car registration. Every so often, my wife gets letters from the attorney general's office asking "if we have any information on him and his were abouts." We send recent pics of the guy and info about his place of residence. It's all on his FB account. No response from the state or the sheriff.

Here's the kicker: my step daughter got married a few months ago. She's like 21. The father and his parents showed up! They were invited by the step daughter. We began to suspect they were going to show up a week or so before the wedding so I IMd them if they were going to help with any wedding expenses. No reponse. We have pictures of him at the wedding.

So the people who say "I'm paying child support so I don't go to jail" are naive or just grossly responsible. All you have to do is not have a steady job or have your parents hide you out. I've contacted several lawyers and child support collection sites and they aren't very positive.
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Old 07-20-2020, 02:50 PM   #42
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Do you have his financials over the years that can prove that he could have paid? Have him show his tax returns and what he filed for income during that time period. He can't run away from that if he filed and was remotely honest about it. Finding him is the easy part, showing that he actually had the money to pay is the hard part. Again, get his tax returns.
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Old 07-20-2020, 03:08 PM   #43
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LM ... what will his tax returns show that will produce a source of money to grab?

"Ivy League" diplomas? And I thought you were the "tax" expert!

Probably not much Texas "family law" taught up there .... huh?

Texas Family Code Sec. 157.005
Time Limitations; Enforcement of Child Support
(a)The court retains jurisdiction to render a contempt order for failure to comply with the child support order if the motion for enforcement is filed not later than the second anniversary of the date:
(1)the child becomes an adult; or
(2)on which the child support obligation terminates under the order or by operation of law.

(b)The court retains jurisdiction to confirm the total amount of child support arrearages and render a cumulative money judgment for past-due child support, as provided by Section 157.263 (Confirmation of Arrearages), if a motion for enforcement requesting a cumulative money judgment is filed not later than the 10th anniversary after the date:
(1)the child becomes an adult; or
(2)on which the child support obligation terminates under the child support order or by operation of law.
They get a "money judgment" for $70 grand + interest added.

The paper the judgment is printed on is too slick to wipe your ass.

Especially your Ivy League one.

You really shouldn't be offering legal advice in chat rooms.
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Old 07-20-2020, 04:25 PM   #44
friendly fred
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Originally Posted by Lucas McCain View Post
Wow. Unfriendly Jew Fred seems to be quite upset today. Calling you a "Jew" is not racist. Perhaps you should not have put that in the old handle you ran from and I would not have even known. You're pretty dumb. I know that and you know that. It is what it is so get over it.

You are talking about my kids. What's the purpose of that? Yeah, I call you a dumb pathetic old Jew because you are but that's me. My kids have nothing to do with your stupidity. Keep hoping for the worse for my kids but trust me, they'll be just fine you silly old pathetic Jew. Their Dad makes plenty of money to take care of them.

What's funny to me is that you say I don't know the Ivy League admissions process although I have 3 degrees from there. You could not get accepted to a single college. Can you explain the admissions process to me? Some of you retards crack me up. LOL
Half my family went to various Ivy League schools you fat little idiot, and you have been proven wrong already concerning grades and the admission process.

"Jewish" is the preferred term and you know it you fucking anti-Semite.

Go suck cock so you can pay the protection money for your ignorant brats you claim you fathered with your whore ex-wife.
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Old 07-20-2020, 04:28 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
LM ... what will his tax returns show that will produce a source of money to grab?

"Ivy League" diplomas? And I thought you were the "tax" expert!

Probably not much Texas "family law" taught up there .... huh?

They get a "money judgment" for $70 grand + interest added.

The paper the judgment is printed on is too slick to wipe your ass.

Especially your Ivy League one.

You really shouldn't be offering legal advice in chat rooms.
He is too fucking stupid to see how pathetic his postings are and lacks awareness concerning almost any issue he posts on in this forum.

In reality, we should pity the stupid cocksucker.
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