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Old 07-20-2020, 07:40 AM   #16
friendly fred
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
And you perceive CHEATING on a spouse as not relative to divorces?

BTW: You forgot Kennedy ... he was fucking in the White House also.

With all due respect ... being able to sell pussy is not an intelligence quotient factor.

By the same consideration ... neither is buying pussy.
Doing a good job selling sex does require intelligence...and you can be an intelligent consumer as well.
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Old 07-20-2020, 07:49 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by friendly fred View Post
Doing a good job selling sex does require intelligence...and you can be an intelligent consumer as well.
I appreciate your effort, but it ignores my point! It doesn't qualify either the seller or the consumer to marginalize anyone in the audience of posters by addressing them as though they had no knowledge or experience.

That does seem to be an affliction on this board! Some lurkers seem to put credence on the number of posted reviews! "Intelligence"?

Some of these geniuses actually believe my handle has to do with the kind of vehicle I drive or desire to drive!

The lists of speculation are endless. Go figure!
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Old 07-20-2020, 07:52 AM   #18
Grace Preston
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Nevermind Lexus Lover-- when he has nothing else, he's going to go to "Her her de Her... dumb whores" as his intellectual analysis. Dear Sir is offended that a female wandered into his cat turd filled sandbox

I specifically said MANY have had dalliances while in office and I also said that I only specifically mentioned the most egregious examples from each party (Taft and Clinton). Yep.. Kennedy was an absolute whore monger as well. So was Eisenhower. So was Roosevelt. So were most of the men who held office before 1900. It would probably be quicker to mention the ones who didn't have any sort of sex scandal, honestly.
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Old 07-20-2020, 09:06 AM   #19
dilbert firestorm
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Originally Posted by Grace Preston View Post
Was he divorced? No. I said DIVORCED since that is directly linked to the topic above. And no-- I don't only see single men (technically I don't see anyone these days-- I've been inactive for over a year) , but I'm also not running for office nor am I trying to claim that the "Feminist Leftists" are to blame for the fabric of the family tearing apart.... I mean, this board alone should be evidence enough for anyone that its both sides of the political spectrum that cannot keep it in their pants.

There have been 2 Presidents with divorces under their belts-- Reagan and Trump. There's been at least one widower President who remarried... there have been countless Presidents with varying levels of infidelity while in office, with the two worst being Clinton and Taft... once again-- evenly split down party lines. (Clinton had an affair IN the damn White House--- Taft had an illegitimate child while in office).

looks like i'll have to fill you in on the 3rd president before Reagan and Trump. Grover Cleveland divorced his wife during office.
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Old 07-20-2020, 09:48 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by Grace Preston View Post
Nevermind Lexus Lover-- when he has nothing else, he's going to go to "Her her de Her... dumb whores" as his intellectual analysis. Dear Sir is offended that a female wandered into his cat turd filled sandbox

I specifically said MANY have had dalliances while in office and I also said that I only specifically mentioned the most egregious examples from each party (Taft and Clinton). Yep.. Kennedy was an absolute whore monger as well. So was Eisenhower. So was Roosevelt. So were most of the men who held office before 1900. It would probably be quicker to mention the ones who didn't have any sort of sex scandal, honestly.
"offended" ... ?

Speaking directly and factually is not a sign of being "offended"! Quit playing the victim! It doesn't wear well.

I won't waste any further time rehashing the "original" premise premise you based your accusations upon. When some folks start losing the game they move the goal posts ... or try to do so.
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Old 07-20-2020, 09:50 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Grace Preston View Post
Yeah.. no, this isn't accurate. We've only had two Presidents who had been divorced... both Republicans. Our current Commander In Chief is thrice married and has admitted to cheating on every spouse he has had. We have just as many cheating scandals on the right as we do on the left. For every single mother you can show me in the inner city Democratic rolls.. I can show you one in the rural Republican rolls.
Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
"offended" ... ?

Speaking directly and factually is not a sign of being "offended"! Quit playing the victim! It doesn't wear well.

I won't waste any further time rehashing the "original" premise you based your accusations upon.
"Republicans"! And you addictively attempt to marginalize my comments.
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Old 07-20-2020, 09:57 AM   #22
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Neither democrats nor republicans were responsible for my divorce. That was my choice and quite the difficult one but I was not going to cheat on my wife.

As far as child support, my ex demands too much but I don't want to go to court and divulge my financials because she would just ask for more. I happily pay it and if she asks for more, I will give her more because she does not play games with me with my kids. I get to spend time with them whenever I want to because we don't even have a custody agreement. That's how much I trust her.

I'm more than happy to pay child support. I brought my little angels into this world and I will gladly pay for them until they finish college and then they are on their own financially because they will be well equipped to provide for themselves by then.
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Old 07-20-2020, 12:30 PM   #23
Grace Preston
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Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm View Post
looks like i'll have to fill you in on the 3rd president before Reagan and Trump. Grover Cleveland divorced his wife during office.

Grover entered the White House as a bachelor.. and left as a husband with 2 kids. He didn't divorce while in office. Now-- when it comes to the sick and twisted aspect... the woman he married.. was under his care (he was her legal guardian) from the time she was 11. People had assumed that he would marry the girls mother.. but instead, married her as soon as she turned 21.

You may be confusing Rose Cleveland as having been his wife since she joined him at the White House his first 2 years in office. She was actually his sister.. and joined to serve as a hostess of sorts since there was no "Lady of the House".
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Old 07-20-2020, 12:49 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by friendly fred View Post
Your points are completely valid but I was really tackling the issue from the culture angle as in the leftists and feminists undermine the family being a solid and time tested institution in spite of all its flaws and flawed people in them, and without families our society is shaky.

Feminism has undermined the family because many women have abandoned their traditional roles and men have not taken them up very enthusiastically but many of the things stay home mothers performed were essential and bedrock elements of keeping a society meaningful.

Leftists attack every element of traditional families and society and frankly, I see no point in getting married these days anyway - what's in it for a man? Our country is also so fucked up now anyway who would want to fight and die for it and protect it?

A woman and a man getting together and staying together should benefit them both more or less equitably and if your wife isn't going to take care of shit around the house and keep the family together then why get tied up with all the reciprocal obligations?

Many because they had the crap beaten out of them on a daily bases and were controlled 24/7.

Who the hell in their right mind would want to live like that.

Allowing women to be beaten and controlled in order to keep a society meaningful, is no society at all.

No matter what it "does" to society, men and women must be seen as equals with equal choices. What needs to change IMHO is men who don't want to be fathers but want free wheeling sex with no responsibilities is the biggest problem in our society. If men were willing to be better partners and of course women too, we would have a better society without arbitrary roles being enforced.

If "society" had one simple rule, it would be, don't have children you can't or are un-willing to support and that goes for both men and women. To many people are like cats and dogs who think they can produce offspring and walk away.

This and other reasons is why I have never married and never had children. I'm to damn selfish, hence my handle.

Although I hate most government interference in our lives, I would not be opposed to sterilizing both men and women who continue to demonstrate that they can't act like civilized humans and not have children they can't support.

Having a dozen children with no means of support is beyond acceptable behavior and should be stopped by government intervention if necessary. It's a harsh opinion but that is what I believe and that goes for men to, absolutely.

And Yes, I had a vasectomy very early on when I realized I never wanted children.
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Old 07-20-2020, 12:53 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Lucas McCain View Post
Neither democrats nor republicans were responsible for my divorce. That was my choice and quite the difficult one but I was not going to cheat on my wife.

As far as child support, my ex demands too much but I don't want to go to court and divulge my financials because she would just ask for more. I happily pay it and if she asks for more, I will give her more because she does not play games with me with my kids. I get to spend time with them whenever I want to because we don't even have a custody agreement. That's how much I trust her.

I'm more than happy to pay child support. I brought my little angels into this world and I will gladly pay for them until they finish college and then they are on their own financially because they will be well equipped to provide for themselves by then.
I mean this very sincerely - I hope less qualified black students take away your kids spot in any Ivy League college and they have to go to a shitty regional private school and pay full tuition.

Affirmative action will serve you right for all your bullshit about your supposed black friends who find you so enlightened.!
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Old 07-20-2020, 12:55 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Grace Preston View Post
Grover entered the White House as a bachelor.. and left as a husband with 2 kids. He didn't divorce while in office. Now-- when it comes to the sick and twisted aspect... the woman he married.. was under his care (he was her legal guardian) from the time she was 11. People had assumed that he would marry the girls mother.. but instead, married her as soon as she turned 21.

You may be confusing Rose Cleveland as having been his wife since she joined him at the White House his first 2 years in office. She was actually his sister.. and joined to serve as a hostess of sorts since there was no "Lady of the House".
I admire him waiting til his wife turned 21 - I would have not been able to wait past 18. I would have agreed to support the mother, of course, in return for her acquiescense.
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Old 07-20-2020, 12:58 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by friendly fred View Post
I mean this very sincerely - I hope less qualified black students take away your kids spot in any Ivy League college and they have to go to a shitty regional private school and pay full tuition.

Affirmative action will serve you right for all your bullshit about your supposed black friends who find you so enlightened.!

Won't happen. Ivy League schools always give preference to legacy students.

Moreover-- even a "less qualified" student who gets into an Ivy League school... tends to have better credentials than a good % of students at any public university.
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Old 07-20-2020, 12:59 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by HedonistForever View Post

Having a dozen children with no means of support is beyond acceptable behavior and should be stopped by government intervention if necessary. It's a harsh opinion but that is what I believe and that goes for men to, absolutely.

And Yes, I had a vasectomy very early on when I realized I never wanted children.

Be glad you could. Many women who want their tubes tied are flat out told no... or told to wait until they are older... and to wait until they have 2 children. In some states.. a married woman STILL has to have permission of her SPOUSE in order to get a tubal.
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Old 07-20-2020, 01:05 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by Grace Preston View Post
Won't happen. Ivy League schools always give preference to legacy students.
LOL @ Unfriendly Ignorant Jew Fred. Grace is correct. They are legacy kids. They will get in with no problem no matter what their grades are because of me and their mother. Nice try though you silly pathetic old bitter man

They don't need my help to go Ivy League. They can do that on their own because they all make excellent grades. I highly doubt they will even need me or their mother if they decide to go that route.
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Old 07-20-2020, 01:15 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by Lucas McCain View Post
LOL @ Unfriendly Ignorant Jew Fred. Grace is correct. They are legacy kids. They will get in with no problem no matter what their grades are because of me and their mother. Nice try though you silly pathetic old bitter man
It is hard to fathom how YOU can call ME a racist based upon your anti-Semitic posts.

Legacy admits are of course a continuing problem but the practice is falling out of vogue.


Your kids will probably be so fucking dumb the admissions office will laugh at their poorly presented application for admission.

Why do I say your kids will be dumb? Your own grammar and sentence construction is poor but also only a stupid woman could possibly fall for fat failure like you - hence the ill equipped retards she bore with you as the "father" assuming she didn't fuck around on you in which case the kids might not be total fuckups.
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