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Old 07-14-2020, 10:38 AM   #76
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DPST's plan to turn america into a Venezuela shithole.

Agreed- nj.....
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Old 07-14-2020, 12:20 PM   #77
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Originally Posted by sportfisherman View Post
You are Dreaming !! Biden is not losing and what he does regarding LE is mostly immaterial.

You couldn't be more wrong on this issue. It may very well be the only thing that can save Trump. Nothing, not the economy or climate change or anything else matters if there is no law and order. That is a fact. Whether Trump has a solution to that and can convincingly explain that to the American people is up for debate but the idea that law and order "Trumps" everything has always been proven to be the most relevant part of any political conversation when it gets as bad as it is now. For the past couple of decades it hasn't been all that relevant but looking at what is going on in New York, Chicago and other major urban centers tells us we are reverting back to the "bad times" and people are starting to take notice but the people who don't want to take notice, do so for a reason. It can destroy their chance of winning.

I'm not convinced Trump can do this. It is like wearing a mask in public now or advocating for Dreamer citizenship. It may be too late to be making concessions but if this law and order thing keeps going like it is now for the next 3 months, Trump has a chance of winning this election.

The overwhelming public tenor is for more oversight of police and perhaps some change to their immunity status.

More oversight yes but more oversight usually means more training and more training costs more money. Defunding or eliminating, yes ELIMINATING police as many BLM leaders are advocating, is a step to far for most Americans, many Democrats and many Independents. You only have to lose the majority of Independents for Biden to lose this election. Independents will decide this election.

Also some believe there is too many of them and they are geared up too much with military equipment.

Yeah "some" believe that but some is not the majority. We are about to witness if not already in places like Seattle, what to few police will get you. Crime does not go down with fewer police. Never has, never will. That is a recent construct by BLM and "some" people are gullible enough to believe it.

And this idea that more body protection for police is some how bad is another example of irrational thinking. What threat is an up-armored vehicle? It is not an offensive weapon, it is a defensive weapon. What threat is a helicopter other than it might crash. It is a defensive weapon that allows police to track subjects fleeing police. This is one of those topics that "some" think proves their point but rational people see right through it. Of course people burning and looting don't want the police to have enough equipment to thwart them.

I think basically they are angry and tired of themselves and their loved ones being murdered in the street by LE before they even make it to jail and a trial.

And that has been changing with the advent of body cameras for police and civilian cameras at every situation. We have the cop that tossed a Taser at the body of a fleeing suspect, arrested and found guilty of murder. The cop that killed Floyd, arrested and charged with murder. We have the shooting of the guy who turns and fires a deadly weapon according to the Chief of Police at least before he changed his mind in order to get the conviction he wants, arrested and charged with murder. We do not need burning and looting to bring about these changes. These changes are here because of cameras and they are here to stay.

Usually the police encounter is not even for a capital offense.

So there should be no police response to anything less than a capital offense? How about the two police that were shot and killed answering a domestic dispute? Would it have been better, more Progressive if two social workers had been gunned down?

No police to answer a DUI call? And BTW the definition of a capital offense is

capital offense
. A
, such as murder or betrayal of one's country, that is treated so seriously that death may be considered an appropriate punishment.

They are choked to death.They are shot and then there is a bullshit review and the script reads; I gave him a command and he did not follow it.I then felt threatened for my life.Then I shot them 16 times.

And what happened to the cop that shot the guy 16 times?


Chicago police officer who shot black teen 16 times found guilty of murder

Chump's stance is against most public opinion plus there are so many other issues for Chump which are even more skewed against him.

Chump is DONE !!

He might very well be done, we'll see but if you think considering what is happening right now in cities all over the country, the killing of Black children by other Blacks, the video of Black mobs breaking down a gate to get onto private property and threatening home owners forced to defend their lives and their property, isn't, won't have an effect, I think you are wrong.

Will it be enough? We'll see but don't believe for a minute that America won't pay an economic price and perhaps a decline in law and order if Biden is elected. If you think "but we don't have Trump anymore" will suffice, you may have a big surprise coming.
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Old 07-14-2020, 12:29 PM   #78
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I haven't read the whole thread but has anyone suggested "because Biden isn't Trump?"
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Old 07-14-2020, 03:10 PM   #79
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Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
We only need one reason -- he is not Donald Trump.

it is very clear AR - "Trump" is the only issue for you .

No matter the alternative - it is the only issue.

be careful what One asks for - it will be a marxist thugocracy ala maduro Venezuela- unless armed resistance over throws the marxist terrorists.
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Old 07-15-2020, 06:32 AM   #80
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Originally Posted by oeb11 View Post
it is very clear AR - "Trump" is the only issue for you . o matter the alternative - it is the only issue.

be careful what One asks for - it will be a marxist thugocracy ala maduro Venezuela- unless armed resistance over throws the marxist terrorists.
After Trump won in 2016, a number of people on this board justified their vote for Trump with "He isn't Hillary Clinton".

You are correct in that I would vote for just about anyone over Trump, who I predict will be ranked/rated one of the worst presidents in the history of our country should he lose in November.
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Old 07-15-2020, 06:56 AM   #81
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Its gonna be not joey and friend voting
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Old 07-15-2020, 07:37 AM   #82
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Biden may be elected - but will serve only a short time - if inaugurated - due to his dementia.
The radicals will 25th amendment him out for a radical VP - then toss the Constitution to institute marxism.

At which point civil war will erupt.
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Old 07-16-2020, 07:30 AM   #83
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Sad but true , that will push people over the edge
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Old 07-16-2020, 11:23 AM   #84
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If you vote for Biden then you are a pedophile

Just using the same liberal logic that's used on Trump.
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Old 07-16-2020, 11:45 AM   #85
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Old 07-16-2020, 03:35 PM   #86
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Reasons to vote for Joe Biden ;

2.Be on the winning side
4.Jared and Ivanka Kushner (highly regarded diplomats)
6.Have a president that reflects the majority of the people
8.A return to normalcy
10.Drain the swamp (at least back to the level it was prior to Chump)
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Old 07-16-2020, 04:46 PM   #87
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Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Reasons to vote for Joe Biden ;


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Old 07-18-2020, 09:17 AM   #88
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Okay DSPT = Joey been in Guberment for 50 YEARS , 8 under Libs potus AND HAS DONE NOTHING
So voting for him is "'STATUS QUO"" in DC sooo WHEREs the change ( dumbasses)
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Old 07-18-2020, 09:34 AM   #89
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Old 07-18-2020, 02:16 PM   #90
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Originally Posted by gfejunkie View Post
Reasons to vote for Joe Biden!
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