Originally Posted by HedonistForever
I talked to my Democrat friend last night and he told me that "all this will calm down" after Biden is elected. I tried to explain to him that no, it won't because BLM and it's supporters are just getting started. I told my friend that the leaders of BLM are "trained Marxists". He asked me "where did you hear that"? I told him I heard it from the mouths of BLM leaders when they were being interviewed and I sent him that video I posted of the Black guy explaining that the BLM leaders are Marxists. My friend will not watch the video and will ask me again next time "where did you hear that"?
Yes, he only watch's MSNBC. I said "do you think MSNBC is going to tell you that"? He said, wait for it......... "why wouldn't they"? Bless his heart. He is a great guy and has been my best friend for over 30 years but there is nothing I can do to educate him while he watches MSNBC every time he turns on the news. His brother is a big time Trump supporter so my friend has told his brother that the next time he walks into his brothers house and his brother has his red MAGA hat on, he will leave.
I told him we'll know soon enough who is right and who is wrong. I don't expect to be wrong. America, if Biden is elected and worse yet if Democrats take the Senate too, America will spiral out of control at a pace that will make your head spin.
While this re-education may have been happening quietly for a couple of decades, it is on steroids now and it looks like being White just isn't going to be tolerated in the new America.
We are going to have an reverse South African style apartheid type system where the white majority in this case is the underclass.
Why we prop up the rich white leftists is beyond me at this point - we should let them face the crowd they have created on their own - unarmed of course...