Originally Posted by yitzchak
This is my prayer to H I M:
O ye lovably plump T R U M P, how I adore thy golden hue. Doth thine hair resemble a mullet? On the golf coarse my eyes beheld thine glorious mane, like that of the lion's amidst his tender cubs. How thou art fair. May you continue to pown libtards. May you construct the Garden of American Heroes in thine holy place. May you deport the transgressors. May you build The Wall to protect our Kingdom. May you silence those who will not shut the fuck up. May you win in November.
doean't that need to be written in poetry format? like this?
O ye lovably plump T R U M P,
how I adore thy golden hue.
Doth thine hair resemble a mullet?
On the golf coarse my eyes beheld thine glorious mane,
like that of the lion's amidst his tender cubs.
How thou art fair.
May you continue to pown libtards.
May you construct the Garden of American Heroes in thine holy place.
May you deport the transgressors.
May you build The Wall to protect our Kingdom.
May you silence those who will not shut the fuck up.
May you win in November.