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Old 07-05-2020, 06:57 AM   #226
friendly fred
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Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
but you made your point by saying Society should GIVE blacks the comforts of life, and you insinuate that it is OUR fault that many blacks live a fucked-up existence. you chose to fuck like Jack Rabbits, black men chose to abandon their kids, often for government welfare reasons.. you leave the household so baby-mama can get a SNAP card and section 8 housing.. you then hit the streets and kill other black guys by the dozens, yet when one white officer shoots a black CRIMINAL, you tear up your own cities and neighborhoods.. this is psychopathologistic. and if there is a black who gets good grades followed by a good job, you label him a "Tom", a "sell-out" and other pejorative terms. you insist that those blacks come down to YOUR LEVEL to be accepted.
You make very good points sir...
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Old 07-05-2020, 06:59 AM   #227
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CT - You are exactly correct in your posts.

RC wants the government and "racist white people to take care of him in a lifestyle he/she "knows" he/she deserves - because he "wants" it - but won't do anything like "Work" to earn it.

RC is using "institutional racism" - which does NOT EXIST - as an excuse to bully foolish americans into guilt to take care of poor little RC
Anyone who disagrees with RC is a "racist and idiot".

reminds me of Maynard on the "Adventures of Dobie Gillis" - a socialist who was allergic to "work",

Guess what - the world doesn't Owe you a thing - RC - and I did not institute or condone slavery - and won't be bullied by your whining about it. You want reparations for slavery - go to Africa - where Islamists still enslave black people capture and sold by other black people.

Get your "reparations" from them.

Hundred of thousands of white folks died to end slavery - For You - RC - How about RC pays some reparations for the freedoms you enjoy , and despise for others.

Something You should listen to - it ain't rap with booty shakin' - but RC still needs to listen to it. Won't do much good until RC realizes livin' on the government tit is just bein' a parasite - One can live much better standin' up and being a man and bein' Productive - rather than a reparations and welfare parasite.

Get Over It :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8eVtbXaGO8E


I turn on the tube and what do I see
A whole lotta people cryin' "Don't blame me"
They point their crooked little fingers at everybody else
Spend all their time feelin' sorry for themselves
Victim of this, victim of that
Your momma's too thin; your daddy's too fat
Get over it
Get over it
All this whinin' and cryin' and pitchin' a fit
Get over it, get over it
You say you haven't been the same since you had your little crash
But you might feel better if they gave you some cash
The more I think about it, Old Billy was right
Let's kill all the lawyers, kill 'em tonight
You don't want to work; you want to live like a king
But the big, bad world doesn't owe you a thing

Get over it
Get over it
If you don't want to play, then you might as well split
Get over it, get over it
It's like going to confession every time I hear you speak
You're makin' the most of your losin' streak
Some call it sick, but I call it weak
You drag it around like a ball and chain
You wallow in the guilt; you wallow in the pain
You wave it like a flag, you wear it like a crown
Got your mind in the gutter, bringin' everybody down
Complain about the present and blame it on the past
I'd like to find your inner child and kick its little ass
Get over it
Get over it
All this bitchin' and moanin' and pitchin' a fit
Get over it, get over it
Get over it
Get over it
It's gotta stop sometime, so why don't you quit
Get over it, get over it
Get over it

Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Glenn Frey / Don Henley
Get Over It lyrics © Cass County Music / Wisteria Music / Privet Music, Warner Chappell Music, Inc, Red Cloud Music
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Old 07-05-2020, 07:24 AM   #228
Grace Preston
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Giving people "nice places to live" doesn't always work, either. There is a "mixed use" housing development in Cincinnati's West End... its a mix of condos that sell for 240k and condos that have been reserved as public housing units. You literally cannot discern the difference between the two from the outside. But the problems they are having when people move out of the public housing units in regards to bringing them back up to "habitable" after them being destroyed is significant. If they're quite literally GIVEN luxury condos as public housing, then why aren't they taking care of what they're given if just giving folks better things will improve their outlooks?

Every day.. EVERY DAY-- we have to go outside and spent 20 minutes cleaning up the trash dropped onto our curb and our yard because of the neighborhood we're in. Tons of people with no pride for the community that they live in. The same can be said for the neighbors up and down the street.
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Old 07-05-2020, 07:33 AM   #229
Lucas McCain
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Nobody is owed anything in this country just because of their race. My black neighbor is a cardiologist. His house has to be at least 7,000 square feet and he has three very expensive luxury vehicles.

A friend of mine from business school who is black is an executive at one of the largest banks in the world. His house is so fucking big that I got lost in it the 1st time I was there. He has an indoor and outdoor pool and invests in mansions to rent them out or sell them. He has two rich athletes renting out two of his mansions.

My point is that they made no excuses, they just worked their asses off and earned it. Neither one of them inherited any wealth. They earned all of their wealth on their own. If you have a rare skill set, you will be highly compensated accordingly regardless of race because it's hard to replace you. If you don't, you're just another average Joe and will be poorly compensated accordingly regardless of race because it is easy to replace you (especially with RPA and so much outsourcing now). That's simple labor economics.
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Old 07-05-2020, 07:54 AM   #230
Wile E Coyote
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Originally Posted by friendly fred View Post
On the other hand, the Mayor of Dallas, the District Attorney of Dallas, and the Police Chief of Dallas are all black folks....
Those folks are black in skin color, but unlike Creed's notion that all blacks are racially profiled and do not get a chance to succeed in this world, they did make something of themselves using the tools Creed says is not available to blacks in this country. No, I am not talking about handouts, the DA, mayor, and police chief (a double minority) actually worked, put themselves through school and was voted into office by their peers, and many of those peers were white people.

But, looking at the protests against the police in Dallas, the protesters chanting for Renee Hall to resign and the DA and mayor are not giving blacks handouts and free passes when they commit crimes. So because they did not get where they are by Affirmative Action or their title was given to them, they earned it, like Joe Biden said, "They aint black" no more.
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Old 07-05-2020, 07:55 AM   #231
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Originally Posted by Grace Preston View Post
The school is dumbed down. The assumption is "those kids can't handle real work"... so they don't even bother. The few kids in that school that can handle higher work are pushed into dual credit courses, as the high school can't even populate a higher level class. This sets the vast majority of the kids up for failure as you don't know what you lack that you need.. when things get dumbed down like that. Then they go to the local community college and find themselves stuck into all remedial classes.. which impacts their financial aid.. and impacts their ability to finish, ultimately.

Yes, they are responsible for their own success.. but the powers that be also share in the responsibility to not set them up for failure.
THis a thousand times this. But who runs schools? Liberals or Conservatives? Who controls the teachers Unions? Liberals or Conservatives? And do you think they are shitty on accident?

If I were an opponent of an educated electorate and wanted to destroy public education, what would I have done differently than what Liberals have done?
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Old 07-05-2020, 08:09 AM   #232
Chung Tran
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Originally Posted by Lucas McCain View Post

A friend of mine from business school who is black is an executive at one of the largest banks in the world. His house is so fucking big that I got lost in it the 1st time I was there.
while we are name-dropping Black associates who have earned extreme wealth.. here is my submission.


when I knew him, he was "Roy Peebles".. he took the name "Don" later, it has a more professional ring to its name.

College dropout similar to Michael Dell.. had too many great business ideas to wait around and finish College.

by the way, Creed, Roy's wife is a blonde former model.. if you choose work instead of whine, you might score yourself one!
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Old 07-05-2020, 08:13 AM   #233
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Originally Posted by Grace Preston View Post
To a degree.. yes... however, the concept of sustainable growth ties in to the least of us. A person working in a role that is deemed "necessary"... shouldn't have to worry about where their next meal comes from.
AH.. so then the key to CONTROLLING political power is to get to decide who is NECESSARY.

I think the Germans had a term for the un-necessary... unter-mensch? Being practical, the Germans just executed them in gas chambers and then burned the bodies.

I love how everyone comes up with elaborate plans about how we can all live happy wealthy lives if we only use this system. They NEVER mention WHO gets to administer THE SYSTEM.

No thanks. Governments are necessary evils, and should be limited in scope and power.
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Old 07-05-2020, 08:17 AM   #234
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Originally Posted by Randall Creed View Post
The point, which is probably like a kite to your thought process right now, is that there is an audience out there that takes BLATANT MEASURES to make sure...let's just say, certain people, don't get ahead.
Such as? I need evidence. Because you know if there is any that's actionable and those harmed should sue for damages. See we have a process for that. Burning down the qwiki-mart isn't gonna solve that problem.
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Old 07-05-2020, 08:21 AM   #235
friendly fred
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Originally Posted by Aoi View Post
The soy levels are high with you.

Never forget, soyboy.

Asians were slaves, too.

And Asians kick ass now.

Never. Ever. Forget.
The levels of achievement and success among Asian people is incredible and praiseworthy - one must admit that!
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Old 07-05-2020, 08:22 AM   #236
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Originally Posted by Randall Creed View Post
Give people a nice place to live, good food, and watch them suddenly not be in the mood to commit crimes.
That's the key to your problem right there.


What people obtain too lightly they value too little. Those nice neighborhoods you lived in.... do you think those people were GIVEN those things? Or did they work for them and earn them?

What are you gonna GIVE me? I work hard. Don't I deserve a nice place to live, good food? But I guess tough shit for me, my skin color is wrong.
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Old 07-05-2020, 08:24 AM   #237
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You yahoos have no real answers for anything I throw at you, so you play the numbers game.

I’ve owned every one of you at one point or another, and your counter has been to take it another direction with your one outlier point or speculative bullshit, or just wait for the cavalry to come bail you out.

For most of you, my participation in this thread has been a free education.
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Old 07-05-2020, 08:25 AM   #238
friendly fred
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Originally Posted by Grace Preston View Post
Giving people "nice places to live" doesn't always work, either. There is a "mixed use" housing development in Cincinnati's West End... its a mix of condos that sell for 240k and condos that have been reserved as public housing units. You literally cannot discern the difference between the two from the outside. But the problems they are having when people move out of the public housing units in regards to bringing them back up to "habitable" after them being destroyed is significant. If they're quite literally GIVEN luxury condos as public housing, then why aren't they taking care of what they're given if just giving folks better things will improve their outlooks?

Every day.. EVERY DAY-- we have to go outside and spent 20 minutes cleaning up the trash dropped onto our curb and our yard because of the neighborhood we're in. Tons of people with no pride for the community that they live in. The same can be said for the neighbors up and down the street.
Why not move to a different neighborhood?
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Old 07-05-2020, 08:25 AM   #239
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I just read all 16 pages of this thread and it makes me sad. Sad that the differing opinions can’t see that they are all correct - partially. Racism is alive and well today period. Institutional inequalities also exist and even though they can be measured using race money is a better measure. Rich people tilting the tables in their favor and screwing everyone who doesn’t have money. White , Mexican or black it doesn’t matter if you already have money you can get as much money as you want lol. Life is like a shit sandwich the more bread you have the less shit you have to eat. Poor equals going to jail rich equals not going to prison for the exact same crimes.

Culture is also real and people ( no matter the race ) never appreciate what they didn’t work for. Brand new beautiful buildings destroyed because the people who live there don’t give a fuck. Why should they care it cost nothing ! Humans are lazy and would rather live in squalor than work to get out and so many will stay . Generation after generation in violence and drugs because we PAY them to stay.

Police are human and flawed and people ( again all races included) seek positions of power so bad people can be cops. Just like pedos become scout leaders and teachers. We don’t need less cops we need BETTER Cops ! Kick out the bad , don’t hire the flawed and make training constantly a priority. Legalize pot and don’t waste time on victimless crimes like prostitution ( wink wink ) . Cops respond when social services are needed we need to fund mental heath and drug abuse programs . Cops should not be involved when there isn’t violence or crime involved.

I also grew up in a (98%) minority area in Dallas mostly black and hispanic and my Mother ( god rest her soul) was a widow with 4 kids . Drugs , violence and poverty are what I saw growing up. My Mom made me study and insisted I would have a better life. Out of all my family I’m the only one to graduate and go to college to MAKE myself a success. What’s the difference between my brothers/ sisters and me ? I don’t know why if we all had the same schools and home but they have nothing and I have built a very successful life .

Lastly and maybe the most controversial thing is if poor people just banded together to make things better they wouldn’t need any help. Why is it the poorest areas have the most crime ? There is nothing to steal right ? Again take race out and its people preying on their neighbors who also have nothing. If people banded together to help each other the “hood “ would be the safest place in town ! If people came out of their homes and said not on my block how much drug sales or crime would there be ? Stand up and help each other the way the Asians seem to do and make a better life.
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Old 07-05-2020, 08:26 AM   #240
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Originally Posted by texassapper View Post
Governments are necessary evils, and should be limited in scope and power.
Damn right!
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