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Old 06-16-2020, 11:10 PM   #166
dilbert firestorm
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Originally Posted by eccieuser9500 View Post
So is this fag. Do you know the hag?

I'm pondering what you just said about Anderson and his socialite mother.

the fag and the hag...

I'm shocked you said that of your liberal peeps.

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Old 06-16-2020, 11:14 PM   #167
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Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm View Post
I'm pondering what you just said about Anderson and his socialite mother.

the fag and the hag...

I'm shocked you said that of your liberal peeps.


i'm not. ecky9.5k is the ultimate blame monger excuse making person who always finds someone to blame. for everything.

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Old 06-16-2020, 11:23 PM   #168
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Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
i'm not. ecky9.5k is the ultimate blame monger excuse making person who always finds someone to blame. for everything.


yeah.. but this is a liberal who calls anderson a fag, his mother a hag. they generally don't call their liberal allies that.

isn't that racists and/or sexists?

oh yeah, those 2 words rhyme too. lol.
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Old 06-16-2020, 11:29 PM   #169
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Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm View Post
yeah.. but this is a liberal who calls anderson a fag, his mother a hag. they generally don't call their liberal allies that.

isn't that racists and/or sexists?

oh yeah, those 2 words rhyme too. lol.


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Old 06-22-2020, 12:13 PM   #170
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Tucker is on a roll beating out Hannity for the #1 spot.

Tucker   4.0 million
Hannity  3.9 million
Ingraham 3.5 million
news sweep cable results

Fox news 3.3 million
MSNBC    1.8 million
CNN      1.6 million
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Old 06-22-2020, 12:24 PM   #171
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Not tired of winning!
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Old 06-22-2020, 06:43 PM   #172
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Originally Posted by HedonistForever View Post
Not tired of winning!

Scott D. Pierce: Fox lawyers admit Tucker Carlson doesn’t always tell the truth


Did you get that? If you watch Carlson’s show and think it has anything to do with news, according to Murphy, you’re just not that bright.

And in an earlier court filing, Murphy referred to “Tucker Carlson Tonight” as “hyperbolic opinion commentary,” not “sober factual reporting.” That’s not exactly a surprise — the only surprise is that Fox’s lawyers openly admitted that.

Remember — Fox News thinks those people are not “reasonable.”

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Old 06-22-2020, 06:55 PM   #173
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Originally Posted by eccieuser9500 View Post
Scott D. Pierce: Fox lawyers admit Tucker Carlson doesn’t always tell the truth


you forgot the punchline ..

"What prompted this admission? Well, Fox News is being sued by former Playboy model Karen McDougal. Shortly before the 2016 election, the National Enquirer paid her $150,000 for her story about how she allegedly had an affair with Donald Trump that began in 2006"

thank yous valued poster!
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Old 06-22-2020, 07:32 PM   #174
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Old 06-22-2020, 08:01 PM   #175
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Old 06-22-2020, 08:21 PM   #176
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The word seems to be spreading fast about Tucker Carlson.

I am officially deeming Tucker Carlson, the voice of the opposition to the Democrat Party as he more or less suggested as much himself tonight.

He made the point I was less eloquently trying to make a couple of days ago. This is no longer about Trump or Biden. They don't matter one bit. This is now about the Republican or Democrat party taking power.

As Carlson said tonight, as imperfect as the Republican party is and he has been ripping Republicans a new asshole for the past few night, they are the only organization powerful enough to take on the Democrat party and their new owners, BLM, anarchists and common street thugs.

My prediction that when so called educated White women start to be afraid of what they are now witnessing on the nightly news, watching America's cities and urban core coming apart at the seams and Democrats watching it all, paralyzed with fear that if they speak up, they will lose their base. What the moderate Democrats don't seem to have gotten yet, is that this new wing of the party, will bury them right along with the statues they are tearing down. If Pelosi and Shumer think they are going to be able to handle these new Democrats, I think they are in for a big surprise.

14 dead and 104 shot in Chicago over Fathers day week end including a 3 year old Black baby gunned down while riding with his Black father who was likely the object of the shooters which I'm guessing here, were not White police officers.

Extraordinarily tonight because it doesn't often happen or is rarely seen on TV, you have Black leaders asking why 50,000 protesters are not on the streets protesting the death of that 3 year old? Is that Black baby any less worthy of anger than George Floyd or Brooks? I know the answer to that and I'm sure you do to. To do that, would mean protesting Black on Black violence which would "dilute" the "White cops are committing genocide narrative" so vital to the BLM movement.

The Black leader said that all the Black men of Chicago need to take to the streets and stop this violence. Think that is going to happen? Naw. Think Pelosi and Shumer and Ole Joe are going to call for that? Naw.

Crime is spiking in every Democrat run city in America.

The Mayor of Seattle says she will be sending in the police to take back CHOP because of recent shootings and business people and residents of the area are apparently demanding that something be done.

I guess the Summer of Love is going to be over before it began or maybe it is just words and the Lady doesn't have the balls to do what she now knows she must do.

Trump was foolish as usual to say out loud that maybe he should just sit back and watch the violence in these Democrat cities because it will help him get re-elected. I think it will but it was a stupid thing to say out loud like "I asked my people to slow down the testing". Now I'm no big fan of testing and I have said so here many times but my GOD man, have you no sense of what is coming out of your mouth and how it will be used against you? Can you just shut the fuck up for 4 months and maybe, just maybe with the help of BLM and Democrats, you just might get re-elected.
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Old 06-23-2020, 10:15 AM   #177
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HF - ThankYou, Sir

The capitol Hill terrorist occupiers are arming themslves - and will likely have grenade , molotov cocktails, and perhaps even some heavier machinie guns and rpg's in from Iran and other sympathetic terrorists.

expect a blood- bath when mayor jenny orders what is left of the 'Disbanned" cops in Seattle to "Take back the Capitol hill.

I suspect a grat number of the police force of seattle may just tell

Mayor jenny: to take a f'ing Hike - they will see no reason to put Cop lives on the Line for folks who don't want them in Seattle at all.

Unless, Perhaps- mayor jenny leads from the Front as the cops assault the barriers Mayor Jenny gave the "Peaceful protestors who have trampled on the Constitutional Rights of those whose property andlives they stole at threat of violence.
Every occupier should be arrested and charged with multiple crimes of robbery assault, artson, etc.

let 'em have three hots and a cot at Stat Expense for a good long while.
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Old 06-23-2020, 10:17 AM   #178
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Originally Posted by eccieuser9500 View Post
Scott D. Pierce: Fox lawyers admit Tucker Carlson doesn’t always tell the truth


9500 - Bill and H... are pure as the driven snow and never , ever, told a Lie.

of course, the George Washington refeernce is now inappropriate - since he was a slave-owner.

Factual Truth from the demLibs is extinct.

better get some New memes that are not Dead White Caucasians - OBLM is taking notes !!!
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Old 06-23-2020, 11:20 AM   #179
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I enjoy watching Tucker destroy do-nothing, pussified Republicans for sitting around agreeing with domestic terrorists and the elected democrat self-haters while children and other malcontents destroy symbols of our country.

Bowing down to Black Lives Matter, the democrat party, and the lowest common denominator in what used to be America.

Donald Trump is a scared beta as well.

When anarchists who hate our country are allowed to destroy public property and attempt to erase our history with zero response from law enforcement, yet the FBI descends on a NASCAR track because a mixed-race opportunist pretends to get his feelings hurt either by a fraternity prank, or equally likely, a hoax, the government has become utterly neutered and the plot has been lost.

I find Trump's new line about sitting back and watching the catastrophe to be fine, but it comes a week after his typically empty bluster about running in and straightening out Seattle.

It takes him a week to come up with a one-liner to justify his fear of the media.


Tucker Carlson or Matt Walsh or Mark Steyn deserve to be President and the country would be a better place if any of the three were.

Try to imagine Seattle, Minneapolis, Chicago, Washington DC, or New York if Janet Reno were the AG.

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Old 06-23-2020, 11:47 AM   #180
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muhammad ali, jr.

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