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Old 06-15-2020, 08:34 AM   #91
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post

She believes if you pull over, stop the car, take the keys out of the ignition and throw them out of sight they can't arrest you for DWI.
Used to be (and still is in some nearby small towns with their own court) that one could get a "Public Intoxication in a Motor Vehicle" charge instead of a DWI. (The pre-MADD days! Carrying over to today!). It doesn't mean the person "can't be arrested," because a person can be arrested (and most often are) for public intoxication. That's when it pays not to piss off the cop/deputy/trooper.

I knew a waiter at a fine restaurant frequented by almost all he influential political people in and out of the courthouse in that city who had 14 "DWI" arrests with dispositions on his record but never spent a day a jail on a sentence for any of them. Then MADD.

If she's by herself and behind the wheel with a warm hood .... she's going! The tow driver doesn't need keys. If she is driving with a suspended or no DL she can and will be arrested if any whiff of alcoholic beverage is in the air or on her person.

These anecdotal stories are wonderful. People actually act upon them.
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Old 06-15-2020, 09:33 AM   #92
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Default Texting while drunk is always a bad idea

Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
...If you notice the fool is using his phone in his right hand .... "videoing"? ...

Maybe I'm just not that good at being drunk. But if I'm drunk enough to nod off while I'm behind the wheel of a 2Ton auto, I dang sure can't read, much less use a 2.5x3.5 inch screen device seconds after waking up. Is there a drunk texting class they take to learn that skill set? Even if someone passed the class, who would want o create a video featuring their drunk-ass?

Still wondering about the toxicology report here. Doesn't seem to jive just yet.
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Old 06-15-2020, 09:38 AM   #93
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
At the moment the number of folks who want to "defund" or "dismantle" the cops wouldn't fill an average size cemetery.

At least double that in the LSM bleating about getting rid of cops and replacing with "community based activists" ( they omit the ak's) And Plenty more out in the OBLM lines for who m "No Cops equal freedom the riot and loot in "Non-violent" protest per Hannah-Jones/.
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Old 06-15-2020, 12:03 PM   #94
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Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do View Post
Maybe I'm just not that good at being drunk. But if I'm drunk enough to nod off while I'm behind the wheel of a 2Ton auto, I dang sure can't read, much less use a 2.5x3.5 inch screen device seconds after waking up. Is there a drunk texting class they take to learn that skill set? Even if someone passed the class, who would want o create a video featuring their drunk-ass?

Still wondering about the toxicology report here. Doesn't seem to jive just yet.
I am willing to bet he had more than just Alcohol in his system. But that really doesn't matter. Although he was rather compliant at the start this guy was on a mission.
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Old 06-15-2020, 12:41 PM   #95
dilbert firestorm
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
He is "sleeping it off."
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Old 06-15-2020, 12:46 PM   #96
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Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do View Post
Is it time to ask the question?: How do you feel about drunk drivers on the road?

Nah, not that question, these two together:
You have any family or friends dead from a drunk driver? How do you feel about that drunk driver?

Have to wait on toxicology, I'm a bit surprised to see a drunk being that spry and nimble that quickly.

some drunks can hold their alcohol well.

he claims to have had 1 pint and a half. he prolly had more than that.
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Old 06-15-2020, 02:18 PM   #97
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
She doesn't have a license or a car now thank god. Supposedly the ATL guy was driving a rental. I wonder why?
I had a guy who I haven't even talked to in over a decade call me out of the blue one time. He asked me to rent a car for him. I told him "no" because I'm not putting my name on anything because of liability concerns unless I know your lifestyle.

Anyway, I googled his name after I got off the phone with him and that fucker had 5 DWIs and no license. I knew something was crooked about the guy for asking me, but I did not know it was all of that shit... I would probably still be in court after all of the lawsuits because of renting a car for one week for that guy if I did so.
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Old 06-15-2020, 02:52 PM   #98
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I've watched all the videos including the field sobriety test which in my opinion, he passed. He did the heel to toe walk one way, turned without falling which almost always happens if you are drunk.

His problem was that he didn't know that in the state of Georgia, he could refuse a breathe test without it being held against you but he agreed and blew over the .08 limit so the cop put him under arrest for that.

If he had only known he didn't have to take that test, he might be alive today.


Legislators scrambled to fix Georgia’s DUI law after the state’s highest court ruled last month that refusing to take a breathalyzer test can’t be used in court against motorists suspected of driving drunk.

It is unclear if the law has since changed.

It is also unclear if a cop has any discretion in the matter once you blow over .08. Maybe the cop can't do any of the tings suggested like call somebody to drive the guy home. This will all have to come out at trial which is called due process, something the Mayor of Atlanta must have forgotten since she immediately fired the cop to placate the mob which we are seeing more and more of.

Another problem for this guy was that he committed a felony by assaulting a cop. This will add to the cops defense.

The argument from the lawyers is, the Taser that the guy fired back at the cop didn't have a cartridge to "fire" it making it a none lethal weapon and could only be a lethal weapon ( if they want take the chance with that defense ) if it were pressed up against the cops body and the guy was to far away to do that.

Problem for the prosecution is, did the cop know/ understand that the Taser was not a deadly weapon at the time it was aimed at him and if he thought the Taser was a deadly weapon "at the time" was he justified in using lethal force to protect himself?

I put at the time in parenthesis because these laws regarding use of force can not be viewed with 20/20 hindsight I'm told. You may only consider the circumstances at the time and what the cop was thinking "at that time". You may not second guess what the cop should have thought after the event but only what he might have been thinking at the time and at the time, was it a reasonable response.

I simply do not see, considering all this, how a jury could find him guilty but if the jurors are anything like the Mayor and a whole lot of people these days afraid of what the crowd might do if they don't find this cop guilty, he could be convicted but he would have a pretty good appeal IMH non lawyer O.

People keep saying "things need to change". Yes they do. People need to understand that you can not refuse to be put in cuffs just because you don't think you deserve to be put in cuffs. It doesn't work that way. Refusal to be placed under arrest is a crime and I think maybe a felony, not sure but it is illegal and will always result in you being taken to the ground and a bunch of cops piling on top of you if you continue to fight. So how about we start with that change? Start telling people that you may not refuse arrest no matter how much you object. You do not have the right to object if a cop doesn't tell you immediately why you are being arrested which I see all the time on what use to be Live PD, which will now be taken off the air at the demand of BLM. These idiots actually believe that a cop must explain in detail why you are being arrested and if they don't, you are free to fight them.

Bottom line, as it is 99% of the time, if you don't refuse arrest and comply with the orders given by police who have that authority to give you commands whether you like them or not, think they are necessary or not, you will not end up injured, except maybe your pride, or shot.

If this guy had simply let the cop put the cuffs on him, he would be alive today. When you resist arrest, bad things happen. You don't want police brutality? Simple, don't resist arrest.

That's the change that is needed but you aren't going to hear that from BLM, will you.

And the way things are going, I think a Law and Order platform beats a Defund/ abolish police/ abolish ICE platform. Whether that will be enough for Republicans to win races, I do not know but it will be the reason though not a registered Republican, I will vote for the candidate on the law and order platform be they Democrat or Republican. I don't vote a straight ticket, never have, never will. I vote for policies, period.

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Old 06-15-2020, 04:54 PM   #99
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Originally Posted by Lucas McCain View Post

Anyway, I googled his name after I got off the phone with him and that fucker had 5 DWIs and no license.
Just from "Google"? How many Henrys did he have?
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Old 06-15-2020, 06:18 PM   #100
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HF - Thank you for a reasoned post - that the Liberals and LSM won't post or read.
i do respect your stance on voting "issues" - i think it likely that the Libs are identified with the CHAZ movement - and flagrant violation of law and order and civil rights of the people trapped by anarchist terrorists on Capitol hill in Seattle.

Unfortunately - they anarchist terrorists are armed - and passing out arms - obviously plan a shooting defense of "their territory" - which the Libs will cast as a flagrant violation of the terrorists civil rights.

Anyone falling for that line - should vote for the Libs.

Any thoughtful person who supports the Constitution and Rule of Law for all people - all Equal under the law - will reject the LSm and Liberal narrative.

unfortunately - there are lot of dumb liberals out there.

Who will eventually realize "no One was there to speak for me when they came for me"!
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Old 06-15-2020, 06:52 PM   #101
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
No, that's not what "they should do"!

What's wrong with the photo I posted?

The officers are in the fix they are in because of how they handled the matter from the beginning.

Look at the body language, and is the guy really texting? What is he texting? Or is he videoing?

Who is in the superior position from balance and leverage from the "git go"!
Who is "locked and loaded" to use physical force?
Why is he not cuffed NOW!?
I think he was searching him.

I would shoot a motherfucker who just stole my taser and aimed it at me because when he tased me then he could take the gun and kill me. Especially a big guy like him.
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Old 06-15-2020, 07:09 PM   #102
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Population control at its finest
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Old 06-15-2020, 07:12 PM   #103
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Originally Posted by oeb11 View Post
HF - Thank you for a reasoned post - that the Liberals and LSM won't post or read.
i do respect your stance on voting "issues" - i think it likely that the Libs are identified with the CHAZ movement - and flagrant violation of law and order and civil rights of the people trapped by anarchist terrorists on Capitol hill in Seattle.

Unfortunately - they anarchist terrorists are armed - and passing out arms - obviously plan a shooting defense of "their territory" - which the Libs will cast as a flagrant violation of the terrorists civil rights.

Anyone falling for that line - should vote for the Libs.

Any thoughtful person who supports the Constitution and Rule of Law for all people - all Equal under the law - will reject the LSm and Liberal narrative.

unfortunately - there are lot of dumb liberals out there.

Who will eventually realize "no One was there to speak for me when they came for me"!

It's looking like a good many Americans are saying "I'm with Black Lives Matter" no matter what they say or what they want to happen because they just want to keep their jobs.

If anybody believes BLM is for law and order, you have a rude awakening coming unless of course you agree that whatever BLM says, will be de facto, the new law, no legislation needed. I think we are entering a "dark period" ( no pun intended ) for law and order in America.

Now if I had a job, THAT would definitely get me fired.
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Old 06-15-2020, 09:57 PM   #104
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
Just from "Google"? How many Oh Henrys did he have?

that must quite a sugar high... lol!
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Old 06-15-2020, 10:35 PM   #105
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Originally Posted by friendly fred View Post
I think he was searching him.

no, he was in the process of handcuffing him.
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