Originally Posted by barfallonyou
Interesting. She sent me a message a little bit ago that her SO died in her arms last night. Sadly I never know what is or isn't true.
You shouldn’t post that type of info. Even indirectly. Not our business or most people’s. Especially if she confided in you about that. As some guys consider when provider have a real s.o. A business factor they can’t play a part in.
She did contact me and told me it was a personal matter in vivid detail which I won’t discuss out of respect for her and anyone in that situation. She didn’t have to do that. And I didn’t expect her too. A simple apology sufficed. But it only came after I posted what I experienced and not before on board.
I’m giving her the benefit of the doubt. She cool in my book. If what she told me is true thats hard to deal with and makes sense. Empathy is something we can’t buy. I never met her but I did talk to her to extend that courtesy at least.
I feel bad for even bringing it up at this point.