Originally Posted by hotrix1
That's got to be the dumbest thing I've ever read.
How can you say they don't know any better? Even jackals know that getting caught stealing from a lion's kill could get them killed. Or are you trying to say that these 2-legged jackals should be allowed to steal in the name of righting an injustice? Stupid animals using the excuse of an injustice to further the injustice by inflicting it on others. Will only hurt themselves in the long run. But not to prosecute? Are you kidding me?
Either way, dumbest thing I've ever read. 
Keep in mind that a jackle is much smarter than the animals that are stealing and burning down their own hood.
We should not prosecute any of them. In fact, we should send them all a token cash payment, continue their existing welfare, and give them all the government cheese they can eat.
If we pacify certain groups of people, they will stay in their place, not vote, and are far less likely to revolt.
Look what happened in the 60's when MLK and Malcolm X were organizing and touring the country. Nobody wants to have to deal with that garbage again.
We need to be very mindful of the big picture. Let them do their thing and make them feel like they made a difference.
Pacification is in the best interest of this country.