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Old 05-25-2020, 02:32 PM   #31
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U are welcome to nazi Pelosi - who stems from the kalifornia D'alessandro crime family - and admirably carries on the criminal tradition with her husband in The House and investment theft.
Glad she has somebody to idolize her - there aren't many in America outside of her district in kalifornia.


Pretty boy YSL holds the flush (see mm meme) - and takes nothing.

did not 9500 complain about putting me on "Ignore" ??????
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Old 05-25-2020, 06:55 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by eccieuser9500 View Post
Is This the Blueprint for Sanders and AOC to Take Over the Democratic Party?

"Social movements can change the world. But they can also become powerful vehicles for self-delusion. Wallace tapped into a movement that came to believe it represented The People, and lost all ability to see what the actual people outside the movement thought about them. Inevitably they came to see their defeats as the product of a scheme."

You see this in Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez too. The Green New Deal for example -- the majority of America is not behind it.

That said, the radicals in the party aren't tainted to the extent of others. Most other Democratic congressmen, like the big government Republicans, are only too happy to accept and shovel pork wherever they can find it.
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Old 05-25-2020, 07:00 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by oeb11 View Post
U are welcome to nazi Pelosi - who stems from the kalifornia D'alessandro crime family - and admirably carries on the criminal tradition with her husband in The House and investment theft.
Glad she has somebody to idolize her - there aren't many in America outside of her district in kalifornia.


Pretty boy YSL holds the flush (see mm meme) - and takes nothing.

did not 9500 complain about putting me on "Ignore" ??????
I don't much like Pelosi or Trump. Or for that matter the U.S. Congress. What is it that the federal government does for us? Takes our money and gives very little in return. On the other hand politicians in my state, county and city do a pretty good job. There were some good and decent politicians, more Republicans than Democrats, who believed in common sense and smaller deficits and smaller government. They've mostly gotten pushed aside or forced out by the party bosses.
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Old 05-26-2020, 08:00 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
I don't much like Pelosi or Trump. Or for that matter the U.S. Congress. What is it that the federal government does for us? Takes our money and gives very little in return. On the other hand politicians in my state, county and city do a pretty good job. There were some good and decent politicians, more Republicans than Democrats, who believed in common sense and smaller deficits and smaller government. They've mostly gotten pushed aside or forced out by the party bosses.
Washington is hopelessly broken

so is the news media

when there is not a shared vision of American ideals and kids are taught hate and not context the country is on a collision course to a day of reckoning
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Old 05-26-2020, 08:40 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Is This the Blueprint for Sanders and AOC to Take Over the Democratic Party?


Wake up 9500- they already did take over the DPST Party.

Biden is a senile placeholder and committed to the Progressive totalitarian agenda of Sanders, AOC, and the radical Socialists.

It already happened!!!

Thank U - ysl! Pretty boy.
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Old 05-26-2020, 12:50 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought View Post
Washington is hopelessly broken

so is the news media

when there is not a shared vision of American ideals and kids are taught hate and not context the country is on a collision course to a day of reckoning

Don’t let Big Tech turn the world into a China, Noam Chomsky warns


“As severe as this pandemic is, it's not the worst problem. There will be recovery from the pandemic at severe cost ... but there isn't going to be any recovery from the melting of the polar ice caps and the rising of sea levels and the other deleterious effects of global warming,” he said.

That kind of a public in the US also voted for a leadership that has proven itself wholly unequal to the task of managing the pandemic in the country where more than 100,000 people have died of it . “There's no coherent leadership. It's chaotic. The presidency, the White House, is in the hands of a sociopathic megalomaniac who's interested in nothing but his own power, electoral prospects — doesn't care what happens to the country, the world,” Chomsky said, in scathing criticism of President Donald Trump.

He explained the economic model that led to the current situation. “It's a privatised society, very wealthy, with enormous advantages — far more than any other country — but it’s in the stranglehold of private control.

“It doesn't have a universal health care system.... It's the ultimate neoliberal system, actually.”

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Old 05-26-2020, 01:10 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by eccieuser9500 View Post
Don’t let Big Tech turn the world into a China, Noam Chomsky warns

Good luck with that Chomsky BS rhetoric there EC9500. It's at most impacting a small percentage of voters.
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Old 05-26-2020, 01:56 PM   #38
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Chomsky writing anything against his Chinese communist Mao-loving model of society of the future. ???
What - oh - he is so old , that like Biden - his senility is controlling him

Even YSL says -"Tut, tut", and taps his cigarette in amazement.
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Old 05-27-2020, 07:31 AM   #39
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Originally Posted by eccielover View Post
Good luck with that Chomsky BS rhetoric there EC9500. It's at most impacting a small percentage of voters.
BS? He's an authority on the origins of language. But you think the dumbass in the Whitehouse, who can't put a decent sentence together, spews gospel.

A small percentage of voters, sure. But his analysis is sought after by the globe. Noam isn't interested in popularity. Just scholarship and making sure we know who's accountable and responsible. A founder of cognitive science.

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Old 08-08-2020, 10:28 PM   #40
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When I started this thread, I was poking fun at Oeb's acronym, DPST - Democrat/Progressive/Socialist/Totalitarian. For the most part, Oeb and I agree on things that matter. However, I don't think you can necessarily label a Democrat or even a Progressive as a socialist.

Well, maybe I was wrong. Two Democrats, Ed Markey and Kirsten Gillibrand, and Independent Bernie Sanders introduced this jewel in the U.S. Senate, the Make Billionaires Pay Act:


They would tax 60% of wealth gains made by billionaires between March 18, 2020 and January 1, 2021. They picked March 18 because that was a market bottom.

Let's look at the effect of this on, say, Elon Musk. Tesla stock was 361 on March 18, 2020, having fallen from 917 a month earlier. If the price of Tesla closes the year at where it is now, 1452.7, Musk would have to sell 45% of his ownership in Tesla to pay his tax bill.

So if that's not socialism what is?

You expect this kind of crap from Bernie Sanders, the so called Democratic Socialist. But mainstream Democrats? Well, maybe so. The party is going farther and farther to the left. Elizabeth Warren certainly will be on board with the Make Billionaries Pay Act.
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Old 08-08-2020, 10:50 PM   #41
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How mature?

Where are the cogents discussions and thoughts provoking, fact based debates?

Alls I see is mainly the name-callings and scatologies. Moreso now than before Trump pardoned Roger Stone but condemned a couple hundred thousand Yanks.
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Old 08-08-2020, 11:35 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by eccieuser9500 View Post
BS? He's an authority on the origins of language. But you think the dumbass in the Whitehouse, who can't put a decent sentence together, spews gospel.

A small percentage of voters, sure. But his analysis is sought after by a few leftist shitheads. Noam isn't interested in popularity. Just scholarship and making sure we know who's accountable and responsible. A founder of cognitive science.



seriously .. what is your obsession with Marxism? you know that the "great" Marxists were all mass murders yeah? they made Hitler look like an amateur. that's quite an "accomplishment" isn't it?
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Old 08-09-2020, 12:48 AM   #43
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Thanks Tiny for bumping this.I had thought it meant Deep State.

I first learned about "Deep State" about 45 years ago when taking Government 101 as a freshman in college.

It's a theory of government that as our country grew forward from it's founding.Our country grew bigger.Consequently our Federal Government grew bigger.

As a result the Departments,Bureaus,and Agencies grew bigger with more employees.

Some of them just applied for jobs and got them.
Some get jobs from patronage but it may be from a Senator or a Representative and that job can become somewhat permanent or semi-permanent.
Some may obtain jobs or appointments from the Executive and some of these can have some turnover with administration changes.

But the bottom line is that these employees probably average ~ 50 / 50 as to Republicans and Democrats.

Most do their jobs and leave politics at home for the most part.
Neither side is really having organized secret meetings to advance or not advance agendas.
Their influence ebbs and flows and for the most part they offset each other.

Is there a Deep State ? Yes
Does it have an impact on our Government ? Yes

But that influence is primarily concerned with self preservation.
That their little fiefdoms are not downsized out of existence.
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Old 08-09-2020, 01:29 AM   #44
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Originally Posted by sportfisherman View Post
But the bottom line is that these employees probably average ~ 50 / 50 as to Republicans and Democrats.
I don't think its 50/50. its more like 20/80. its based on what i've seen of their contributions to political parties.
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Old 08-09-2020, 01:38 AM   #45
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I won't quibble as to exact percentages.

Certainly there will always be fluctuation.

But I do feel the underlying premise is accurate.

I made a post in "the elephant in the room which is kinda related.
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