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Old 04-28-2020, 05:58 AM   #76
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I put no weight in being an Ivy League grad. My oldest was Ivy League undergrad, Masters at a Big 10, and PhD at AZ State. She <30 with a ginormous salary but couldn’t change a flat tire and is generally dumb AF. Intelligent and educated are two vastly different things.
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Old 04-28-2020, 06:40 AM   #77
Lucas McCain
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You should put some weight in having 3 Ivy League degrees. There are not many of us who have them and we are highly compensated for that for a reason.

My daughter is not old enough to drive yet, but I sure the fuck don't want her changing a flat tire on the side of the road when she is. Is there something in the water in pgh to make you old fuckers completely retarded there? It's no big deal. I'll just include you in the stupid pgh white trash haters crew. lol
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Old 04-28-2020, 06:45 AM   #78
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Originally Posted by Lucas McCain View Post
How did I miss this? That dipshit offered me a $100 to pretty much out myself. I was clear that I would happily do it for $100K and leave the board for good and show that I am an Ivy League grad. I said that multiple times. I don't think he knows what a $100K means and I could give a fuck about $100. Dude is a complete weirdo dummy.

I don't waste my time for anything for $100. I don't know why that clown is trying to get people to out themselves. I don't give a shit about anyone's RL information on this board. It's none of my business. Why he obviously wants to obtain it is weird as fuck to me. Then again, I'll never understand trailer park white trash.

Correction: It may have been Lusty. Fuck if I care. He's guilty by association. I can't keep track of these old trailer park losers who hate me. I just know it was of one of those old fat pgh dipshits. I'm hardly very popular with them. And Jacuzzeme, I don't put you in their group. I can tell you're different than those losers. And if you're not different than them, you know exactly where I'll be going with you.
Do you have these troll snippets on a clipboard so you don't have to retype them each time?
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Old 04-28-2020, 06:56 AM   #79
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gnadfly, we're good. The answer is no. I'm stuck at home so I don't mind the typing. It's not like I am working much.

As far as me being a troll, I've never denied that but so are most of the people in here. We've PM'd before. You know my character and my compassion. There is no need to insult me because I am not nice to your far right wing anonymous internet buddies. It's not like I discriminate against who I go after on this board. All people are completely equal to me to fuck with when I feel like it regardless of race, politics or religion.
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Old 04-28-2020, 08:46 AM   #80
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Originally Posted by Lucas McCain View Post
You should put some weight in having 3 Ivy League degrees. There are not many of us who have them and we are highly compensated for that for a reason.

My daughter is not old enough to drive yet, but I sure the fuck don't want her changing a flat tire on the side of the road when she is. Is there something in the water in pgh to make you old fuckers completely retarded there? It's no big deal. I'll just include you in the stupid pgh white trash haters crew. lol
LOL! My swimming pool was more than you make in 3 years. The most successful clients I have (own your own jet successful) never stepped foot in a college classroom. Flatter yourself as much as you’re comfortable with, it’s still meaningless.

And not teaching your kids how to handle roadside emergencies is doing them a huge disservice. Every kid should know how to change a tire, check and add oil, check and adjust air pressure, jump a dead battery, and basic nomenclature before they leave the driveway. Cell phone batteries die or have no service, but you do you if you don’t give AF about your kids safety.
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Old 04-28-2020, 09:16 AM   #81
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Originally Posted by Jacuzzme View Post
LOL! My swimming pool was more than you make in 3 years. The most successful clients I have (own your own jet successful) never stepped foot in a college classroom. Flatter yourself as much as you’re comfortable with, it’s still meaningless.

And not teaching your kids how to handle roadside emergencies is doing them a huge disservice. Every kid should know how to change a tire, check and add oil, check and adjust air pressure, jump a dead battery, and basic nomenclature before they leave the driveway. Cell phone batteries die or have no service, but you do you if you don’t give AF about your kids safety.
Calm down clown. I know how much pools cost. They're what I make in a week. I have one and it is a complete waste of money. Don't waste your time talking about the money I make because it's an embarrassment to me.

Do you even know the definition of "meaningless" If you are saying that 3 Ivy League degrees are that? My daughter will have AAA when she is old enough to drive. Do you not realize that kids freak out when they only have 75% of their battery charged on their phone? Her phone will always be charged. That's what kids do you old dipshit. They live on their phone. She'll be calling them or me, clown. You old white trash pgh guys are funny to me. Get with reality and learn some things outside of 1985.
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Old 04-28-2020, 09:29 AM   #82
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Originally Posted by Lucas McCain View Post
Calm down clown. I know how much pools cost. They're what I make in a week. I have one and it is a complete waste of money.

lol u aren't wrong there. Waco Manor also has a pool. nice big one, a diving pool. about 45ft in length. of course i bought the house with the pool. let some other dude eat the 40k. not me lol. at best it probably adds 5k to my value now. considering the investment to put it in that's a rather shitty roi.

good thing i didn't have to eat that 40k, i would have to live in that damn pool to get my money out of it.
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Old 04-28-2020, 09:38 AM   #83
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My pool is a complete waste of money. I have to pay people to clean it and nobody even uses it. It was used for a year before my family was sick of it. I'm ashamed to admit that I even have a pool.
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Old 04-28-2020, 10:32 AM   #84
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Originally Posted by Lucas McCain View Post
gnadfly, we're good. The answer is no. I'm stuck at home so I don't mind the typing. It's not like I am working much.
So not working much. Obviously then you don't have either the position or the responsibility over people you claim, especially in the financial sector.
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Old 04-28-2020, 10:43 AM   #85
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Yes, because there is nothing going on in this country that would slow down work for a person with a client facing position who can't hop on planes. Seriously, are you pgh white trash fuckers all retarded?
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Old 04-28-2020, 10:52 AM   #86
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Originally Posted by Lucas McCain View Post
My pool is a complete waste of money. I have to pay people to clean it and nobody even uses it. It was used for a year before my family was sick of it. I'm ashamed to admit that I even have a pool.
Don't let it go to waste. Turn it into a Koi Pond.
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Old 04-28-2020, 10:54 AM   #87
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Originally Posted by Lucas McCain View Post
Yes, because there is nothing going on in this country that would slow down work for a person with a client facing position who can't hop on planes.
Whoa, you said before your position was oversight of many different teams and I'm pretty sure you said that the impacts to you and your work would be minimal or non-existent.

Now you are suddenly client facing and directly impacted.

Do you ever get your back stories straight.

You and Lapdog are made for each other. He claims previously to have never ever done business with someone who has filed and had a bankruptcy, saying he vets everyone he does any and all business with, which to any "real" businessman is sheer and utter bullshit.

You guys attempt to spew some level of superiority complex and continually get caught in it.

But I do enjoy the entertainment of watching you guys make up new stories.
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Old 04-28-2020, 11:48 AM   #88
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Originally Posted by Levianon17 View Post
Don't let it go to waste. Turn it into a Koi Pond.
Lol. My pool guys are pretty generous with the chlorine. I don't think fish would live long in there.

It's actually a good idea. I could at least drain it and make it useful. At least it would have some fucking use if I put some fresh water in there and I throw catfish in that waste of money. I'll just fish out of that bitch when I have a craving for catfish.

People who know me in RL know how I am and how I don't give a shit. I should get a pool full of catfish and just treat that fucking waste of money like a fake ass lake.
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Old 04-28-2020, 11:52 AM   #89
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Originally Posted by Lucas McCain View Post
Lol. My pool guys are pretty generous with the chlorine. I don't think fish would live long in there.
Yeah, I didn't think Kiddie pools needed much chlorine.
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Old 04-28-2020, 12:46 PM   #90
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Originally Posted by eccielover View Post
Whoa, you said before your position was oversight of many different teams and I'm pretty sure you said that the impacts to you and your work would be minimal or non-existent.

Now you are suddenly client facing and directly impacted.

Do you ever get your back stories straight.

You and Lapdog are made for each other. He claims previously to have never ever done business with someone who has filed and had a bankruptcy, saying he vets everyone he does any and all business with, which to any "real" businessman is sheer and utter bullshit.

You guys attempt to spew some level of superiority complex and continually get caught in it.

But I do enjoy the entertainment of watching you guys make up new stories.
EccieLoser and jizzy both make the assumption that they can accurately use their own intelligence as a barometer to measure the intelligence of those who they try to insult or otherwise verbally spar with. They rarely, if ever, have the advantage.
They think that no one is as smart as they are and all they are succeeding in doing is bringing on a lifetime of disappointment in being outsmarted. Unless they are both hiding it well, they truly are as stupid as I believe they are.
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