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Old 04-23-2020, 10:33 AM   #1
friendly fred
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Default To all those who say opening the economy will kill people to save jobs...

Well, many people say heartless Republicans want to open up the economy and they say we are willing to sacrifice old people to do it.

Guess what - we make those kind of tradeoffs every day.

For instance, let's lower the speed limit to 30 MPH and restrict anyone over 80 from driving. That will save lives overall and save old fuckers as well.

It would be a huge cost to the economy and very inconvenient but who cares, because every life is precious, right?

Let's spend trillions of dollars to make the water so pure you could use it right out of the water faucet with a saline solution and put it in an IV - even if it will likely just go to water your yard!

Let's put inspectors at the check out line in every supermarket to test every single package of food to make sure no bacteria are present.

We take risks everyday in America - let's not be a bunch of pussies!

Open it up!!
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Old 04-23-2020, 11:14 AM   #2
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It's very difficult to reason with those people. Theirs is an emotional argument: "I want to feel safe.. I want my kids to be safe."

Many American women will only respond to that. At Kroger yesterday, ALL women over 30 had a mask on. They will never feel safe with the media screaming "YOUR LIFE IS ENDANGER! PANIC UNTIL WE SAY STOP!"

And the media won't. Not until President Trump is out of office. That's their and the Democratic Socialists' goal. Somehow they're pedaling "We can guarantee your safety."

Now they are installing panic over a 2nd death wave in Sept. It's inevitable that the US fatalities spike again.

The adults in the room must prevail. We've got to get back to work. The federal govt can't bail out everyone.
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Old 04-23-2020, 11:27 AM   #3
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Bravo! We go to war, expecting to take losses, over things that would cause far less damage to the country than the clusterfuck we’ve currently volunteered for.

We’ve become a nation of pussies.

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Old 04-23-2020, 11:46 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by friendly fred View Post
For instance, let's lower the speed limit to 30 MPH and restrict anyone over 80 from driving. That will save lives overall and save old fuckers as well.

Looks like the 30-59 "fuckers" need some "help" with lower speeds.
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Old 04-23-2020, 12:12 PM   #5
friendly fred
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post

Looks like the 30-59 "fuckers" need some "help" with lower speeds.
It was behind a paywall but I assume those fuckers are killing people on the road, also?
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Old 04-23-2020, 12:12 PM   #6
friendly fred
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
It's very difficult to reason with those people. Theirs is an emotional argument: "I want to feel safe.. I want my kids to be safe."

Many American women will only respond to that. At Kroger yesterday, ALL women over 30 had a mask on. They will never feel safe with the media screaming "YOUR LIFE IS ENDANGER! PANIC UNTIL WE SAY STOP!"

And the media won't. Not until President Trump is out of office. That's their and the Democratic Socialists' goal. Somehow they're pedaling "We can guarantee your safety."

Now they are installing panic over a 2nd death wave in Sept. It's inevitable that the US fatalities spike again.

The adults in the room must prevail. We've got to get back to work. The federal govt can't bail out everyone.
Hell yes!

Originally Posted by Jacuzzme View Post
Bravo! We go to war, expecting to take losses, over things that would cause far less damage to the country than the clusterfuck we’ve currently volunteered for.

We’ve become a nation of pussies.

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Old 04-23-2020, 02:21 PM   #7
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Here's an idea! If you are afraid to go back to work, DON'T! If you want to stay home in your house until their are no more deaths, STAY HOME! How does anybody going back to work affect anybody that doesn't want to leave their house? This is crazy. YES, MITIGATE as much as possible and then accept life as it comes.

Some experts are saying that come fall, we will be facing COVID-19, Influenza A and Influenza B and thousands upon thousands of Americans will die. Are you going to stay inside for the rest of your life because it looks like to me, that these 3 viruses and perhaps more will be with us until there is a cure and while I do expect that someday, it's not going to be anytime soon and if we don't go back to work, we are done as a society.
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Old 04-23-2020, 03:43 PM   #8
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Default For those about to work, we salute you

For those unwilling to work, try Venezuela. I hear tell you can buy a loaf of bread with a wheel barrow of cash these days.
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Old 04-23-2020, 08:36 PM   #9
Chung Tran
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I think this "plan" would suit me...

open up May 15... that allows those areas who are not past the curve now, to get past.. we can ramp up testing until then, especially in Nursing Homes.. many will choose to social distance after May 15, for a while, meantime the rest can do their thing.

it's established that 1/4 of the deaths have been IN Nursing Homes.. that's not counting all the Old Codgers who perished outside the environs of a Nursing Home. that tells me the virus preys on the infirm and aged.. rock and roll shows can proceed as planned, ball games accept the elderly at that person's own risk.
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Old 04-23-2020, 09:44 PM   #10
friendly fred
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Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
I think this "plan" would suit me...

open up May 15... that allows those areas who are not past the curve now, to get past.. we can ramp up testing until then, especially in Nursing Homes.. many will choose to social distance after May 15, for a while, meantime the rest can do their thing.

it's established that 1/4 of the deaths have been IN Nursing Homes.. that's not counting all the Old Codgers who perished outside the environs of a Nursing Home. that tells me the virus preys on the infirm and aged.. rock and roll shows can proceed as planned, ball games accept the elderly at that person's own risk.
Yes, give the elderly waivers to sign and let's get the party started!
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