Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
HH & LMC are not butt buddies... but
HH, J666, BWK, SC & SM2 are part of the bosom gang therefore are butt buddies.
Dilbert, I'll be called names regardless from many of these losers because I don't pick sides and I don't discriminate against anyone because of their political beliefs. I don't love Trump and I don't hate him, if anyone has a problem with that, they can fuck off and those immature old clowns can continue to waste their time to try to insult me with childish name calling. Trust me, I've been called much worse before by my older brother and unlike these anonymous old losers, I care about him and he is actually smart and clever when he insults me. lol
Originally Posted by gnadfly
To get breast implants.
I actually hold that against women. I like all natural. There are few things that annoy me more than when I go after a woman because I think she has a nice pair of naturals and she strips down and her tits are fake.