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Old 04-17-2020, 08:17 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
..., thanks to that virus Trump failed to arrest
You mean like the rest of the world?
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Old 04-17-2020, 09:22 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss View Post
Still peddling that bio lab conspiracy theory. Are we ?

Yep and the evidence grows stronger everyday but I'm glad you went on record as someone who dismisses the possibility. I wonder what your comment will be "if" it's confirmed? If it is completely, factually debunked, I'll be the first to apologize for posting the possibility. There is now an official government investigation into this reporting so we should know more in coming days.

Like a dog with a bone .

A term used to describe any good investigative reporter. I'll take it. I believe it because all the circumstantial evidence in the world points to it. We know this started in Wuhan, one way or another. But isn't it interesting that there just happens to be a virology lab within miles of the epicenter of the outbreak. And what prey tell were they doing in that lab? Why studying bat viruses. And isn't it interesting that for more than a few years now, scientist have been warning about the possibility of a lab not taking adequate precautions, could allow a virus to escape. We even gave the Wuhan lab money in order to make sure this wouldn't happen.

So yeah, it is possible that the Wuhan virology lab studying bat viruses who had a problem with taking proper precautions had absolutely nothing to do with this virus showing up in Wuhan but right now, if they are taking bets in Las Vegas, a wise man would put his money on "it got out of the lab in Wuhan" but I'll put you down for how much that it didn't?

So what’s this got to do with Trump incompetence?

Well, at the risk of offending the "I don't want to hear about whataboutism especially as it relates to Obama", what defines incompetence? Is it a number of deaths that happen in America when a new virus is found infecting Americans and how fast a response we have indicated by how many deaths we have?

Ask yourself if Obama was incompetent in handling the H1N1 virus in 2009. What number of hospitalizations and deaths would determine if Obama was incompetent? I wish I could wait for your response but we all know you wouldn't have one so let me tell you.


During the pandemic, CDC provided estimates of the numbers of 2009 H1N1 cases, hospitalizations and deaths on seven different occasions. Final estimates were published in 2011. These final estimates were that from April 12, 2009 to April 10, 2010 approximately 60.8 million cases (range: 43.3-89.3 million), 274,304 hospitalizations (195,086-402,719), and 12,469 deaths (8868-18,306) occurred in the United States due to pH1N1.

So are you prepared to say that Obama has the deaths of 12,469 Americans on his hands?

So far because he ignored the pandemic experts, inc Israeli intelligence, no less
Who alerted him way back in November, Trump is responsible for 34000 deaths so far

And once again, you speak and provide no evidence that you tell us you dig up every time you want to confirm what you are about to say and yet never do. Why is that? That was a rhetorical question because we all know the answer to that, that you are so full of shit, your eyes are brown. So let me show you what you get when you do actually do a little digging.



Dr. Anthony Fauci said there was "nothing to worry about" in late February 2020 in regards to COVID-19 and it was "safe" to do things like go to the movies and the gym.

What's True

During a Feb. 29, 2020, interview, Dr. Fauci said that at that time and under the circumstances pertaining to that date, Americans didn't need to change their behavior patterns.

So on Feb. 29th, the leading expert on pandemics, the man advising Trump on what to do, said that Americans did not need to change their behavior. But you think that Trump should have ignored this advice from the leading expert since he was told or so you tell us without any evidence, that Trump was warned in November that this pandemic was coming and it would kill thousands but Dr. Fauci said on Feb. 29th that "if you are a healthy person, go ahead and take that cruise because it is highly unlikely that a healthy person has anything to worry about" but Trump should have known better than to listen to the leading expert on pandemics, yeah, right.

What's False

However, Fauci did not say there was "nothing to worry about," and although he stated that Americans did not yet need to change their behaviors, he noted that what was then classified as the COVID-19 outbreak could require that to change.

And yet President Trump first took action to stem the tide by stopping flights from China on Jan31st. Was it completely successful? Obviously not but it does show he was trying to do something a full month before his lead expert on pandemics was telling Americans that they really didn't need to change their behavior. So who actually cost American lives? The dates would suggest that it was the leading expert on pandemic's that apparently had no idea how bad this would get.

Phony FUX Fox News should be renamed Trump TV They all wallow in a chorus of lies and misinformation

I think I just proved and have proved with every post you have ever made like Trump making a boat load on money off Hydroxychloriqine, that you are the one that spreads lies and misinformation like you just did without any evidence to back up what you said like you always do. You sir are a coward of the worst sort. I have no objection to people not liking Trump, hell, I don't like Trump. I have no objection to people objecting to his policies which I happen to like but what I do object to is people who lie for the sole objective of hurting another. You either lie because you are an idiot, or you lie to hurt somebody you object to instead of just saying why you object without lying but you obviously can't help yourself.

Nothing credible comes out of that channel.

Nothing credible comes from you.

That’s why they’re being sued for lying about the virus, claiming it was all a Hoax and giving out false hope.
We are witnessing the result.
I’d be the the first guy to tell Carlson what to do with his Govt sources.
Insert them sideways

No, actually you wouldn't. Plenty of people just like you, ignorant, hateful people have told him. I'll be waiting to hear your ignorant comments when our intelligence agencies confirm that the Wuhan virus most likely came from the Wuhan lab.

I use to think Jaxson was the biggest idiot on the board but man, you have surpassed him by a mile.
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Old 04-17-2020, 10:25 PM   #33
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Somehow the progressives are trying to characterize a virus escaping from the virus lab as a conspiracy theory. That there's no evidence of 'genetically engineering.' They're missing the point that the Chinese are studying bats from 500 miles away, some safety protocols weren't followed, and a pandemic followed that is devastating economies. But somehow "Orange Man Bad" is responsible for bad mouthing the Chinese.
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Old 04-18-2020, 12:24 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
Somehow the progressives are trying to characterize a virus escaping from the virus lab as a conspiracy theory. That there's no evidence of 'genetically engineering.' They're missing the point that the Chinese are studying bats from 500 miles away, some safety protocols weren't followed, and a pandemic followed that is devastating economies. But somehow "Orange Man Bad" is responsible for bad mouthing the Chinese.
At least you used "progressive" and not . . .

the left . . . the Left . . . THE LEFT.


False Consiousness.
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Old 04-18-2020, 12:28 AM   #35
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Old 04-18-2020, 01:58 AM   #36
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Old 04-18-2020, 05:26 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss View Post
Still peddling that bio lab conspiracy theory. Are we ? ...

So walk us though it if you will. There is a cave, a few hundred miles or so from the Wuhan lab where they have been getting bats from for experiments for years. The cave has been in existence for, I don't know maybe 2 millennia. Bats maybe for about 2 centuries. Then out of nowhere, the world has a virus from them.

Seems to be a giant leap for mankind missing somewhere. If you could just fill us in on you walked from 200 yeas ago to some random day last winter. Thx.
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Old 04-18-2020, 07:40 AM   #38
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I just don’t get all these people defending China, at best they were completely negligent and tried to cover it up. It’s like defending Hitler or Ho Chi-Minh. If you don’t like President Trump, fine, vote for the other guy, but siding with a genocidal communist dictatorship who just caused the death of tens of thousands of your own people, and hundreds of thousands worldwide, is beyond comprehension.
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Old 04-18-2020, 07:40 AM   #39
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double post
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Old 04-18-2020, 07:52 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by Jacuzzme View Post
I just don’t get all these people defending China, at best they were completely negligent and tried to cover it up. It’s like defending Hitler or Ho Chi-Minh. If you don’t like President Trump, fine, vote for the other guy, but siding with a genocidal communist dictatorship who just caused the death of tens of thousands of your own people, and hundreds of thousands worldwide, is beyond comprehension.
Yous AMERICANS do love your wars, eh? I assume yous will be the first in line at the Army recruiters office, eh?

Follow Trump into another war with... China?

Thank yous for your service.
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Old 04-18-2020, 08:06 AM   #41
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So the answer is that you’re frightened of war with China. I had suspected that.
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Old 04-18-2020, 08:06 AM   #42
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Old 04-18-2020, 08:40 AM   #43
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9500- quote - "At least you used "progressive" and not . . .

the left . . . the Left . . . THE LEFT."

oeb11- Progressive are the driving force in the Fascist DPST party - a thinly veiled word that equates to communist Totalitarianism. Trying to Separate Oneself from the Soylent Green new Deal - and all its implications AOC and her leadership group demand to impose on Amerioca???
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Old 04-18-2020, 08:43 AM   #44
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Originally Posted by Jaxson66 View Post
Maybe the virus was engineered by Seth Rich in the basement of a pizza restaurant owned by the Clintons and were testing it ion young girls kidnapped off Epstein’s jet.

The great leader knows his lies and total incompetence were directly responsible for the breakout of an easily transmitted deadly virus. His day of reckoning is coming and more people in his circle will go to jail.

Thank You j66- since You opined - according to the propaganda rules of the Fascist DPST media - your Opinion must now be a LSM "TRUTH"!

Despite no factual basis whatsoever.

Enjoy spreading Lies???
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Old 04-18-2020, 09:08 AM   #45
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Originally Posted by HedonistForever View Post
When you claim that’s the best news available, then no wonder you continue to be ignorant and stupid
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