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Old 04-17-2020, 08:00 PM   #106
Chung Tran
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
Truth. Be careful of being labeled "mean." Even in the nicest nursing homes they're wheeling people out several times a week.
how many deaths of Asians in Nursing Homes?

very close to zero. Asians almost never put their aged into Nursing Homes.

ironic that China caused this viral outbreak, yet it's Elderly are escaping the Nursing Home wrath!
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Old 04-17-2020, 08:22 PM   #107
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Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
how many deaths of Asians in Nursing Homes?

very close to zero. Asians almost never put their aged into Nursing Homes.

ironic that China caused this viral outbreak, yet it's Elderly are escaping the Nursing Home wrath!
Correct. I have many Vietnamese friends from work. The tell me when they turn on the TV they have to turn pictures of their ancestors around.

Doctors and high ranking Military men don't go to nursing homes either. I hope to never find myself there.
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Old 04-17-2020, 08:24 PM   #108
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Originally Posted by Sienna91 View Post
Also I would like to add that I used to work in a nursing home.. people died in there all the time.. I mean that's kind of what you're sent there for.

Also I would like to know a little more demographics on the people that died in these nursing homes..

What were their conditions? The nursing home in New Jersey I believe had five health citations before the coronavirus even hit..

also let's think this way. Some people in nursing homes bodies are so weak they can't even chew regular food.. like we used to have to put some of their food in blenders. Frankly those people couldn't survive a common cold..

Just as a reminder in the three phase plan one of the last things to restart is visitations to nursing homes.
Apart from preexisting conditions the primary cause of death to Nursing Home residents is Staph infections. So with that being said could those Nursing Home deaths be really Staph past on to the unsuspecting public as Covid19 deaths? I would venture to say yes.
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Old 04-17-2020, 08:38 PM   #109
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
I have many Vietnamese friends from work. The tell me when they turn on the TV they have to turn pictures of their ancestors around.
in most homes in Vietnam, and many here, among Vietnamese people, a mini-shrine is erected, complete with large photo of deceased parents. and when possible, an eternal flame lit nearby.

Vietnamese people cherish their dead long after they are gone. in the US, the Elderly get carted off to Nursing Homes, so they don't get in the way of the living, when it is clear they will become a 'burden". among Vietnamese people, the Elderly are taken care of, dutifully, and STAY in the family home until they die.
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Old 04-17-2020, 09:05 PM   #110
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That's one of the reasons the Asians are so happy to go to work. Old Asians like you stink and not die fast enough! Trust me, these young Vietnamese talk.

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Old 04-18-2020, 07:43 AM   #111
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Originally Posted by Sienna91 View Post
And they are definitely overplaying and dramatizing when they say stuff like body bags , hallways of bodies, etc

Anytime someone dies you're going to have to put the body in a bag or something of that sort they are literally doing everything they can to make this sound scarier than what it is
Your post reminded of this video. Usually when people die they put the body in a"Body Bag". But this video clip seems a bit different. Take a look tell me what you think.

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Old 04-18-2020, 08:37 AM   #112
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
That's one of the reasons the Asians are so happy to go to work. Old Asians like you stink and not die fast enough! Trust me, these young Vietnamese talk.

Which Asians are you referring to?

“The” Asians?

No need to be both rushed and racist.
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Old 04-18-2020, 09:03 AM   #113
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Originally Posted by HoeHummer View Post

Trump saw his numbers sink and is now calling on his minions to rise up against the very people he entrusted with the “decision.”

Nothing like urging on his “second amendment people.”

This guy is a fucking lunatic.

At least with schools out, we dont have to read stories about the daily death tolls in American schools.
Considering we're out 37,000 lives and $2 trillion so far on Covid 19, this one's hilarious:

Biden/Obama were a disaster in handling the H1N1 Swine Flu. Polling at the time showed disastrous approval numbers. 17,000 people died unnecessarily and through incompetence! Also, don’t forget their 5 Billion Dollar Obamacare website that should have cost close to nothing!
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Old 04-18-2020, 09:53 AM   #114
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Tiny - You may think the Biden/Obama lines are hilarious - Obama has lied about the ACA - "it will cost less and you can keep your Doctor"! - remember that?

CDC-From April 12, 2009 to April 10, 2010, CDC estimated there were 60.8 million cases (range: 43.3-89.3 million), 274,304 hospitalizations (range: 195,086-402,719), and 12,469 deaths (range: 8868-18,306) in the United States due to the (H1N1)pdm09 virus. Disease Burden of the H1N1pdm09 Flu Virus, 2009-2018
Since the 2009 H1N1 pandemic, the (H1N1)pdm09 flu virus has circulated seasonally in the U.S. causing significant illnesses, hospitalizations, and deaths.

Additionally, CDC estimated that 151,700-575,400 people worldwide died from (H1N1)pdm09 virus infection during the first year the virus circulated.** Globally, 80 percent of (H1N1)pdm09 virus-related deaths were estimated to have occurred in people younger than 65 years of age. This differs greatly from typical seasonal influenza epidemics, during which about 70 percent to 90 percent of deaths are estimated to occur in people 65 years and older.
Though the 2009 flu pandemic primarily affected children and young and middle-aged adults, the impact of the (H1N1)pdm09 virus on the global population during the first year was less severe than that of previous pandemics. Estimates of pandemic influenza mortality ranged from 0.03 percent of the world’s population during the 1968 H3N2 pandemic to 1 percent to 3 percent of the world’s population during the 1918 H1N1 pandemic. It is estimated that 0.001 percent to 0.007 percent of the world’s population died of respiratory complications associated with (H1N1)pdm09 virus infection during the first 12 months the virus circulated.

There are different opinions about the US daths in the 2009 H1N1 Flu epidemic - however - the numbers are similar to todays Wuhan virus.

Did Obama and Biden shut down the US and world economy in response??
Did they do Any of the social distancing or Public health measures We have instituted under Trump?
Of course Not - they waited for a vaccine - which came a year later - a derivative of other extant flu vaccines.

Hilarious -I do not think so.
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Old 04-18-2020, 09:53 AM   #115
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Tiny - You may think the Biden/Obama lines are hilarious - Obama has lied about the ACA - "it will cost less and you can keep your Doctor"! - remember that?

CDC-From April 12, 2009 to April 10, 2010, CDC estimated there were 60.8 million cases (range: 43.3-89.3 million), 274,304 hospitalizations (range: 195,086-402,719), and 12,469 deaths (range: 8868-18,306) in the United States due to the (H1N1)pdm09 virus. Disease Burden of the H1N1pdm09 Flu Virus, 2009-2018
Since the 2009 H1N1 pandemic, the (H1N1)pdm09 flu virus has circulated seasonally in the U.S. causing significant illnesses, hospitalizations, and deaths.

Additionally, CDC estimated that 151,700-575,400 people worldwide died from (H1N1)pdm09 virus infection during the first year the virus circulated.** Globally, 80 percent of (H1N1)pdm09 virus-related deaths were estimated to have occurred in people younger than 65 years of age. This differs greatly from typical seasonal influenza epidemics, during which about 70 percent to 90 percent of deaths are estimated to occur in people 65 years and older.
Though the 2009 flu pandemic primarily affected children and young and middle-aged adults, the impact of the (H1N1)pdm09 virus on the global population during the first year was less severe than that of previous pandemics. Estimates of pandemic influenza mortality ranged from 0.03 percent of the world’s population during the 1968 H3N2 pandemic to 1 percent to 3 percent of the world’s population during the 1918 H1N1 pandemic. It is estimated that 0.001 percent to 0.007 percent of the world’s population died of respiratory complications associated with (H1N1)pdm09 virus infection during the first 12 months the virus circulated.

There are different opinions about the US daths in the 2009 H1N1 Flu epidemic - however - the numbers are similar to todays Wuhan virus.

Did Obama and Biden shut down the US and world economy in response??
Did they do Any of the social distancing or Public health measures We have instituted under Trump?
Of course Not - they waited for a vaccine - which came a year later - a derivative of other extant flu vaccines.

Hilarious -I do not think so.
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Old 04-18-2020, 11:41 AM   #116
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One would have thought that if the Obaminable-Bitten Teamsters had done such a fine job on quelling the Flu Epidemics during their reign of terror that THEY would have stepped up to the plate and offered to HELP Mr. Trump with the various issues in the Corona Fiasco ..... FOR THE GOOD OF THE U.S. CITIZENS!
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Old 04-18-2020, 11:43 AM   #117
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Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
how many deaths of Asians in Nursing Homes?
How many Asians in nursing homes?
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Old 04-18-2020, 11:52 AM   #118
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Double post .... but ....

A "study" based upon "immunity" testing in California has revealed that there is a significant number of persons who have tested positive for the antibodies (which means that have had the "virus" and recovered) and who have not been counted in the totals for those exposed to the virus .... which means that rather than death percentage being around 4% as recently stated the death rate would be at most (more testing is being conducted) 1.5% .... or lower than the most recent flue season.

If that is the case and the testing and sampling (which was random) proves to be accurate, then the Democrats and other AntiTrumpers will be sadden when they discover that fewer U.S. citizens are going to have died than they wished as the 2020 elections approach!
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Old 04-18-2020, 11:52 AM   #119
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I've visited several nursing homes in the last 20 years because of my parents and grandparents.

I don't remember seeing any Asian patient, caretaker or administrator. I don't even remember seeing a doctor or nurse who appeared Asian.

By the way, in the last couple of days China jacked up the number of deaths attributed to the Wuhan virus. Guess what, they were mostly Chinese! Racist virus!
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Old 04-18-2020, 12:01 PM   #120
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I've visited several in the last 20 years because of my parents and grandparents.

I don't remember seeing any Asian patient, caretaker or administrator. I don't even remember seeing a doctor or nurse who appeared Asian.

By the way, in the last couple of days China jacked up the number of deaths attributed to the Wuhan virus. Guess what, they were mostly Chinese! Racist virus!
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