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Donald Trump is decompensating right before our eyes.
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Chump called it a Fake Report that his own HHS Officer made citing the total disparity in the Claims Chump was making at the podium and the Reality on the ground at hospitals and such as to testing and supplies.
She surveyed ~ 370 hospitals.
Chump said she should have talked to some of his Generals and Admirals and VP Pence.
Why would she need to talk to them when she went straight to the people on the ground who know what's going on ?
Wait till the economic meltdown and the unemployment tsunami come full blown !! Chump will be left with about a 30% number that reflects his rabid base. Not enough for re-election !!
Yup. Fearless Leader dancing like cat on hot tin roof.
Trying to throw everything out to distract you from *HIS* failure. Can safely put it in his lap (you know he can't take responsibilty or own up to a mistake) when WH intelligence briefings been telling him of looming problem since Decemeber. Let's see someone find a lie in the commentary here.
...WH intelligence briefings been telling him of looming problem since Decemeber....
Let's try restructuring the above in the glowing light of crystal clear truth based upon the data you supplied and the data you neglected to supply on the other end.. Shall we.
According to unnamed sources for ABC and regurgitated by some dumb-ass comedian the WH intelligence briefings been telling him of looming problem since Decemeber.yet has been flatly refuted by both GEPOTUS and the head of the National Center for Medical Intelligence (NCMI) .
No need to thank me for your sentence structure repair. It's a free service for the mentally challenged.
Mr. CEO and Number Cruncher !! You got your dictionary with you today ?
What kind of Data and Sources do you have for the following ?
1.There still is not sufficient and adequate testing.
2.There still is not sufficient and adequate PPE and Medical equipment.
3.The financial support is late,overdue,and inadequate.
4.How do you explain Chump's failure to be truthful with the American people as to the potential crisis ahead ?
You got your tap dancing and issue skirting and bullshitting shoes on ?
What do you have to say as to Chump's failure to accept responsibility and his blaming of others; Do you have that data ?
Obama,Governors,Mayors,State and Local officials,the Media,China,HHS Officials,and the WHO.
Let's try restructuring the above in the glowing light of crystal clear truth ....
...with *unnamed sources...that doesn't work.
...with guy who told me....that doesn't work.
...from guy in next urinal...that doesn't work either. orange manright. everyone wrong.
...Wait till the economic meltdown and the unemployment tsunami come full blown !! ...
I have and I've done the math. Let's just say, you ain't a survivor. Just don't have the skills required. Party on dude(ette), it's last call, in that scenario.
You got nothing that I want and nothing that I need...
Originally Posted by sportfisherman
What kind of Data and Sources do you have for the following ?
1.There still is not sufficient and adequate testing.
2.There still is not sufficient and adequate PPE and Medical equipment.
3.The financial support is late,overdue,and inadequate.
4.How do you explain Chump's failure to be truthful with the American people as to the potential crisis ahead ?...
I have gamed these scenarios for decades and have all of those bases covered. Can you even fathom that concept? Nothing you mention concerns me. I don't need any of that to survive and thrive. Do you? I know what is actually important and have plans in place for myself and loved ones (lots of them) and not a one of them include you making it through the crucible. I call it resolve and clarity of thought. Strive to have a nice day, while you can.
...Joe Biden scares me as much as some aspects even worse.
Which of those two would pass a cognitive test? Pro Tip: one already has, one will never, in their wildest dreams, ever. Only real question is: why would you back the one that cannot?
I see your BS comes from NY Times, as parroted by Huffington post, and blasted out on FacePlant, without due course of basic and simple fact checking, even though two of them are owned by Verizon and it's all BS. You also know it, but dare not admit it, but that's your problem. You can suck on From-Under-Cheese all you want, but it don't wash.
P.S. Yes, of course I got the links to all of that, but what's the point? You already knew it was BS. Peddle it somewhere else. Do your own frick'n homework next time dude(ette).
I see your BS comes from NY Times, as parroted by Huffington post, and blasted out on FacePlant, without due course of basic and simple fact checking, even though two of them are owned by Verizon and it's all BS. You also know it, but dare not admit it, but that's your problem. You can suck on From-Under-Cheese all you want, but it don't wash.
P.S. Yes, of course I got the links to all of that, but what's the point? You already knew it was BS. Peddle it somewhere else. Do your own frick'n homework next time dude(ette).
Oh. Those sources that you blast others for using.
They are to your liking (tyrannical?) and too far leaning.
*BUT* i'll accept the Huff and NYT *WHEN* you retract the bad mouthing of them on other threads that people used them to counter you. You can get a hall pass with CNN.