Originally Posted by gnadfly
Should fire Wray next. During this quarantine, the Dim can't put another impeachment committee together, nor will it get airtime.
President Kong should take a page from the Dim's playbook: "Never let a good crisis go to waste."
Oh but Pelosi is trying. She is trying to get the subpoena power necessary to, wait for it, investigate Trump's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. "He should have done this and that sooner" will be the charge but with no evidence of malice, it will go as far as Ukraine did but of course the dimwits think additional accusations will hurt Trump in November which is the goal.
So what evidence could be presented that President Trump was getting it "wrong" with malice, when there is evidence that in the beginning what he was told by the leading expert Dr. Fauci was incorrect.
What you are about to see and hear, should you choose, may be deleterious to those with Fox News Derangement Syndrome and you know who you are. It has become apparent to me that the best reporting on this issue, is coming from Tucker Carlson. The other night Carlson broke the story of 3M selling N95 masks needed here in the US, over seas to the highest bidders.
President Trump was made aware of this and yesterday ordered 3M to stop that practice under the powers given to the President to "regulate" certain manufacturing decisions for the course of the crisis.
But more than just the evidence that not only did Trump say and get some things wrong in the beginning not wanting to start a panic will be the probable motive in all these decisions, the experts advising him and even Democrat politicians got it wrong which I and others have previously documented right here for anybody that wanted to know the truth about "the words being spoken" by more than just Trump.
I think you'll find this monologue very interesting especially in what we might have to look forward to in the coming days and what our country might look like economically.
Sorry for getting off the Atkinson story but I was to lazy to find a more appropriate thread.