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Old 03-26-2020, 04:45 PM   #76
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Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh View Post
Go back and read my post. I didn't lie, but unless you can produce a quote of me calling him xenophobic for blocking flights from China, you lied.

We failed at testing early and often, and according to your hero, the blame of that rests squarely on the leader.
No it doesn’t. The CDC was woefully unprepared. The tests they did have weren’t accurate. You can go back to prior Admistrations if you want to be fair. At least Trump had the smarts to partner with the private sector to produce better and more reliable tests. The private sector is always faster and more efficient than government. Also, drive thru facilities. Without private sector involvement, this could have been a lot worse. Now, the US has tested more people than anyone else. At the end of the day, it’s about the mortality rate. Ours is almost identical to South Korea’s. And may ultimately be lower.
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Old 03-26-2020, 07:16 PM   #77
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
No it doesn’t. The CDC was woefully unprepared. The tests they did have weren’t accurate. You can go back to prior Admistrations if you want to be fair. At least Trump had the smarts to partner with the private sector to produce better and more reliable tests. The private sector is always faster and more efficient than government. Also, drive thru facilities. Without private sector involvement, this could have been a lot worse. Now, the US has tested more people than anyone else. At the end of the day, it’s about the mortality rate. Ours is almost identical to South Korea’s. And may ultimately be lower.
Trump was two months late in partnering with the private sector. The blame does in fact rest on his shoulders.

"Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible." -DJT

The US has not tested more people than anyone else. Why do you people keep repeating that lie?

It's funny to me that the most at risk age demographics are also the ones most likely to think that this clown is doing a good job.
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Old 03-26-2020, 09:01 PM   #78
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Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh View Post
Trump was two months late in partnering with the private sector. The blame does in fact rest on his shoulders.

"Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible." -DJT

The US has not tested more people than anyone else. Why do you people keep repeating that lie?

It's funny to me that the most at risk age demographics are also the ones most likely to think that this clown is doing a good job.
As of yesterday, the US has administered 350,000 tests, South Korea 327,000 tests. Yes, South Korea has a higher per capita testing, but the US has administered more tests. The mortality rate in both countries is about even, around 1.2%. That number will probably go down here once more tests are done. According to Andrew Cuomo, the US has done more testing in the last 8 days than SK has done in the last 8 weeks. If you have a beef with that, call him. Abbott just introduced a test that will give results in 15 minutes.


And there’s this:

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Old 03-26-2020, 10:08 PM   #79
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Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh View Post
Trump was two months late in partnering with the private sector. The blame does in fact rest on his shoulders.

"Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible." -DJT

The US has not tested more people than anyone else. Why do you people keep repeating that lie?

It's funny to me that the most at risk age demographics are also the ones most likely to think that this clown is doing a good job.
Keep drinking that DNC kool-aid

Meanwhile here is what the moronic liberal running NYC was doing in March - and why it is the epicenter of the breakout in the US

And the NYC Health Commissioner

Oh - and for good measure, the inept Senate Minority leader from New York:

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Old 03-26-2020, 10:10 PM   #80
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
As of yesterday, the US has administered 350,000 tests, South Korea 327,000 tests. Yes, South Korea has a higher per capita testing, but the US has administered more tests. The mortality rate in both countries is about even, around 1.2%. That number will probably go down here once more tests are done. According to Andrew Cuomo, the US has done more testing in the last 8 days than SK has done in the last 8 weeks. If you have a beef with that, call him. Abbott just introduced a test that will give results in 15 minutes.


And there’s this:

Exactly !!! I believe the number today from Dr. Birx is the US has tested over 550,000 people now
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Old 03-26-2020, 10:12 PM   #81
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Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh View Post
Trump was two months late in partnering with the private sector. The blame does in fact rest on his shoulders.
Are you even fucking aware of the fact that the first US death from covid-19 didn't occur until Feb. 29? That's less than 30 days ago! How was trump supposed to shut the country down sooner? He was ahead of the threat when he banned travel with China back on Jan. 31.

You libtards are so transparent. You claim to have a monopoly on caring and compassion and empathy. But deep down everyone knows you're secretly rooting for the virus. You want this to be "Trump's Katrina". You snarkily refer to it as the "Trump plague". You want to fan fear and keep the economy on lockdown as long as possible to cripple Trump's re-election chances. If thousands of Americans die and/or millions are not allowed to return to work, it's a small price to pay to defeat Trump. Never let a good crisis go to waste, right? So much for libtard "empathy"!

Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh View Post
The US has not tested more people than anyone else. Why do you people keep repeating that lie?
Why do you people keep denying the truth? If you have an ounce of integrity, you will admit Bambino is right and you are wrong.

Oh dear! While I was posting, the number of tests in the US just surpassed 540,000.


Now try to pretend that's good news. I know it's disappointing for you to watch the country work together under trumpy to defeat this scourge, but maybe you can force a smile, huh? Please try to stay out of the way while the adults get things done. If you have to nitpick and complain, do it under self-quarantine.
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Old 03-26-2020, 10:49 PM   #82
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Originally Posted by tannana View Post
Trump: ignored the problem, went on TV and downplayed the problem repeatedly, called it a media hoax, has been pulling CDC resources out of china for the past two years, failed to run their own NSA playbook on pandemic response, and has ignored his actual experts.
Wtf does the NSA (National Security Agency) have to do with disease control? They're the ones who spy on everyone's emails.

Is this what you mean by ignoring his actual experts?

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Old 03-27-2020, 08:51 AM   #83
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
Wtf does the NSA (National Security Agency) have to do with disease control? They're the ones who spy on everyone's emails.

Is this what you mean by ignoring his actual experts?

He doesn’t know what he means, he just posts like he does. Maybe he went to the same Ivy League schools as Lucy McCain!
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Old 03-27-2020, 12:27 PM   #84
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Well, I gave him the benefit of a doubt and googled "NSA pandemic plan". Looks like tannana gets his info from Buzzfeed. Yes, the NSA did put out a "playbook" ten years ago. It was aimed at protecting their own staff (not the American public) and contains common sense recommendations that every American is already following.

So how the fuck does that get distorted into the trump team "failed to run their own NSA playbook"? SMDH!

The 50-page document — obtained by BuzzFeed News last July following a six-year Freedom of Information Act battle — tracks closely with steps that have now been widely adopted by Americans facing the current coronavirus outbreak,

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Old 03-27-2020, 12:45 PM   #85
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
Well, I gave him the benefit of a doubt and googled "NSA pandemic plan". Looks like tannana gets his info from Buzzfeed. Yes, the NSA did put out a "playbook" ten years ago. It was aimed at protecting their own staff (not the American public) and contains common sense recommendations that every American is already following.

So how the fuck does that get distorted into the trump team "failed to run their own NSA playbook"? SMDH!

The 50-page document — obtained by BuzzFeed News last July following a six-year Freedom of Information Act battle — tracks closely with steps that have now been widely adopted by Americans facing the current coronavirus outbreak,

Well, T was telling everyone in the Stump on Indys that Trump inherited $250 million in 1974. According to his crack mathematic calculations, he could have just invested that money and became a billionaire. That he didn’t earn his money. The only problem with his thinking is Fred didn’t die until 1999. His net worth at THAT time was $250 million. Trump also has a brother and sister, I guess Fred shut them out.

He still believes he’s right.

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Old 03-27-2020, 12:48 PM   #86
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Still waiting for 1pitts to admit he was wrong about the testing numbers. Maybe he'll do what tannana just did with that "hoax" lie. First, throw out the false talking point. Second, when confronted admit you lied. Third, retract your retraction!

That's called following the libtard playbook!

Lie, lie, flip flop flip!

Originally Posted by tannana View Post
Fair enough. Everything else I enumerated is true (And yeah, he called it a hoax....
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Old 03-27-2020, 01:46 PM   #87
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
Still waiting for 1pitts to admit he was wrong about the testing numbers. Maybe he'll do what tannana just did with that "hoax" lie. First, throw out the false talking point. Second, when confronted admit you lied. Third, retract your retraction!

That's called following the libtard playbook!

Lie, lie, flip flop flip!
They never provide a link or citation. They just regurgitate what the MSM says. When you do refute them with citations, they mumble some twaddle and move on. BTW, death rates were just reported. Italy is a tick over 10%. The US and South Korea are much lower at 1.5%. The libtards should be blasting the Italian President. But nah, it’s all Trumps fault. SMH
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Old 03-27-2020, 02:36 PM   #88
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Listen all of you dumb motherfuckers, the media is driving this current so- called pandemic. The common flu is much more deadly. Don't believe me? Google it you ignorant fuck. The extreme left wing Democrats are doing all they can to grandstand and delay the stimulus package that the low income workers really need. And here's something to ponder... why isn't the stimulus amount given on a sliding scale based on income? Seems to me that the less you make the more help you'll need. Maybe that's just too much common for our elected officials to wrap their simple minds around. We need to all get a reality check and get back to work, school and living again. Any motherfucker that disagrees better have the evidence to back up their false claims.
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Old 03-27-2020, 02:37 PM   #89
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Common sense
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Old 03-27-2020, 02:41 PM   #90
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
So how the fuck does that get distorted into the trump team "failed to run their own NSA playbook"? SMDH!
Because, you trumpy simpleton, they didn't do any of it. I don't care what you guys think now, Trump is dead man electorally walking. he was before this, but then all sane people have to is watch something like : this or : this.
Originally Posted by bambino View Post
I care about facts, you don’t. Post a link where Trump explicitly said the VIRUS was a hoax.
Originally Posted by Trump
Coronavirus, they’re politicizing it. We did one of the great jobs. You say, “How’s President Trump doing?” They go, “Oh, not good, not good.” They have no clue. They don’t have any clue. They can’t even count their votes in Iowa. They can’t even count. No, they can’t. They can’t count their votes. Donald Trump: One of my people came up to me and said, “Mr. President, they tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia.” That didn’t work out too well. They couldn’t do it. They tried the impeachment hoax. That was on a perfect conversation. They tried anything. They tried it over and over. They’d been doing it since you got in. It’s all turning. They lost. It’s all turning. Think of it. Think of it. And this is their new hoax.
NOw, because anticipating a Trumper is like assuming that every village really does have an idiot, your best possible rebuttal here is to claim that he wasn't referring to the coronavirus itself. Good luck with that. He's toast in November. Gone.
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