Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
The republican said that referring to a country that had a wall to keep people in, not out.
And the fact that Fidel didn't know that is all the reason one needs to know not to pay attention to anything Fidel says and no, you don't cut through the new barriers Trump is putting in place with a hacksaw and even if you could, the sensor's in place notify the Border Control of where attempts are being made giving them time to arrive on scene and catch the law breakers.
While the main purpose of the wall is to make sure there are no "complete" openings for thousands to pass through at any given time, the secondary purpose is to make it difficult for more than a few to get through before Border Patrol shows up.
This contagion only serves to prove the necessity of the wall. The wall along with suspension of flights from abroad in just such a case could be what saves this country.
Registered Independents such as myself will continue to push our legislators to stop the over stay of VISA's with a new system that flags those overstaying because when they enter, that time they must depart is in the computer and would be nothing at all to spit out everyday who has overstayed their VISA and an arrest warrant issued. When they are found, the government will take all the gains they have made while in the country illegally, property, businesses. They will be put on a plane with only the clothes on their backs and may never return. Easy peasy. Get'er done!
And you better believe it will be in Trump's campaign ads. "Trump saw the future of the necessity of closing our borders in a time of emergency" while Democrats call for open borders with no controls. A no brainer. Thanks Democrats!