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Old 03-26-2020, 09:40 AM   #61
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LOL! You should apply at msdnc.
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Old 03-26-2020, 09:55 AM   #62
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Originally Posted by tannana View Post
Trump: ignored the problem, went on TV and downplayed the problem repeatedly, called it a media hoax, has been pulling CDC resources out of china for the past two years, failed to run their own NSA playbook on pandemic response, and has ignored his actual experts.

If, given the actual facts at play you believe that the administration's response has been very good, I humbly ask that you share your hookup for things we aren't allowed to talk about on ECCIE, because frankly, you seem to be consuming some really, really good shit.
Trump did not call the coronavirus a “hoax. You are entitled to your opinions, But not your own facts:


Snopes is no fan of Trump. Trump cancelled travel to and from China very early. He was labeled as a racist. That’s a hoax.
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Old 03-26-2020, 10:05 AM   #63
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
Trump did not call the coronavirus a “hoax. You are entitled to your opinions, But not your own facts:


Snopes is no fan of Trump. Trump cancelled travel to and from China very early. He was labeled as a racist. That’s a hoax.

Fair enough. Everything else I enumerated is true (And yeah, he called it a hoax. The language doesn't matter, but I understand that you don't care so long as he's not the democrat).

Originally Posted by Jacuzzme View Post
LOL! You should apply at msdnc.

Trumpers are amusing. It's likely I'm to your right on just most things policy wise you care to name, particularly economically. Thinking the Cheeto and the republican party's complete surrender to that stupidity doesn't make anyone a lefty, regardless how many Trumpettes repeat the lie.

Again: if you believe that Trump's response to this is in any way adequate, I want to meet your dealer. Keep that number. You are gonna need it in November.
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Old 03-26-2020, 12:17 PM   #64
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Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh View Post
Yes, the PANDEMIC RESPONSE TEAM was part of the NSC, but the current situation proves that it was anything but bloat. It was a vital part of national security measures. Some of the work has absolutely not been done. Members of the team would have been in China in December helping, and learning about the virus.
You mean the China who denied the virus existed? Who denied it could be spread human to human?

The people removed from the NSC were bloat and the duties reassigned to others in the CDC. This per Dr Fauci who I will trust more than you and your DNC talking points. There was ONE position eliminated in China that others have noted would have had zero impact on this

Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh View Post
The WHO did not formally offer tests but we could have gotten them from them.
Oh so you initially lied and when I called you out you have to backtrack -ok

Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh View Post
Trump chose to downplay the severity of this rather than ramp up testing like South Korea and Germany did. In addition to receiving test kits from the WHO or other countries he could have used the Defense Production Act to compel companies to develop and manufacture test kits. He was briefed as to the seriousness of this in January.
Trump took the unprecedented action of blocking flights from China in January when he was briefed about this. You and a host of liberal pukes were outraged and called him xenophobic.

There was no need to use the Defense Production Act to compel companies to develop and manufacture tests they have no know how with. When it became clear that the CDC's existing test system was inadequate to handle this (BTW the CDC told Trump they had their test systems in place) Trump's team rapidly got the proper manufacturers and commercial labs involved and we have now tested in a short period of time more people than any country in the world

Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh View Post
I believe the words of my Chinese friend who's family lives in China. China has done a good job of containing this.
LOL - sure. Believe the Chinese who's government hid the fact this even existed, who silenced doctors who spoke out, who silenced (and by silenced I mean made disappear - permanently) citizen journalists who spoke out about it, who put out fake numbers, etc, etc all because you have a severe case of TDS

Oh - and one fact on tests and China who you think has done a good job - Spain bought tests from China and Spain says they are defective/ "With more than 4,000 coronavirus-related deaths, microbiology experts in Spain say the rapid tests they purchased from China are correctly identifying people with the virus only 30 percent of the time." OOF

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Old 03-26-2020, 12:23 PM   #65
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Originally Posted by tannana View Post
Trump: ignored the problem, went on TV and downplayed the problem repeatedly, called it a media hoax, has been pulling CDC resources out of china for the past two years, failed to run their own NSA playbook on pandemic response, and has ignored his actual experts.
As Bambino pointed out to you - Trump did not call the coronavirus a “hoax. That is a debunked statement liberals like you are pushing because you are consumed with Trump Derangement Syndrome

So I guess Dr Fauci and Dr Birx and the host of others are just puppets and not experts when they say the President has absolutely asked for and followed their advice

But keep on living in your fantasy world and believing the shit you spout because you are consumed with Orange Man Bad
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Old 03-26-2020, 12:26 PM   #66
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Default A session

If President Trump sends you a $1,200 check, is he entitled to a multi-hour MSOG session?
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Old 03-26-2020, 12:35 PM   #67
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Originally Posted by tannana View Post
Fair enough. Everything else I enumerated is true (And yeah, he called it a hoax. The language doesn't matter, but I understand that you don't care so long as he's not the democrat).

Trumpers are amusing. It's likely I'm to your right on just most things policy wise you care to name, particularly economically. Thinking the Cheeto and the republican party's complete surrender to that stupidity doesn't make anyone a lefty, regardless how many Trumpettes repeat the lie.

Again: if you believe that Trump's response to this is in any way adequate, I want to meet your dealer. Keep that number. You are gonna need it in November.
I care about facts, you don’t. Post a link where Trump explicitly said the VIRUS was a hoax.
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Old 03-26-2020, 01:21 PM   #68
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
Oh - and one fact on tests and China who you think has done a good job - Spain bought tests from China and Spain says they are defective/ "With more than 4,000 coronavirus-related deaths, microbiology experts in Spain say the rapid tests they purchased from China are correctly identifying people with the virus only 30 percent of the time." OOF

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Old 03-26-2020, 01:43 PM   #69
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https://www-businessinsider-com.cdn....us-hoax-2020-3 up

Here's a link I found
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Old 03-26-2020, 02:10 PM   #70
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Their test kits are about as reliable as all the other cheap crap that comes out of that shithole.
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Old 03-26-2020, 02:13 PM   #71
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Originally Posted by PhilLanders69 View Post
If President Trump sends you a $1,200 check, is he entitled to a multi-hour MSOG session?
I don't know , but anyone who accepts one is a Socialist.
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Old 03-26-2020, 02:40 PM   #72
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Originally Posted by flows-with-water View Post
LOL - Did you read the article. It is about a Soros liberal funded PAC - PUSA - with a manipulated video

"PUSA stitched together fragments from multiple speeches by President Trump to fraudulently and maliciously imply that President Trump called the coronavirus outbreak a 'hoax,'"
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Old 03-26-2020, 03:09 PM   #73
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A misleading attack ad? No way!!!
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Old 03-26-2020, 03:09 PM   #74
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
What hasn’t Trump done during this crisis that doesn’t live up to your standards? 60% of Americans approve of his handling of the pandemic. That’s up 4pts from last week.

I couldn't care less about that kind of poll. We had a real poll in November 2018. 9 million more Americans voted for democrat senate candidates than for republican senate candidates. 8.4 million more Americans voted for democrat reps than for republican reps.

Failure to test early and often was his biggest mistake.

Another mistake is all his bullshit when talking to the people, but that's just his SOP:

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Old 03-26-2020, 03:14 PM   #75
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
You mean the China who denied the virus existed? Who denied it could be spread human to human?

The people removed from the NSC were bloat and the duties reassigned to others in the CDC. This per Dr Fauci who I will trust more than you and your DNC talking points. There was ONE position eliminated in China that others have noted would have had zero impact on this

Oh so you initially lied and when I called you out you have to backtrack -ok

Trump took the unprecedented action of blocking flights from China in January when he was briefed about this. You and a host of liberal pukes were outraged and called him xenophobic.

There was no need to use the Defense Production Act to compel companies to develop and manufacture tests they have no know how with. When it became clear that the CDC's existing test system was inadequate to handle this (BTW the CDC told Trump they had their test systems in place) Trump's team rapidly got the proper manufacturers and commercial labs involved and we have now tested in a short period of time more people than any country in the world

LOL - sure. Believe the Chinese who's government hid the fact this even existed, who silenced doctors who spoke out, who silenced (and by silenced I mean made disappear - permanently) citizen journalists who spoke out about it, who put out fake numbers, etc, etc all because you have a severe case of TDS

Oh - and one fact on tests and China who you think has done a good job - Spain bought tests from China and Spain says they are defective/ "With more than 4,000 coronavirus-related deaths, microbiology experts in Spain say the rapid tests they purchased from China are correctly identifying people with the virus only 30 percent of the time." OOF

Go back and read my post. I didn't lie, but unless you can produce a quote of me calling him xenophobic for blocking flights from China, you lied.

We failed at testing early and often, and according to your hero, the blame of that rests squarely on the leader.
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