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Old 02-16-2020, 08:06 PM   #1
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Default So lonely!

Why has it been so quiet Pensacola?? I need some friends!
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Old 02-18-2020, 12:08 AM   #2
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you have bad communication. its like hours between your replies...
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Old 02-18-2020, 07:26 AM   #3
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Pippi, I've seen you once before and thoroughly enjoyed our meeting. We had no problem setting up. Having said that, if what RJR says is true, some of us hobbyists get a window of opportunity and we want to take advantage of it. The window might be only an hour or two and if our first choice isn't responsive in a timely manner, we will most likely move on to our next choice.
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Old 02-18-2020, 07:27 AM   #4
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Having said that, I might need to meet with you later this morning to discuss further.
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Old 02-18-2020, 10:12 AM   #5
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Lol I've been trying to contact her for days. Good luck
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Old 02-18-2020, 10:32 AM   #6
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Communication is key. Some of us have a daily life and only have a limited window of play time.

I usually only get one day a week where I have time to play. If I text a provider at 8am that morning, and she doesn't reply until 8pm that night.... well, the day is shot. Just sayin'.

Ladies need to up their game on their communication skills. If we message you, and you're not available, tell us so. That's better than no reply at all, and it shows us that you communicate well. That will increase our chances of making them our first choice for next time we're available.
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Old 02-18-2020, 02:12 PM   #7
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I will certainly echo that. Also, some of us have to plan far ahead to fill that limited window. For a provider to get all concerned that we are wasting their time with looking a week or more ahead and checking from time to time to make sure everything is still on might be an indicator that in the past when that was not done, things have fallen through. I have very limited opportunities when I am in Pensacola. On at least ten occasions over that last five years I have had things all set just to find it all fall through with no more time to regroup.
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Old 02-18-2020, 02:57 PM   #8
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Default How right you are!!!!

Originally Posted by Rjr133 View Post
Lol I've been trying to contact her for days. Good luck
So she puts this post up about being lonely. As you can see, I put a post about possibly solving that problem for her and I sent her a PM as well. And you will never guess what happened......bullshit, yes you will.

Nothing. That's what. I had a window of opportunity to see someone and was giving her at least 2 hours notice and nada...zilch...nothing.

As hobbyists, we should post these kind of encounters (or lack thereof due to lack of participation on the providers part) and keep the rest of the community up to date so that all of us avoid wasting any more time than necessary.

So if you are thinking about seeing Pippi, you might want to plan way in advance.

BTW, I posted a similar opinion a while back on a particularly bad day in which I had a couple hours of green light and got ghosted by no less than 3 ladies in that time frame. In my post, I named names and one of those providers came back with lame excuses along the lines that something came up, we didn't know what was going on in their lives and shouldn't jump to conclusions without learning what the reasons were. To that, if you can't reach out real quick as a provider and extend the same courtesy you expect from a client if they have to cancel last minute, I say fuck you.
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Old 02-18-2020, 04:04 PM   #9
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I think we have many types of providers. The pros like Vanessa Ink and Maui get back to you and get you scheduled. I have nothing but good things to say about their communcation skills. I have had good communication with NLN as well. I do not see a lot of different providers but the ones I do see regularly are terrible with texts as well. What baffles me is when they will text you asking if you would like an appt and I text back within a minute of reading thier text and do not hear back from them for 4 hours. Did you text me and throw your phone across the room? We will never solve this dilema but it was nice to see a member call it out for the reason that some girls are slow and others are still keeping busy.
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Old 02-18-2020, 11:37 PM   #10
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I admit. I'm sometimes terrible at texts. However, I work eight to ten hours a day. If I'm working, I may not get to text someone back for at least a couple hours or so.

Most of these providers don't have a steady job. That's one reason why they do what they do. Their income DEPENDS on answering calls and answering texts to possibly gain an appointment!

If my main source of income depended on answering calls/texts, I guaran-damn-tee, my phone would not leave my side, and I would probably be checking that fucker at least every 15 or 30 minutes! Jus'sayin'.
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Old 02-19-2020, 01:31 AM   #11
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Long as they are not checking while in a session that’s just a mood killer
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Old 02-19-2020, 04:44 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Gottahavemore View Post
Long as they are not checking while in a session that’s just a mood killer
Right. Even then, the average encounter lasts one hour. So the absolute maximum amount of time a provider should take to text you back would be one hour, maybe an hour-and-a-half MAX to account for any other odds and ends.

I would much rather get a quick response saying "they are no longer available" or "they already made another appointment" rather than NO RESPONSE AT ALL. At least that tells me they communicate well, and I'd be more likely to try to see her again on a future day.

But, they just DON'T GET IT. lol

My favorite thing is when you see that provider posted an ad on STG 15 minutes ago, you text her, and STILL get no reply. Did she post that ad, then immediately turn her phone off???

I've also seen it where I'd contact a provider, I get no reply, then I'd see them make a post on STG or Eccie an hour later looking for an appointment. I'm thinking, "CHECK YOUR MESSAGES!!!" lol
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Old 02-19-2020, 05:07 AM   #13
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And ladies, look at it this way:

If a guy has a choice between seeing two providers, do you think he'll go with the one that replies back within 15 minutes? Or the one that replies back six hours later?

It's a no-brainer.
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Old 02-20-2020, 06:48 AM   #14
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This thread surprises me. I've seen Pippi and I like her, but of course she's unreliable -- pretty much all of these girls are. And the thing is, we all know why they are if we're honest about it. Vanessa Ink is a completely different animal as she's a true professional but every other girl is basically an Uber driver who provides rides when they feel like it and turns the app off and goes home the moment that they've made enough for whatever they need. It's pointless to lecture these girls the way that you guys have above because in the end, they're just not interested.
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Old 02-20-2020, 07:02 AM   #15
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tna_porter nailed it. Keep in mind they are doing this for the money and not for the fun. We are doing it for the fun. I have found maybe 3 in 15 years that enjoyed the sex. Might not even be that many.
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