Originally Posted by berryberry
Hey Operator - that is not the way to add to the general discourse here on trafficking. So I guess by ignoring the statistics in the post you responded to, you are not familiar with the Polaris Project and their work and findings - or you just like to ignore them for obvious reasons
How does your accusations about my business contribute to this discussion, how does your accusation that I am someone else contribute to this as well?
I have been in the business for at least ten years now, I was most likely aware of the Polaris project before you!
It doesn't mean that I have to agree with their findings.
Im not worried, they are welcome to come take a look around the place anytime, their stats and findings have absolutely noting to do with our business.
And yes I do feel that trafficking of even one person is an abomination.
But you don't really care about that like Sjomonty does, but to be fair you said as much.
Your just trying to use it as a cudgel for my head.
But my anger is not directed toward the Polaris project or your making discourse about human trafficking in Amps, it is about you making personal attacks and accusations, and you fucking well know it.
I also looked up this operator guy, BTW his spelling was terrible, did ya happen to notice that his handle was spelled "the operater" Wow great handle!
Too bad it can't be used again!
Or can it, I'll have to consult the mods, I know there are some flaming hoops that I would have to jump through to do a handle change but if it puts you on an even keel so much the better!
Seems like a stellar individual if a bit cranky at times.
Perhaps he like I, decided to go out and do something he considered more important with his life rather than stay in school too!
How have you contributed to our society Berry?
Oh I see, you go on hooker boards and expound on the virtues of the Polaris project?
That's good I'm sure America and our society is the better for your dedication for a subject that you really seem to have no interest in except to use as a weapon!
I also noticed you liked to make asine remarks conserning the operater " we'll use his spelling since your a stickler in such matters" his wife and their business then too!
By chasing me around, are you harassing him in absentia?
Are you mentally ill?
Just a question not a judgment, lustys a little off too and we still talk!
But when your chasing somebody around swearing their someone else we'll I gotta wonder, or perhaps your just following the lead of some of these other nuts doing the same, either or it is a bit weird!
Wow hey Berry did ya notice he spoke Chinese too,
Well fuck me!
Do speak any languages beside the bullshit that seems to pour forth from your keyboard?
Yes the similarities between he and I are striking aren't they Berry!
And that it really does seem to get under your skin is sunshine in my day!
Now Berry, that's sticking to the subject that conserns me!
Now once again Berry go fuck yourself!

Hey one more thing, is that icon your sister?
Was daddy getting some when you snapped that Pic?
You do seem like the type that would kick a girl when she's down!
Homely thing too isn't she?