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Old 02-14-2020, 09:16 PM   #61
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Guess your gonna get me on claims
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Old 02-14-2020, 09:32 PM   #62
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
oh poor Lusty - you are having a very hard time with reading comprehension


AMPs are rampant in trafficked women


Trafficking is rampant in all amps

I would have hoped even you could understand the differences in those two statements
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Old 02-14-2020, 09:41 PM   #63
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Originally Posted by Dogface78 View Post
Yep, guess you win Berry, when the mods are on your side who can stand against you right?
If I had done what your doing to another member that would have been dealt with quickly!
I guess some pigs are more equal Than others.
So by attacking my wife does that mean that anybody else's family member is also fair game, or just mine because she's Asian and we own a massage parlor so automatically we must be human traffickers!
Just curious how do you stereotype blacks and Latinos?
Are all blacks drug dealers?
And our president laims that Latinos drug mules or rapists?
So how can that be wrong, right?
And dj8 how far would you allow that to progress?
And IDGAF who you think I am, I know what you are!
Every thing spelled OK for you Berry?
You are really looking silly Operator/Dogface.
I simply stated facts.
I guess you are not familiar with the Polaris Project
You should look into it

A few of their findings:

more than 9,000 illicit massage businesses (IMBs) are open for business in the United States. Evidence suggests that many of the thousands of women engaging in prostitution in IMBs are victims of human trafficking. According to Polaris research, these businesses are often organized into criminal networks with revenues of around $2.5 billion a year.

Evidence gathered from the National Human Trafficking Hotline, from focus groups, and from extensive case studies suggest that thousands of women are being trafficked in massage parlors in the United States on any given day.


But carry on with your denials about your own illicit massage business and your dual handles and feel free to continue ranting on unrelated subjects
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Old 02-14-2020, 09:46 PM   #64
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Originally Posted by Dogface78 View Post
Every thing spelled OK for you Berry?
Well of course not, you gonna catch the phone error on claims, but believe it or not I really do know how to spell that.
I am really not as stupid as you like to think I am, I speak three languages so I cannot be too stupid.
But while we're on the subject let's address my bad spelling.
In the 10th grade I dropped out of school, and joined the Army at 17 then spent the next 11 years there, got hurt and was forced out with a disability!
Now what does the Army do?
It keep this country of ours free!
Having spent 11 years of my life willing to die to defend freedom what would lead you to believe that I would then go about enslaving anybody?
What have you ever served except yourself?
That's my excuse for poor spelling, so what's your excuse for being a complete asshole?
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Old 02-14-2020, 10:09 PM   #65
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post

But carry on with your denials about your own illicit massage business and your dual handles and feel free to continue ranting on unrelated subjects
As you continue with your personal attacks and accusations!
Go fuck yourself!
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Old 02-15-2020, 06:27 AM   #66
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
There's a frequent poster in the Political Forum who likes to call out others for alleged rules violations, trying to get them pointed or banned because that's easier than engaging them in careful debate.

His handle is wtf. Bambino and I call him Snitchy the Hall Monitor. Any chance you two could be related?
The only careful debate you've ever had was should you Staff edit. dj8. In fact that is your and bambino's nicknames in the Political Forum!

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Old 02-15-2020, 09:07 AM   #67
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
Evidence gathered from the National Human Trafficking
OK, let's use that source.

according to the human trafficking hotline, in 2018 there were 246 calls and 127 human trafficking cases reported in PA alone. Since 2007 there have been 3,994 calls to the human trafficking hotline from PA, and of these calls 1,116 were labeled as “High” meaning these calls indicated a high risk for trafficking.
1,116 total incidents with a high risk, but not confirmed case, of human trafficking.

In a state with a population of 12.8 million.

Over a 12-year period.

That's minuscule. Even an organization biased in favor of this law, who doesn't reveal their methodology or apparently follow through after calls, can't show much trafficking.
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Old 02-15-2020, 10:07 AM   #68
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Originally Posted by DaveHo View Post
OK, let's use that source.

1,116 total incidents with a high risk, but not confirmed case, of human trafficking.

In a state with a population of 12.8 million.

Over a 12-year period.

That's minuscule. Even an organization biased in favor of this law, who doesn't reveal their methodology or apparently follow through after calls, can't show much trafficking.
It doesn't work that way. 100 people a year meeting the highest threshold of "yeah, that probably happened" isn't insignificant. If we assume an even distribution of the 9k AMPs nationwide (and thus like 180 in PA), that means about .5 girl/amp/year is statistically likely to have been both trafficked and actually accounted for. Another 1.5 girl/amp/year would have had a dime dropped, minimally, in a problem (trafficking) which is generally accepted by everyone but those profiting to it to be grossly under reported. If you reduce the denominator in PA to like 100 AMPS (still likely too high), now it's like 2 girls/year who were almost certainly trafficked plus another 3 that at least had the dime dropped. How many PA AMPS you with more than 3 girls working at any given crack? I don't know any more about the methodology that these people use to get these numbers, but to dismiss them because 12 years and millions of people isn't really a thing that makes them somehow irrelevant. If those numbers are even close to true on the calls alone it's pretty safe to say that trafficking is a rampant problem.
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Old 02-15-2020, 11:56 AM   #69
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
The only careful debate you've ever had was should you "Spit or Swallow". In fact that is your and bambino's nicknames in the Political Forum!

"Houston we got a problem."

Who let this Staff edit, dj8 crash the Pittsburgh forum?

Go back to Texas, we have enough Hall Monitors already.
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Old 02-15-2020, 11:59 AM   #70
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
oh poor Lusty - you are having a very hard time with reading comprehension


AMPs are rampant in trafficked women


Trafficking is rampant in all amps

I would have hoped even you could understand the differences in those two statements
Sorry I don't see it. Why don't you elaborate for everyone?
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Old 02-15-2020, 09:40 PM   #71
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Originally Posted by Dogface78 View Post
As you continue with your personal attacks and accusations!
Go fuck yourself!
Hey Operator - that is not the way to add to the general discourse here on trafficking. So I guess by ignoring the statistics in the post you responded to, you are not familiar with the Polaris Project and their work and findings - or you just like to ignore them for obvious reasons
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Old 02-15-2020, 09:51 PM   #72
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
Sorry I don't see it. Why don't you elaborate for everyone?
Poor Lusty, I would have hoped your reading comprehension skills were better. If you can't see the difference between the two statements, well that does not speak well of you.

In any case, I am feeling generous tonight and always like to help educate someone who is ill informed so


AMPs are rampant in trafficked women


Trafficking is rampant in all amps

In my statement which is the first one, you will note there is no "ALL" in front of AMPs. I never said ALL Amps have trafficked women. Which is what you alleged I said. There is a big difference.

Trafficking occurs as noted by the statistics posted - and the main purveyor is the AMP line of business. That doesn't mean at any given point in time, every AMP has trafficked women working there. But of the trafficked women from China / Korea - they are most likely working at AMPs

Now that you have been educated, try better next time
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Old 02-16-2020, 05:55 AM   #73
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
Hey Operator - that is not the way to add to the general discourse here on trafficking. So I guess by ignoring the statistics in the post you responded to, you are not familiar with the Polaris Project and their work and findings - or you just like to ignore them for obvious reasons
How does your accusations about my business contribute to this discussion, how does your accusation that I am someone else contribute to this as well?
I have been in the business for at least ten years now, I was most likely aware of the Polaris project before you!
It doesn't mean that I have to agree with their findings.
Im not worried, they are welcome to come take a look around the place anytime, their stats and findings have absolutely noting to do with our business.
And yes I do feel that trafficking of even one person is an abomination.
But you don't really care about that like Sjomonty does, but to be fair you said as much.
Your just trying to use it as a cudgel for my head.
But my anger is not directed toward the Polaris project or your making discourse about human trafficking in Amps, it is about you making personal attacks and accusations, and you fucking well know it.
I also looked up this operator guy, BTW his spelling was terrible, did ya happen to notice that his handle was spelled "the operater" Wow great handle!
Too bad it can't be used again!
Or can it, I'll have to consult the mods, I know there are some flaming hoops that I would have to jump through to do a handle change but if it puts you on an even keel so much the better!
Seems like a stellar individual if a bit cranky at times.
Perhaps he like I, decided to go out and do something he considered more important with his life rather than stay in school too!
How have you contributed to our society Berry?
Oh I see, you go on hooker boards and expound on the virtues of the Polaris project?
That's good I'm sure America and our society is the better for your dedication for a subject that you really seem to have no interest in except to use as a weapon!
I also noticed you liked to make asine remarks conserning the operater " we'll use his spelling since your a stickler in such matters" his wife and their business then too!
By chasing me around, are you harassing him in absentia?
Are you mentally ill?
Just a question not a judgment, lustys a little off too and we still talk!
But when your chasing somebody around swearing their someone else we'll I gotta wonder, or perhaps your just following the lead of some of these other nuts doing the same, either or it is a bit weird!
Wow hey Berry did ya notice he spoke Chinese too,
Well fuck me!
Do speak any languages beside the bullshit that seems to pour forth from your keyboard?
Yes the similarities between he and I are striking aren't they Berry!
And that it really does seem to get under your skin is sunshine in my day!
Now Berry, that's sticking to the subject that conserns me!
Now once again Berry go fuck yourself!
Hey one more thing, is that icon your sister?
Was daddy getting some when you snapped that Pic?
You do seem like the type that would kick a girl when she's down!
Homely thing too isn't she?
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Old 02-16-2020, 07:12 AM   #74
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Old 02-16-2020, 10:26 AM   #75
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You can respond if you so choose berry.
I don't need anymore toxic people in my life especially not one from a hooker board, so I took a page from ishi's playbook and hit the ignore function,
I'm sure that when your tired of barking up my tree you can go in search of tadds, maybe he's still around!
If he is I'm sure you will try to get to the bottom of it!
Good luck with that!
Goodbye Berry.
And good riddance!
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