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Old 02-12-2020, 07:46 PM   #106
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Agreed regarding Canada.

I've been making a few trips per year to Toronto since 2017. You just can't go wrong up there. It's like candy land for hobbyists... super hot girls, low rates and never ever any request for RL info. In fact, I've only had one reference request from some of the elite indy providers up there...nothing more, 1 friggin reference is all they asked for and even that is usually a rarity.

I've been saying this for the last few years. Save your money guys. I don't bother with the slim pickings around here anymore. I've been disappointed too many times. The only Pgh providers I see now are visiting ones and agencies. Throw in a few Toronto trips and my hobbying needs are more than met.
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Old 02-12-2020, 08:29 PM   #107
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
WTF??? You are just spreading delusional falsehoods now

Just how does my comment advocate for predatory behavior as well as exploiting and taking advantage of naive, young, and desperate girls.

Spell it out

Are you saying these women can't make up their own mind?
Are you saying these women can't determine what a reasonable rate is for them?
Are you saying just because these women freely choose to not participate in the scam deposit scheme that they are being exploited and taken advantage of?

Ever consider these women have more business sense than you do.
I've been too busy touring and seeing people that send me deposits to help you with your reading comprehension skills.
You constantly make statements about young and cheap being the way to go. Younger translates to inexperienced and naive. Young is a marketable quality: If they weren't desperate or naive they would charge a much higher price. Young and cheap isn't business smart. It's lack of awareness about ones own value or desperation due to underlying problems.
Taking advantage of and/or enabling are the brass tacks of it.
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Old 02-12-2020, 08:33 PM   #108
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Originally Posted by MorganOBM View Post
She’s a great provider who has absolutely zero history of giving anything but on time, good service. If you didn’t like one of her posts, that does not change the fact that she's a class act provider.

I love how you tell me what being a provider in Pittsburgh is like. I can assure you sir, I have forgot more about this subject than you’ll ever know. I would absolutely not tour to Pittsburgh under normal circumstances and just FYI I live almost 2 hours away so technically I do tour Pittsburgh.... but I have a great amount of regular, high class clients I’ve been seeing since I started which makes it worthwhile. I get offered deposits all of the time, as a matter of fact I just turned down someone’s very well screened offer to completely prepay. Eccie is a look into the darker side of the hobby in Pittsburgh, not a representation of the whole. That being said, Pittsburgh has a terrible reputation for cancellations on touring ladies and guys having an attitude, so you all did it to yourselves. You do know the bros before hos mentality that everyone thinks is so cool here is the exact reason you have to drive/fly to see providers, right? Wouldn’t it be nice to just schedule someone you’d love to see 20 minutes from your house? I’ve heard of hooker math but this client math that traveling 5 hours each way to see a $200 provider actually works out to save money cracks me up. I’ll coin this phrase bro math. Factoring in the time you could be making money and the expenses of traveling you aren’t saving money. Yes, it’s great if you like to travel....so do I. It doesn’t make more sense than just being a decent group and actually treating touring ladies with the same respect you would like.
Thank you so much, this is so true.
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Old 02-13-2020, 12:43 AM   #109
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Originally Posted by MorganOBM View Post
She’s a great provider who has absolutely zero history of giving anything but on time, good service. If you didn’t like one of her posts, that does not change the fact that she's a class act provider.

I love how you tell me what being a provider in Pittsburgh is like. I can assure you sir, I have forgot more about this subject than you’ll ever know. I would absolutely not tour to Pittsburgh under normal circumstances and just FYI I live almost 2 hours away so technically I do tour Pittsburgh.... but I have a great amount of regular, high class clients I’ve been seeing since I started which makes it worthwhile. I get offered deposits all of the time, as a matter of fact I just turned down someone’s very well screened offer to completely prepay. Eccie is a look into the darker side of the hobby in Pittsburgh, not a representation of the whole. That being said, Pittsburgh has a terrible reputation for cancellations on touring ladies and guys having an attitude, so you all did it to yourselves. You do know the bros before hos mentality that everyone thinks is so cool here is the exact reason you have to drive/fly to see providers, right? Wouldn’t it be nice to just schedule someone you’d love to see 20 minutes from your house? I’ve heard of hooker math but this client math that traveling 5 hours each way to see a $200 provider actually works out to save money cracks me up. I’ll coin this phrase bro math. Factoring in the time you could be making money and the expenses of traveling you aren’t saving money. Yes, it’s great if you like to travel....so do I. It doesn’t make more sense than just being a decent group and actually treating touring ladies with the same respect you would like.
No she is not - that has been proven

So if ECCIE is the darker side of the hobby - why are you here?
I am surprised you didn't call us deplorables - although you sure implied it.

As to the so called "bros before hos mentality" that you deride - this is a guys board - where guys talk and exchange information. So naturally it is tilted toward what guys want and think. But I didn't see you complaining about the hos before bros board you once ran. You know Indys - the Hos before Bros board that went belly up. It was just the opposite of here with the mentality that existed. Let a guy post even a slightly negative review at Indys and he would get ambushed by a number of angry women.

Wouldn’t it be nice to just schedule someone you’d love to see 20 minutes from your house? Sure - alas those talent levels (with a couple exceptions) do not currently exist in Pittsburgh unless we have some visitors passing through town.

As to "traveling takes time, time you can be making money". Well I am blessed to have retired early - so I have plenty of time and I enjoy traveling. And canada is not far - and you don't go there for a weekend just to see one girl. At $150 an hour US - you can have fun multiple times

Finally you closed with "just being a decent group and actually treating touring ladies with the same respect you would like". Please share with us on the "darker side of the hobby" how we don't treat touring women well. Please be specific. The women that do tour here usually are well reviewed. I personally have never had a complaint. Nor do I recall reading any complaints other than perhaps cancellations. Which if you read my last post, you would see I agree that guys should be better about not cancelling if they booked in advance with a visitor
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Old 02-13-2020, 01:11 AM   #110
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Originally Posted by Lexxxy View Post
I've been too busy touring and seeing people that send me deposits to help you with your reading comprehension skills.
That's bullshit and you know it. Just another damn lie of yours as you posted and responded to another post long after I called you out with your inaccurate statements. You just tried to ignore being called out for your inaccuracies and misrepresentation

Originally Posted by Lexxxy View Post
You constantly make statements about young and cheap being the way to go. Younger translates to inexperienced and naive. Young is a marketable quality: If they weren't desperate or naive they would charge a much higher price. Young and cheap isn't business smart. It's lack of awareness about ones own value or desperation due to underlying problems.
Taking advantage of and/or enabling are the brass tacks of it.
So you are upset there are lots of hot younger woman in Florida who charge $200 an hour or less? And because I or other guys see them that translates to exploiting and taking advantage of them? Did you ever consider those girls have as much right to set their own rates as you do. That what they are charging is fair and competitive in their market? Just because you want to charge more for your services doesn't mean what they charge is cheap or wrong. They are not naive nor desperate. I recall one woman, mid 20's who is stellar. GFE to the max, She only sees clients a day and a half a week. She works as a nurse the other time. She has no bad habits, is built better than you can dream of and provides a great service for $200 an hour. Is this educated woman who does this part time naive or exploited? No. She is making her own educated decision to do what she wants. Just like all the others in that area. But because they are not doing what you want - you think they are being naive and exploited. It really is you who are the one who wants to exploit and manipulate them probably because you are ashamed they offer better service and better looks than you do at better rates.

Or bringing it into your neck of the woods - are all the young hotties here


who charge $200 Canadian an hour (which is $150 US ) - are they all naive and exploited? Should no one see them because they don't charge what you feel is appropriate?
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Old 02-13-2020, 02:36 AM   #111
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I have had at least 4 "reputable", pretty well reviewed ladies no show/no call or go dark on me in the last year. After complying with all of their screening processes and scheduling well in advance. I have never done that to any of them, though. This works both ways.
In case you're wondering why someone might be very hesitant to send deposits.
Now I'll wait for one of you ladies to tell me I am full of shit or that it's something I did wrong.
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Old 02-13-2020, 02:36 AM   #112
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I have had at least 4 "reputable", pretty well reviewed ladies no show/no call or go dark on me in the last year. After complying with all of their screening processes and scheduling well in advance. I have never done that to any of them, though. This works both ways.
In case you're wondering why someone might be very hesitant to send deposits.
Now I'll wait for one of you ladies to tell me I am full of shit or that it's something I did wrong.
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Old 02-13-2020, 02:44 AM   #113
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I have had at least 4 "reputable", pretty well reviewed ladies no show/no call or go dark on me in the last year. After complying with all of their screening processes and scheduling well in advance. All of them were members on the old site. I have never done that to any of them, though. This works both ways.
In case you're wondering why someone might be very hesitant to send deposits.
Now I'll wait for one of you ladies to tell me I am full of shit or that it's something I did wrong.
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Old 02-13-2020, 02:44 AM   #114
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Don't ask me why that posted 3 times
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Old 02-13-2020, 05:40 AM   #115
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Maybe it needs to be read more than once.
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Old 02-13-2020, 06:54 AM   #116
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Originally Posted by Sickman68 View Post
I have had at least 4 "reputable", pretty well reviewed ladies no show/no call or go dark on me in the last year. After complying with all of their screening processes and scheduling well in advance. I have never done that to any of them, though. This works both ways.
In case you're wondering why someone might be very hesitant to send deposits.
Now I'll wait for one of you ladies to tell me I am full of shit or that it's something I did wrong.
Ya know what’s funny? Women love bargains!!!! I know this from being married for 35 fucking years. Most days when I get home there’s a few Amozin boxes on the porch. I say WTF!!! She tells me how much money she saved!!!!! I’m sure Morgan and Lexxy are the same way. Nobody wants to over pay.
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Old 02-13-2020, 08:50 AM   #117
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
That's bullshit and you know it. Just another damn lie of yours as you posted and responded to another post long after I called you out with your inaccurate statements. You just tried to ignore being called out for your inaccuracies and misrepresentation

So you are upset there are lots of hot younger woman in Florida who charge $200 an hour or less? And because I or other guys see them that translates to exploiting and taking advantage of them? Did you ever consider those girls have as much right to set their own rates as you do. That what they are charging is fair and competitive in their market? Just because you want to charge more for your services doesn't mean what they charge is cheap or wrong. They are not naive nor desperate. I recall one woman, mid 20's who is stellar. GFE to the max, She only sees clients a day and a half a week. She works as a nurse the other time. She has no bad habits, is built better than you can dream of and provides a great service for $200 an hour. Is this educated woman who does this part time naive or exploited? No. She is making her own educated decision to do what she wants. Just like all the others in that area. But because they are not doing what you want - you think they are being naive and exploited. It really is you who are the one who wants to exploit and manipulate them probably because you are ashamed they offer better service and better looks than you do at better rates.

Or bringing it into your neck of the woods - are all the young hotties here


who charge $200 Canadian an hour (which is $150 US ) - are they all naive and exploited? Should no one see them because they don't charge what you feel is appropriate?
What has been proven? No clue what you're talking about.
I wasn't called out lmfao I was busy. I don't live on these toxic old school boards. I don't have time to argue on the internet with trolls that have no clue what they are talking about. Your slanted inaccurate view of what the business is like has no effect on me. Why would I be mad? I don't care for every slobbyist refusing to pay a deposit there are 10 Gentlemen who will. End of story.
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Old 02-13-2020, 11:02 AM   #118
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Originally Posted by Lexxxy View Post
What has been proven? No clue what you're talking about.
I wasn't called out lmfao I was busy. I don't live on these toxic old school boards. I don't have time to argue on the internet with trolls that have no clue what they are talking about. Your slanted inaccurate view of what the business is like has no effect on me. Why would I be mad? I don't care for every slobbyist refusing to pay a deposit there are 10 Gentlemen who will. End of story.
You are not even making sense anymore. You come across as a bitter broken down Ho charging way too high rates who gets upset because there are thinner, younger, more attractive women out there charging much more reasonable rates and earning guys business. So you bash these younger more attractive women as being naive because guys prefer them over your old tired ass. And then you come here and bash the guys who see them and make up shit. Unreal.
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Old 02-13-2020, 11:22 AM   #119
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
You are not even making sense anymore. You come across as a bitter broken down Ho charging way too high rates who gets upset because there are thinner, younger, more attractive women out there charging much more reasonable rates and earning guys business. So you bash these younger more attractive women as being naive because guys prefer them over your old tired ass. And then you come here and bash the guys who see them and make up shit. Unreal.
You're 100% wrong as usual I'm not even close to bitter, old, or over priced I'd never bash another Lady. I'm priced perfectly to live a wonderful comfortable life, have amazing long standing regulars, and like most providers demand is higher than I'm able to supply with my busy schedule and choice to be low volume catering to Prebooks. I tweeted over a week ago about having too high of a demand for yesterday morning that was already prebooked with deposits.
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Old 02-13-2020, 11:41 AM   #120
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Originally Posted by Lexxxy View Post
You're 100% wrong as usual I'm not even close to bitter, old, or over priced I'd never bash another Lady. I'm priced perfectly to live a wonderful comfortable life, have amazing long standing regulars, and like most providers demand is higher than I'm able to supply with my busy schedule and choice to be low volume catering to Prebooks. I tweeted over a week ago about having too high of a demand for yesterday morning that was already prebooked with deposits.
LOL yep I nailed it.

Shoot you can't even remember what you posted a day ago. Here is you bashing other providers who are younger and better looking than you because they charge less

Originally Posted by Lexxxy
Younger translates to inexperienced and naive. Young is a marketable quality: If they weren't desperate or naive they would charge a much higher price. Young and cheap isn't business smart. It's lack of awareness about ones own value or desperation due to underlying problems.
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