Originally Posted by WTF
Let me explain it to ypu AE.
Politics is a whole lot about predicting.
You understand WTF that is?
Especially when it comes to tax cuts and economics....so one must continually look back to see who has lied about what.
Do you understand that?
Or do you just drink the Kool aide no matter what they have lied about in the past?

You have a very strange and foolish consistency regarding the incorrect usage of the word "lie".
An incorrect prediction is not a lie. A fucker could be wrong and stupid as hell and make a ridiculous prediction and the whole world might want to kill him, but that doesn't make saying something stupid a lie.
An intent to deceive must be present.
noun: lie; plural noun: lies
an intentionally false statement.
"the whole thing is a pack of lies"
I'm betting a Cougar High graduate rarely engages in critical thinking.