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Old 02-04-2020, 09:34 AM   #16
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I’m shocked not one libtard here has mentioned Russian meddling in the Iowa caucus to help Trump. I guess Jaxhole and WTFF haven’t logged in today.
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Old 02-04-2020, 09:40 AM   #17
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So aparently Mayor Pete has declaired victory. Huh?
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Old 02-04-2020, 09:51 AM   #18
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and the nightmare gets better ..

This Is The Buzzy Democratic Firm That Botched The Iowa Caucuses


A tech company affiliated with and funded by ACRONYM, a Democratic digital nonprofit group that has rapidly expanded in recent years, was responsible for building the Iowa caucus app that contributed to delays in reporting Monday night’s results in the first vote in the party’s presidential race. Multiple Democratic sources, including one of the presidential campaigns, confirmed the app’s creator.

State campaign finance records indicate the Iowa Democratic Party paid Shadow, a tech company that joined with ACRONYM last year, more than $60,000 for “website development” over two installments in November and December of last year. A Democratic source with knowledge of the process said those payments were for the app that caucus site leaders were supposed to use to upload the results at their locales.

Des Moines, Iowa, residents enter a caucus site at Hoover High School on Monday. (Photo: Charlie Neibergall/ASSOCIATED PRESS)

Gerard Niemira, a veteran of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, is the head of Shadow. He previously served as chief technology officer and chief operating officer of ACRONYM, according to his LinkedIn page. In 2019, David Plouffe, one of the chief architects of President Barack Obama’s wins, joined the board of advisers for ACRONYM.

ACRONYM spokesman Kyle Tharp put out a statement distancing the group from Shadow, saying that ACRONYM is merely an investor in the for-profit company.

Just in — a statement from ACRONYM.

"We, like everyone else, are eagerly awaiting more information from the Iowa Democratic Party." pic.twitter.com/cBy2ZNwsPz

— Teddy Schleifer (@teddyschleifer) February 4, 2020

In January 2019, Tara McGowan, the head of ACRONYM, announced that her firm had “acquired” Niemira’s Groundbase company, adding that he and his team were “launching Shadow, a new tech company to build smarter infrastructure for campaigns.”

With Shadow, we’re building a new model incentivized by adoption over growth, with a deep focus on building the underlying tech infrastructure that will enable campaigns to use the most effective new tools in smarter ways & better integrate + leverage data across platforms.

— Tara McGowan (@taraemcg) January 17, 2019

The Iowa Democratic Party had refused to reveal details about the app, including the company behind it and what security measures were being taken to safeguard the results, arguing that it made the technology more vulnerable to hackers.

The app was supposed to make reporting the results easier and quicker. But on Monday, numerous Democrats in Iowa reported major problems in attempting to download the application and upload results, with many saying they resorted to calling the results into state party headquarters in Des Moines.

As of 12:30 a.m. Tuesday, the party had not released any results from the caucuses, which were seen as a four-way battle between former Vice President Joe Biden, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren and former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg.

Iowa Democratic Party Chair Troy Price said in a statement Tuesday morning that the results were delayed due to an issue with the app. What’s more, he said, pre-planned backup measures took longer than expected.

“While the app was recording data accurately, it was reporting out only partial data,” Price said. “We have determined that this was due to a coding issue in the reporting system. This issue was identified and fixed.”

The party used paper documentation from the caucuses to verify that the data collected by the app is “valid and accurate,” Price said. He added that the party hoped to release the caucus results “as soon as possible today.”

The Nevada Democratic Party, scheduled to hold the next Democratic caucus on Feb. 22, has also paid Shadow for website development.

ACRONYM, which McGowan, a digital strategist, launched in the wake of the 2016 election, has become a growing part of the Democratic digital ecosystem. The group has raised tens of millions of dollars with a buzzy message about how Democrats have fallen behind in digital advertising. In 2018, the group funded an onslaught of ads on platforms like Facebook and Google.

The group launched a super PAC, PACRONYM, this year to mount a major digital effort attacking President Donald Trump, and won the backing of Plouffe. PACRONYM reported raising $7.7 million in 2019.

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Old 02-04-2020, 10:01 AM   #19
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OK - so the Fascist DPST "Iowa app" - is a screw-up - just as is the party.

Why - real suspicion the Fascist DPST's tried to use their DNC app to manipulate the voter results - and crown Biden - rather than the real leader - likely bernie- whom the DNC hates and is terrified of.

Fascist DPST likely caught out by screwing with their own App to report results they engineered into the App- and got bit by it.

H....and her witchcraft may have had something to do with it!
bet the foolish fascist DPST's are stupid enough to try the same tricks and use the same app in the NH primary coming up!!
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Old 02-04-2020, 10:04 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by oeb11 View Post
OK - so the Fascist DPST "Iowa app" - is a screw-up - just as is the party.

Why - real suspicion the Fascist DPST's tried to use their DNC app to manipulate the voter results - and crown Biden - rather than the real leader - likely bernie- whom the DNC hates and is terrified of.

Fascist DPST likely caught out by screwing with their own App to report results they engineered into the App- and got bit by it.

H....and her witchcraft may have had something to do with it!
bet the foolish fascist DPST's are stupid enough to try the same tricks and use the same app in the NH primary coming up!!

they can get CrowdStrike to fix it for them.

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Old 02-04-2020, 10:18 AM   #21
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Very Good - TWK!
H.... is setting up the DNC for her second ballot nomination at the convention.
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Old 02-04-2020, 10:20 AM   #22
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The IA caucus is even posted in Comedy Central - for once - the supercilious , smug fascist DPST's made something humorous of themselves!
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Old 02-04-2020, 11:02 AM   #23
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Default simple incompetence? nah, not a chance

the dims in iowa and the dnc make me think of don king

not the don king, america lover

but the don king, sly and ever shady, boxing promoter

I remember going to the Alamo dome and watching a boxing extravaganza that king promoted

there were many matches on the undercard

the main event was julio ceasar chavez versus pernell "sweet-pea" whitaker

the crowd was vastly majority hispanic, when the national anthems of mexico and the united states were played, you could have heard a pin drop during the Mexican national anthem if it wasn't for the music and the fervent singing. then the u.s. anthem was played , the shuffling and talking and sitting and beer drinking was quite the contrast

anyway, needless to say the raucous crowd was for chavez

with the crowd yelling for chavez, I was one of the few who dared raise a voice for sweet-pea, but I do remember one courageous black guy who also braved bodily harm

soon enough and as the fight progressed, the air came out of the crowd and they, one by one and in bunches, found their seats, for sweet-pea was mopping the floor with their Mexican hero.

chavez couldn't touch pernell

we all knew the outcome, a big win for pernell but by a decision for in that weight class a knock-out is rare

king was chavez' manager and he controlled the event

it took forever for the decision to be announced, for king was "working" the judges

when it finally was announced, well into another bout, the crowd was shocked, for the decision was a draw

sports illustrated, noting sweet-pea's dominance, ran a photo of the fight on its cover with a headline screaming “Robbed!”

that was don king

years later he did the same thing when buster douglas KNOCKED OUT mike tyson, tyson also being managed by king. on a knock out king didn't have quite the same running room, but still he was able to delay the judging and the official decision on the fight until the next day while he tried to figure something, anything, out

that's the dims for ya
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Old 02-04-2020, 11:36 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
that is absurd, Trump stating Bloomberg wants a box. Trump just tosses lies like children toss dandelions.

Iowa is a clusterfuck. this is it for them, in 2024 they will not host the first Caucus/Primary, they will lose the only thing they were ever noted for.

I guess you don't eat much, or perhaps that food in the grocery store is made with a replicator.

The hatred runs deep in this one.
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Old 02-04-2020, 01:22 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by oeb11 View Post

Fascist DPST likely caught out by screwing with their own App to report results they engineered into the App- and got bit by it.
did they screw with the app?
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Old 02-04-2020, 01:31 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by oeb11 View Post
OK - so the Fascist DPST "Iowa app" - is a screw-up - just as is the party.
Son , I know you do not communicate like that in real life.

Why so on here?
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Old 02-04-2020, 02:05 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Austin Ellen View Post
So aparently Mayor Pete has declaired victory. Huh?
Yes, and I think he looks stupid doing that. He is following the script to put a good spin on everything and he looks like a fake doing it.
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Old 02-04-2020, 02:07 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by oeb11 View Post
The IA caucus is even posted in Comedy Central - for once - the supercilious , smug fascist DPST's made something humorous of themselves!
Those guys are looking pretty stupid - but they are Democrats, so what can you expect?

They are ruining Manhattan with their bail bullshit.
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Old 02-04-2020, 02:09 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
that is absurd, Trump stating Bloomberg wants a box. Trump just tosses lies like children toss dandelions.

Iowa is a clusterfuck. this is it for them, in 2024 they will not host the first Caucus/Primary, they will lose the only thing they were ever noted for.
Yes, I think they have lost their status as the number 1 primary.

Not only because of this fuckup, but also because the state is too white.

White people are bad (unless they make a 6 inch wooden stand for Bloomie)

Maybe it should be a ramp so it won't be obvious and embarrass the little guy when he strides up to the podium.
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Old 02-04-2020, 02:19 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by friendly fred View Post

Maybe it should be a ramp so it won't be obvious and embarrass the little guy when he strides up to the podium.
You mean his 58 billion dollar net worth won't overshadow Trumps chump change?
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