Originally Posted by bobjohnson.in.ftw
a big mistake i see people make all the time is they project their sense of values and beliefs onto other people, expecting them to behave as you yourself would. this is why george w bush was elected. this is why barrack obama was elected, and this is why trump was elected. people write onto others, who seemingly project themselves as "understanding" of your situation, expecting them to act as they themselves would act.
providers and politicians are alot alike. they expect you to be subservient to them, and to take your reaming in your ass with politeness. sorry, just the way it is
i have paid providers in advance, it has NEVER worked out. not once.
the fact that you're willing to go along with a provider who has knowingly and willingly STOLEN from you just proves my point. You're almost apologetic for calling her out for stealing!
May seem apologetic, but it's not. I should've known better, but like you said, i projected my sense of better values onto her. Never again.
Side note...this did happen to me before with another provider, except that one made good on her promise.