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Old 12-08-2019, 10:12 PM   #91
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Originally Posted by eccieuser9500 View Post
Do you consider good credit purchasing power?

Is leveraging speculatuon against current spending a good idea?
I'm far from an expert, but when that doesn't work who should pay the default?
We shouldn't run up so much we default. Trump actually has a novel solution. I believe he's stated it directly, and it's kind of in line with his idea of cutting interest rates to below zero while the economy's booming. Basically you finance the government with longer term debt and then run up inflation and devalue the currency. That's one way to screw the Chinese who hold our debt, but you also screw pension funds, elderly investors, and others with long term bonds. People like Trump who owe money would do well though.

Can you say "too big to fail"?
I used to agree with you. Looking back though, George W. Bush and Barrack Obama had no choice but to bail out the financial institutions. And the government got most of its money back. Include the billions and billions in fines the Feds later collected from banks from sometimes bogus claims related to shady mortgages and they made out like bandits.

I know Macron is right of center. Not a leftist. He's giving-in to pressure though.

France’s Weekend of Discontent: Yellow Vest and Pension Protesters Gather

As I understand it, the biggest complaint of the yellow shirts is the gasoline tax. This is a reaction against attempts by the French Government to comply with the Paris Accord and reduce greenhouse gasses. As to the pension issue I'm not informed.

‘Go back to work’: outcry over deaths on Amazon’s warehouse floor

Five hundred thousand people work for Amazon.
The death rate in the USA from heart disease is 100 per 100,000 people per year. That means 500 Amazon workers should die from heart disease every year. Some will die on the job.

Leave the capital with the capitalists.
Sure. Maybe they can trickle down some, instead of inflating their stock. Let's leave it up to them to decide what to do with it.
These capitalists I mentioned created enterprises with great returns on capital. Gates', Bezos', and Zuckerberg's businesses all produced over 25% returns on equity during the last year. If their businesses continue to reinvest their earnings and grow 25% per year (which won't happen indefinitely), the effects on the American economy would be very favorable. Sanders and Warren not only want to tax those earnings more heavily, they want to force the entrepreneur class to sell their equity and pay the money to the government. This increase in consumption and decrease in investment may turbocharge the economy for a while but at some point the hangover will set in. Think Venezuela. Chavez and Maduro in Venezuela looked like economic geniuses for many hears, until they didn't.

Sander's wealth tax rate is 8%/year. Please note that 12 years x 8% = 96%. If it weren't for the miracle of reverse compound interest, you'd wipe out the billionaire's fortune in 12 years. Sanders also wants to take 77% of what the "billionaire class" owns when they die and he'd raise the personal income rate, including income taxes masquerading as social security and Obamacare tax, to something like 67%. Warren, as you know, isn't as honest as Bernie, so her plans are a bit vaguer.

Preface: I'm "three sheets" right now after some good football. Not great but . . . .
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Lauren Mayfair

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Old 12-08-2019, 11:16 PM   #92
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Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
As to the pension issue I'm not informed.

Macron wants to consolidate 42 different public and private plans into a pension for all plan.... kinda like medicare for all except its for pensions.

I think some of those plans are very generous; might be why they oppose Macron's plan. they might also object to folding the private plans into the public for all one.
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Old 12-08-2019, 11:22 PM   #93
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Originally Posted by Tiny View Post

And given it to the federal government to spend on itself. Maybe we could have even more wars and bridges to nowhere. Leave the capital with the capitalists.
At some point the Capitalists' need to figure out that those dollars might not be worth much if those brilliant Capitalists don't get folks elected who are serious about the debt.

Or do they even care? Do they want to take as much money from this country as humanly possible and move to another country should the dollar collapse?

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Old 12-08-2019, 11:29 PM   #94
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
At some point the Capitalists' need to figure out that those dollars might not be worth much if those brilliant Capitalists don't get folks elected who are serious about the debt.

Or do they even care? Do they want to take as much money from this country as humanly possible and move to another country should the dollar collapse?

where were you when Obama added 10 trillion to the debt?

show me one post of yours during Obama's 8 years where you screamed yer sack off about it. just one post ...

i bet you didn't question Obama's debt increases once. probably didn't even care. it was yer guy! you dream of Obama+tea bagging=you.

dream well sweet princess.
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Old 12-09-2019, 07:04 AM   #95
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
At some point the Capitalists' need to figure out that those dollars might not be worth much if those brilliant Capitalists don't get folks elected who are serious about the debt.

Or do they even care? Do they want to take as much money from this country as humanly possible and move to another country should the dollar collapse?

As you know we agree about the debt. As to your second paragraph, if you tax the hell out of them, if you steal from them, maybe they will leave. But the government makes it very difficult. If they are found to have renounced citizenship for tax reasons they can be banned from ever entering the USA. If their income or net worth is above a threshold they pay tax on everything they own when they leave. And if they maintain USA citizenship and live in another country they must continue to pay USA income tax. Eritrea is the only other country that’s so tough on its expats.
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Old 12-09-2019, 09:23 AM   #96
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Originally Posted by eccielover View Post
WOW talk about a misleading and non-apples to apples comparison.

In what world can that comparison be made and be valid?
Apples look like oranges, and vice versa, all the time in that vast empty world between the ears of our simple-minded simpleton poster WTF.
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Old 12-09-2019, 09:33 AM   #97
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Originally Posted by eccieuser9500 View Post
Past presidents were disciplined in their scheduled time, squired from meeting to meeting, event to event, from the moment they arrived in the Oval Office until they headed up to the residence at night.
Nonsense. Slick Willy the Perjuring Sexual Predator had no discipline. White House meetings always started late and half the time he didn't pay attention because his dick was being sucked.
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Old 12-09-2019, 09:49 AM   #98
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
The Gini coefficient is at levels last seen before the Great Depression.
Hahaha... you pretentious little pseudo-economist twat! Got a link?

Can you even explain what the Gini is and how it's calculated? Also please tell us about its flaws and inadequacies as a measure of inequality.

Were we even measuring it before the Great Depression? Were we collecting data back then that could be compared meaningfully with today's data?

You like to proclaim all manner of shit you know nothing about!
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Old 12-09-2019, 09:58 AM   #99
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
The auto loans were paid back....
Do you ever bother to read your own links? From the NYT link in your post #64:

"Although the overall bailout efforts turned a profit, the auto rescue did not. With Friday’s announcement, taxpayers were left with a $9.5 billion loss. Most of that came from General Motors, which paid back about $39 billion of the $49.5 billion invested."
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Old 12-09-2019, 10:11 AM   #100
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Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
These capitalists I mentioned created enterprises with great returns on capital. Gates', Bezos', and Zuckerberg's businesses all produced over 25% returns on equity during the last year. If their businesses continue to reinvest their earnings and grow 25% per year (which won't happen indefinitely), the effects on the American economy would be very favorable. Sanders and Warren not only want to tax those earnings more heavily, they want to force the entrepreneur class to sell their equity and pay the money to the government. This increase in consumption and decrease in investment may turbocharge the economy for a while but at some point the hangover will set in. Think Venezuela. Chavez and Maduro in Venezuela looked like economic geniuses for many hears, until they didn't.

Sander's wealth tax rate is 8%/year. Please note that 12 years x 8% = 96%. If it weren't for the miracle of reverse compound interest, you'd wipe out the billionaire's fortune in 12 years. Sanders also wants to take 77% of what the "billionaire class" owns when they die and he'd raise the personal income rate, including income taxes masquerading as social security and Obamacare tax, to something like 67%. Warren, as you know, isn't as honest as Bernie, so her plans are a bit vaguer.

Preface: I'm "three sheets" right now after some good football. Not great but . . . .
I like the way you fuck me.
Lauren Mayfair

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Thank you for your points on economic policy. I won't go on and on on how things need to change. I can't personally, but what I read I can understand to a layman's point.

As far as the Amazon thing, I was just being brash. Horrible, horrible fat cats don't care about locking-in their seamstresses as the building burned.

Imagine if you will . . .

How the Horrific Tragedy of the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire Led to Workplace Safety Laws


While the factory had hazardous conditions inside, some of the blame also fell on New York City government, which hadn’t done much to ensure safe workplaces and wasn’t prepared for such a fire. “There was no clear city agency responsibility to insure the safety of workers and factories,” Greenwald says. “No one was responsible for building safety. There were no clear regulations for fire safety and no modern fire equipment.”

I didn't finish the phrase of being three sheets to the wind. I was having fun drinking and trollong and watching pro football.

Lauren Mayfair was a flash in the pan. Lightning in a bottle. Fake tits but everything else was real, real nice. A dream fuck for me. Smart, beautiful, sexy as all HELL . . . . Anyway. Beleive me, I could go on and on.

It's no secret. I was enthralled with her. To make her happy, when she said, and I quote, "I like the way you fuck me.", she was riding in cowgirl. We were in rhythm. The rhythm is what, I think, she was talking about. She was a hell of a cure for a hangover.

Thanks for trip down memory lane.

On another lighter note: Did anyone notice the skinny white-haired hippie wearing glasses walk across the screen in the background as Daniel Goldman made his SWORN opening statement?
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Old 12-09-2019, 10:15 AM   #101
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Originally Posted by eccieuser9500 View Post
I have to dig here. How do you turn the wealthy "poor"? Do you mean "less wealthy"?
Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
Yes. "Make everyone poorer" in this context means "make everyone worse off."
Yep. You shrink the pie. You scream and cry like a little bitch.... "Fuck y'all! If I can't have a bigger slice, then I'll make damn sure everyone gets a smaller one!


A falling tide lowers all boats!

Warren and Sanders want to keep us all permanently beached at low tide!!

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Old 12-09-2019, 10:27 AM   #102
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
Yep. You shrink the pie. You scream and cry like a little bitch.... "Fuck y'all! If I can't have a bigger slice, then I'll make damn sure everyone gets a smaller one!


A falling tide lowers all boats!




Jeff Bezos

Random fact: Castrated cattle while working on his grandparents' ranch in Texas.

Half of 109B is only 54.5B? Only, 54.5B, yes only. I'm sorry if he can't survive without his twelve figure net worth.

Boo-hoo! His boat is still going to be at the top.

P.S. You think they're making the playoffs?

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Old 12-09-2019, 10:30 AM   #103
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Old 12-09-2019, 10:42 AM   #104
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Originally Posted by eccieuser9500 View Post
Random fact: Castrated cattle while working on his grandparents' ranch in Texas.

Half of 109B is only 54.5B? Only, 54.5B, yes only.
Which is worse... castrating cattle or castrating wealthy and successful people?

You do realize $54.5 billion wouldn't even fund the federal government for 5 days? So if you confiscated 100% of Bezos' wealth, in less than a week you'd be back staring at the same leviathan!

Maybe, just maybe the only real and durable solution would be to CASTRATE THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT!!
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Old 12-09-2019, 11:21 AM   #105
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
Which is worse... castrating cattle or castrating wealthy and successful people?

Castrating people is worse.

You do realize $54.5 billion wouldn't even fund the federal government for 5 days? So if you confiscated 100% of Bezos' wealth, in less than a week you'd be back staring at the same leviathan!

Maybe, just maybe the only real and durable solution would be to CASTRATE THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT!!
You do realize that Jeff Bezos is only one person worth that much right? Not all his employees, contractors and subcontractors. Right?

I vehemently disagree with you that surgically removing the Legislature and Judiciary is the only and real durable solution for the federal government. That's exactly what I am seeing here. Council versus council. The House is somewhat in order.

"Presidents are not Kings."

"Bang it harder."

Ranking member to the Chairman.

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