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Old 11-10-2019, 03:39 PM   #1
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Default Tightness

Curious and would love real talk from the men. Is there a noticeable difference in tightness between women? If so, thoughts on why (children, build, mileage, lubricants, etc).
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Old 11-10-2019, 08:34 PM   #2
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mileage? are you talking about cars or women?!
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Old 11-10-2019, 10:45 PM   #3
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Over many years, I've found substantial differences in the tightness of a lady's private parts. Some are so snug, it's difficult to penetrate and if the erection is not very hard, it might get squeezed out. Other's not so much so, so loose that orgasm is difficult (the "well-worn moccasin" in native American parlance).

I've not noticed any correlation with physical build . . . one of the tightest was on a fairly tall (5' 9 or 10") woman. Non-cesarean childbirth has some correlation with snugness.
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Old 11-10-2019, 11:43 PM   #4
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Every time I make sure it toark to spect to tight you break it to lost fall off. Lot of youtube on how good economy cheep toark wrench are how ever I like a good S and K or Stanley socket are my favorite. Far as lube I just use dollar store oil and clean with B-12 first. I like a good american build. I sure did not learn this in shop class.
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Old 11-11-2019, 04:45 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Ravishnrelease View Post
Curious and would love real talk from the men. Is there a noticeable difference in tightness between women? If so, thoughts on why (children, build, mileage, lubricants, etc).
Excellent topic and a daily topic of conversation ( multiple times) be it in a club having discussions with regulars and other attendees or in our private forums, WhatsApp chains and just general texting/Social media messenger topics. There is a vast difference between vaginas in tightness and looseness ( not to be confused with the giant meat hangers one lady may or may not have) and often a girl's pussy can be super tight yet her lips are blown to shreds or visa versa she has very tight/petite outer lips but her pussy hole one can assume 20 bulldozers just plowed through.

Children, build, usage etc. all play a role but so do genetics. As to lubes, they kill friction and feeling; only natural lube is good the rest spoil the feel. Lube fucking sucks, it is like squirting jelly where it doesn't belong.

But I know many girls w/o kids with loose pussies likewise I know some girls with kids with very tight ones, one in particular ( 4 kids) who under all conditions has a tight pussy, this one fucked well over 60-70 men in 3 days coming off a 2 day National German Holiday to celebrate the falling of the Berlin Wall and one could barely get a finger in her! I know a very large girl with a very tight pussy and a tiny girl who has not only her pussy blown to shreds but also has 2+ inch meat hangers dangling down there. FYI with age as muscle control and skin tightness in general declines some changes will be obvious but my ' sampling size' is hundreds of girls in the 20-30 maybe 35 range tops. The 35 yr old is Bulgarian, been fucking in Bulgaria to start than England, Spain and Germany for 15 years now and still has ( per the Germans and I agree) one of the tightest pussies around even averaging easily 12-17 guys a day.

We talk about the women in two ways mainly ( the two main components of a session), one is Service/Value Levels ( allows X or Y but doesn't allow Z etc, attitude falls in here, does she rush, is service the same between the men, is she the appreciative or ' give me' type and of course perhaps the most popular topic the quality and extremely detailed description of the blowjob and value for money as well) than there is the second side of the coin 'the optics.' Optics are where the looks come in as well as physical attributes which is where pussy size fits in, no pun intended. Looks, body types, pretty faces or eyes etc. all fall in the optics category than the service/optics scale is evaluated and the girl picked.

For DATY I prefer the large lipped girls and/or the girls whose pussies open up very wide ( need to get that whole tongue in there and find as much dangling labia as possible to suck on ) and for fucking the tighter ones are best ( regardless of outer size) however really does not matter to me. I fuck all of them in time and often will combine a loose one with a tight one, the contrast is great and fun to enjoy. I would rather have a sopping wet drenched loose one than a dry tight one with no usage yet on the day. There is no way to truly compare Pussy A to Pussy B if you bang A on Monday and B on Tuesday; only way to compare is to take samples A/B at the exact same time and swap out back and forth for the true ' real time' comparison. ( Followed by detailed reporting to the guys waiting in the parlor! ) And if not the same time, back to back the same day for sure.

Although I think mileage will add up in time, most of the 20-25 yr old girls and even the under 30 crew all have pussies that stretch back to ' normal' and all of them I think when they go on holiday for 2-10 weeks or more sometimes always return with a tighter pussy than when they departed. 50-100 men a week give or take a few on either side will stretch even the tightest of tightest out but won't make them loose. Genetics however can play a role both ways and usage will have no impact either way. Usage effects some, others not.

Knowing who is tight and who is not can be great info in deciding who will be 1,2 or 3 maybe 4 for the day as in general one wants to save the tightest pussy for last as it is easier to cum likewise the 1st or 2nd load of the day is the easiest to pop off so sometimes the loosest ones are the best first. Last time I really wanted a tight one as she is very hot ( I was optically motivated at that time) and I did her first and my German friend said I was crazy to do the tightest first even she commented ' most guys see me last.'

it all varies girl to girl and there are not ' set formulas' here and I know some girls with loose pussies who know how to squeeze at the right times to get your nuts to empty and I know some girls with tight pussies who are worthless who are so in to ' pussy preservation' they won't let you all the way in or won't do certain positions like doggie ( where the man can thrust as deep and hard as he wants)

Last trip not so long ago was in a house with only 8 girls in the lineup not far from Dortmund and I did all 8 over 2 days there. I came to the following conclusions regarding these 8 and pretty steady over any random sampling of a handful upwards to 20+

* The busiest girl ( easily 2 men per hour) had a very tight pussy, I saw her 3 PM maybe so was easily her 12th or 13th + man of the day; vice grip !
* The oldest girl ( 36 or 37) had huge lips and a medium pussy but was hardly fucked all day; her pussy about hung out of her
* The fattest girl had the tightest pussy and best attitude but can only be fucked with her on top to get it all the way in as her thighs were just too thick to spread her open wide enough in other positions. One finger was tough to get in, two made her squirm
* The youngest girl guessing 20 or 21 with the smallest frame had tiny lips and I fucked her twice that day, once by herself and once in a double mid afternoon ( with the busiest one above) and turns out the busy one was tight as can be and the younger one extremely loose both times.
* The most beautiful girl in the house and my favorite in this place has a huge pussy, she does allow digits and at 10 AM when the club opened I was first and four fingers got in there no problem, she was loose as a goose and wet as can be ( I suspect this was courtesy of her Turkish boyfriend who dropped her off at work 'extra wet' it appears like most do at 9:30-9:45 AM)

This topic is discussed over and over again and one of my favorites along with quality of the blowjob. Pussy size truly varies between the girls and the side by side is the best way to judge. For me however I add up all the qualities from value to looks to BJ quality to attitude and yes the pussy size etc. to make my pick but I end up on all my trips over time seeing most of the girls anyway so one by one they share my money, collect nice bottles of perfumes, purses etc.

As it turns out my favorite with the giant pussy will get the first room of the trip ( already booked) as well as the 100 ml bottle of D&G; the others get 50 ml
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Old 11-11-2019, 01:05 PM   #6
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This subject is a great subject. I worry more about how tight a women is than how loose. I usually do not see spinners as typically penetration is difficult for me.

Also I can assure you, never with any women who has been kind enough to have sex with me have I ever thought in mid thrust how loose she was. I was happy her legs were open to me. If your worrying about being loose, forget about it.
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Old 11-11-2019, 01:38 PM   #7
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As a woman who’s stuck my fingers in a couple cookie jars I’d like to weigh in on my experiences. I lean towards thick stallions, you know young women with wide hips and killer curves. Many of which were woman of color, but I’ve sampled two pink toes in my line of duty. Personally my black home girl, big breasted very large ass had the tightest Pussy. Even giving my own grip a run for the title and she loved BBC, in fact there was a height limit to enjoy the ride. At the time none of us have had been bred. I’ve always heard it was the spinners with the loose goose, nothing to keep the penetrator at large, but I’m a big fine stallion myself so I don’t know
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Old 11-11-2019, 02:25 PM   #8
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Actually quite the opposite but thank you for the concern. I’m a bisexual female that loves everything about a sexy woman and her body. I recently decided I’m comfortable sharing my lady friends with my husband and we have found that professionals are best for us given our tastes and need for lack of drama. Recent experiences made me curious about how a man experiences a woman vs how a woman experiences a woman. I purposefully picked a young, very attractive companion to bring into our bed and my husband was surprised by the lack of tightness while I personally thought it was rather snug in my explorations. I had really hoped my hubby would be blown away by the difference, hell why else would I want this for him, but he said he wouldn’t have known the difference between the two had he not been able to visually see the difference himself. Now he did say that if there had been a closeness (mish/face to face) he many have felt a difference in the outter lips but because that position didn’t happen he couldn’t speak to that plus he had a helmet on which does alter feeling.

I’m continually amazed at the female body and would love to understand from a mans perspective how it feels from woman to woman. Recent experiences actually derailed my traditional line of thought. While we don’t have a lot of experience to draw from, this particular experience left he and I both feeling as though once the hyman is gone, is there really a difference. If we pay a premium for “pre-kids” and young/tight, why is that if there really isn’t a difference? Or was this a “one off”?

I know, what kind of wife thinks about these things? ME!
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Old 11-11-2019, 03:03 PM   #9
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Ravish do tell us,
Are you here to enjoy or to be enjoyed?
I wouldn’t call it a concern as none of us know what you look like, your body etc etc
I was personally speaking very genetically, no jabs tossed.
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Old 11-11-2019, 04:13 PM   #10
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SeV, I’m here to be enjoyed but also to partake myself. Didn’t take anything as a jab, more like I assumed that a man would think the question was seated in insecurity vs true curiosity. If a man started a thread about penis size, most would naturally assume that’s because he is small and insecure. I’m a taller woman, very thin, with great curves, perhaps I’m overly confident at times but I am realistic. I’ve had a couple kids, am over 35, but I feel like my sex life is at an all time high. Try as I might, I can not replicate what a man can do to a woman. I’m so intrigued by the subject and love the honest feedback from the men here.
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Old 11-12-2019, 05:36 AM   #11
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Default How the fuck would WE know???

Originally Posted by Ravishnrelease View Post
Curious and would love real talk from the men. Is there a noticeable difference in tightness between women? If so, thoughts on why (children, build, mileage, lubricants, etc).

Great subject? Excellent topic?? WTF!!!

What difference does it make what our thoughts on this subject are?? Nobody knows and even fewer care...

Butt, since you asked, here's my "real talk" - I'm so big/girthy that all women seem tight to me OR I'm so small/pencil-like all women seem cavernous to me!! Everybody else is YMMV!!

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Old 11-12-2019, 08:00 AM   #12
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Ed, I apologize if you saw my post as trivial or ridiculous. Are you telling me you’ve never wondered how different size cocks feel to women? You’ve never talked cock size with a buddy or partner? Men regularly ask the question about size on this forum and in “real” life. In fact I’ve never had a partner that didn’t ask me how different men feel and while sometimes that stems from insecurities more often than not they are just truly trying to understand how to pleasure me. That’s really the root of my question, as a woman I want to please my partner both with my own body and the providers we bring into our bed. It is my assumption that other women would also appreciate an honest discussion about the subject. Men’s differences in size is easily seen, a woman’s internal size is not, and in fact my recent experience had me wondering if there was really a noticeable difference. If there is then is it worth paying a higher rate or can a woman who is not as “tight” do things that bring comparable enjoyment to her partner. I do believe this information pertains to all women as I recently read a post where a hobbyist was saying that sex with his wife was horrible because she was so loose. It really made me question if her “looseness” was more about her lack of enthusiasm or truly a physical issue. I can take it even a step further because women can actually do things to help with the snug feeling and many women have built kegels into their daily routine. If all that extra effort works it would be awesome to know that. Also, for a woman like the one mentioned in the post above, if she knew that her husband was having issues then she could see her GYN and have a simple laser procedure to address the problem. If there’s a woman on this forum that gains some insight and is able to make some changes, wouldn’t that be healthy for her business and her sex life in general?

I don’t think we can ever underestimate how beneficial understanding how sex differs from person to person and learn what we as partners can do to bring even more pleasure to our partners.
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Old 11-12-2019, 10:12 AM   #13
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Default Wrong again...

Originally Posted by Ravishnrelease View Post
...I don’t think we can ever underestimate how beneficial understanding how sex differs from person to person and learn what we as partners can do to bring even more pleasure to our partners.
Obviously, you underestimate what I can underestimate. I can clearly underestimate anything posted on this website as "beneficial to understanding how sex differs from person to person" in four simple words "Your Mileage May Vary"!!

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Old 11-12-2019, 03:36 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Ed Highlight View Post
Obviously, you underestimate what I can underestimate. I can clearly underestimate anything posted on this website as "beneficial to understanding how sex differs from person to person" in four simple words "Your Mileage May Vary"!!

You’re completely correct, please forgive me in my obvious ignorance. Not everyone cares at all about their partners pleasure. How silly of me as a woman to assume that a partner would care about my pleasure.

Never, ever, will I complain about a providers screening. If I were in their position, I would do more times 10.
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Old 11-12-2019, 03:51 PM   #15
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I was under the impression that if she did her kegels she could make it as tight as she wanted.
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