Originally Posted by ClaireBarsett
... I talked about wanting to do a "Home Maker" themed album. Me in my underwear, or "home clothes" just doing the most unsexiest of things. Cleaning the dishes, folding the laundry, you know, silly shit everyone does every day. But actually using those as my escort pictures.
 I don't try to hide who or what I am, plus I think it would be a lot of fun! 
It is not the outfit that makes it 'sexy', nor is it really what you are doing, but the energy that you put into the photoshoot.
You could pull it off, I know you could.
Granted some ladies have bodies that make for great pin-up photos.
There is a lot to be said for the happy goofy silly stuff.
The other day, I was talking to a dear friend, I will call her 'M'. 'M' has a poor self-image. I told her about Marilyn Monroe, the most famous 'sex symbol' of our culture. But if you look at her photos, she was not slim. She did not have huge breasts. She did not have perfect skin. She had stretch marks. So what made her such a sex symbol above all others? I think it was her attitude.
I used the example of Mae West. The stuff that came out of her mouth, get the interest of all the men, she could have looked like a gorilla. But she presented herself with such a wonderful out-going sexy attitude, she could not be ignored. I think that was what made Marilyn Monroe famous also.
It was not her figure, she had a belly.
I read to 'M' some of Claire's reviews. In Claire's reviews Claires attitude comes through plain as day, and that is what men fall in love with.
[don't freak out, Claire and my 'M' know each other, so its cool y'all].