Providing a true dominatrix experience requires a completely different mindset than that of an average date.
That's why most providers you've sought out didn't meet up with your expectations.
And yes, most providers will justify an added fee to accommodate your request simply because there is a great bit of mental and physical work involved that's not usually called upon for the average date.
I've generally heard that providers who claim to be "switch" don't usually provide a great dominating experience simply because they're used to catering to your desires and wants and it's not easy to change up the mindset.
Unless a lady reserves that part of herself for her "subs" and only them it's very hard not to blue the lines of what is going on.
You've taken the first steps to finding what you want but might I suggest that you also reach out to the Pittsburgh dungeon groups and inquire there.
TRUE Dominatrix services are generally legal and therefore the real ones can advertise openly.
( No real penetrating sex is involved)
One quick Google search for a Pittsburgh dominatrix brought up this lovely lady, I imagine you can find more the same way.