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Coed Discussions - Pittsburgh Both male and female members can mingle and interact here. Let's keep these discussions on-topic, thought-provoking, and more importantly...entertaining!

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Old 09-12-2019, 11:06 PM   #91
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Originally Posted by Elle Banks View Post
Don't we all have a bigger goal here? TOS did but the toxic nature of people in this area have nearly forced it into extinction.

Considering I've been a member of both sites for quite a number of years it is rather sad to see what a handful of toxic people and new laws have left us with.

As soon as I noticed the update boards were removed this was the first thread I popped into...and yeah; it has evolved pretty much how I expected.

Due to how this thread turned out there's no way I'd be sharing an email publicly even though it's a hobby account. I think for the time being I'll stick with PM's when it comes to sharing contact info and explore the Twitter universe a bit.
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Old 09-12-2019, 11:52 PM   #92
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Originally Posted by dj8rocks View Post

I have never seen so much bitterness, negativity and people digging up crap that happened years ago and are still hanging on to it like a meaty bone.

The members here deserve the forum they have created..
Actually DJ8, the forums here are a breath of fresh air compared to what were the forums at TOS in its last 5 years or so. During that time, this was the only place to share real and accurate reviews.

That said, I can see how an outsider could view things without fully knowing and understanding all of the Pittsburgh history, from the old ASPD days, to when TOS started up to compete with ASPD, to the ECCIE days when members here were looked at like second class citizens by a group of providers and others on TOS, other TOS shenanigans, to the owners of TOS blowing up the site and creating the ad based thing they have today and then some of those same people who looked down on ECCIE for years migrating here.

Now, that is not to say that every member / provider on TOS treated ECCIE members like second class citizens. There were some decent TOS members and providers who didn't trash ECCIE members - yet many did. There were providers who didn't like drama and were welcoming and there were others who thrived on drama and control, and still do. Some folks had membership at both sites but may have kept a low profile at one or the other, etc.

I guess what I am trying to say is there is a long and complicated history here in Pittsburgh and any outsider will have a tough time understanding it. People have long memories, especially when they have a reason to from past actions.

But if you have been a member here for a few years or more, it all makes perfect sense
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Old 09-13-2019, 12:01 AM   #93
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Originally Posted by Elle Banks View Post

Don't we all have a bigger goal here? TOS did but the toxic nature of people in this area have nearly forced it into extinction.
I do have to disagree with you here. The change to TOS had nothing to do with what people posted in forums there. No, it was very simply that the owners made the change from their old site to the new one to deal with the new laws.
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Old 09-13-2019, 04:33 AM   #94
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Originally Posted by Elle Banks View Post
Says the self proclaimed Indys all time warning points leader.
Well wait now, you want to be all about peace and love but in the very next post you throw insults? Do you want civil discussions or do you want to say whatever you would like without any return fire?
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Old 09-13-2019, 04:35 AM   #95
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Originally Posted by Elle Banks View Post

Don't we all have a bigger goal here? TOS did but the toxic nature of people in this area have nearly forced it into extinction.
I beg to differ with you here, they caused their own issues.
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Old 09-13-2019, 06:30 AM   #96
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
Actually DJ8, the forums here are a breath of fresh air compared to what were the forums at TOS in its last 5 years or so. During that time, this was the only place to share real and accurate reviews.

That said, I can see how an outsider could view things without fully knowing and understanding all of the Pittsburgh history, from the old ASPD days, to when TOS started up to compete with ASPD, to the ECCIE days when members here were looked at like second class citizens by a group of providers and others on TOS, other TOS shenanigans, to the owners of TOS blowing up the site and creating the ad based thing they have today and then some of those same people who looked down on ECCIE for years migrating here.

Now, that is not to say that every member / provider on TOS treated ECCIE members like second class citizens. There were some decent TOS members and providers who didn't trash ECCIE members - yet many did. There were providers who didn't like drama and were welcoming and there were others who thrived on drama and control, and still do. Some folks had membership at both sites but may have kept a low profile at one or the other, etc.

I guess what I am trying to say is there is a long and complicated history here in Pittsburgh and any outsider will have a tough time understanding it. People have long memories, especially when they have a reason to from past actions.

But if you have been a member here for a few years or more, it all makes perfect sense
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Old 09-13-2019, 07:24 AM   #97
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I am sorry if anyone feels like I am judging a subject on which I do not know the full back story, I did try to be clear I was just speaking to my observations and what I feel like the other site has done for me.

I too have been a member of this site for years, and TOS for MANY years. I worked for D4U and that is how I even heard of Indys, well over a decade ago. But I don't know all of the old drama, tensions between members of this site and that site, etc. The drama I have witness has been the constant bullying of a select few people and I wish we were all more mature than that, but anyone who knows me will say I am an optimist to a fault.

I am just sad and I said what I had to say, thank you for listening.
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Old 09-13-2019, 08:26 AM   #98
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Originally Posted by Dreamgurrl View Post
😂 think twice about that .
Well, yeah, obviously excluding the occasional PhD just in it for kicks.

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Old 09-13-2019, 08:59 AM   #99
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I can actually recall more than a few PHDs that were paid for this way.
Those ladies are long gone now.

Some of us do treat this as a real career, we pay taxes, we plan for the downtimes and we don't panic when the rules change.
And did I mention
we pay taxes.
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Old 09-13-2019, 09:26 AM   #100
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Originally Posted by sexymaid_69 View Post
I can actually recall more than a few PHDs that were paid for this way.
Those ladies are long gone now.

Some of us do treat this as a real career, we pay taxes, we plan for the downtimes and we don't panic when the rules change.
And did I mention
we pay taxes.
I believe the lady from Youngstown had an advanced degree. Her name escapes we now. But she was pretty cool.
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Old 09-13-2019, 10:35 AM   #101
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
I believe the lady from Youngstown had an advanced degree. Her name escapes we now. But she was pretty cool.
Advanced degrees dont mean shit. Some of the least intelligent people I know are well educated.
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Old 09-13-2019, 10:47 AM   #102
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Originally Posted by sjomonty View Post
Advanced degrees dont mean shit. Some of the least intelligent people I know are well educated.
I’ve been in business for a longtime. I know firsthand that people with advanced degrees can be the most clueless. I knew one other provider with an advanced degree. Things didn’t work out too well for her. Damn shame.
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Old 09-13-2019, 11:11 AM   #103
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That idiot aoc supposedly has a couple college degrees.
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Old 09-13-2019, 11:57 AM   #104
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I know LOTS of people who have college degrees they don't use or who make me wonder how the hell they managed to get a degree.
That being said, the majority of ladies who get advanced degrees ( and y'all might be surprised at that number) don't usually stick around the hobby. It is afterall, a great way to finance those degrees.
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Old 09-13-2019, 04:34 PM   #105
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
Actually DJ8, the forums here are a breath of fresh air compared to what were the forums at TOS in its last 5 years or so. During that time, this was the only place to share real and accurate reviews.

That said, I can see how an outsider could view things without fully knowing and understanding all of the Pittsburgh history, from the old ASPD days, to when TOS started up to compete with ASPD, to the ECCIE days when members here were looked at like second class citizens by a group of providers and others on TOS, other TOS shenanigans, to the owners of TOS blowing up the site and creating the ad based thing they have today and then some of those same people who looked down on ECCIE for years migrating here.

Now, that is not to say that every member / provider on TOS treated ECCIE members like second class citizens. There were some decent TOS members and providers who didn't trash ECCIE members - yet many did. There were providers who didn't like drama and were welcoming and there were others who thrived on drama and control, and still do. Some folks had membership at both sites but may have kept a low profile at one or the other, etc.

I guess what I am trying to say is there is a long and complicated history here in Pittsburgh and any outsider will have a tough time understanding it. People have long memories, especially when they have a reason to from past actions.

But if you have been a member here for a few years or more, it all makes perfect sense
Sir, the whole point of my post was missed..

To better clarify. The Coed Forum in this area is toxic to anyone that reads the posts.

Being an outsider actually gives me a better viewpoint due to the fact that my judgement is not clouded by past history of interactions.

With that said. I do not care what the past history is between which members and which other competing websites that has evolved to the quagmire that we stand in today.

The point is, each and every person that posts in these forums are members of Eccie. Each one is expected to know and follow the guidelines as applicable when it comes to posting here.

One of the biggest issues is thread hijacks which ALWAYS turn into a mud slinging contest. This thread is a perfect example..

Again, partly my fault for not being quicker to respond to the issues with a hammer.
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