Originally Posted by Trey
So I think we have 3 real Republicans saying they want to take out Trump. Republicans are running to shut down primary locations. Do they fear some will abandon ship? My hope is one at least runs as an independent Republican. I said that would happen long ago, chances of it happening are improving. 
none of these clowns will pull in any crowds. you wait and see. when they start packing in 5,000+ then you might have a challenge. all three won't make it to the RNC convention.
just more anti-Trump pipe dreams for u, sparky.
Originally Posted by Tiny
If Sanders or Warren is the nominee, I hope someone like Bloomberg runs as an independent Democrat.
you know that's a disaster for the Democrats and a gift horse for Trump, right??
anything that splits the Democratic base is worst case scenario. the only chance the Democrats have is a fully united base. and that ain't it.