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Old 08-31-2019, 02:24 PM   #16
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(Ho ho ho)
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Old 08-31-2019, 05:47 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post

(Ho ho ho)

you couldn't ignore this forum any more than you could ignore a thong.

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Old 09-01-2019, 11:23 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by Austin Ellen View Post
Trumps right. He always is.
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Old 09-01-2019, 11:53 AM   #19
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Is this a Benghazi thread? Asking for a friend.
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Old 09-01-2019, 12:54 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by winn dixie View Post
Is this a Benghazi thread? Asking for a friend.
I think its about yo momma. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 09-06-2019, 02:41 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
when a small business fails in the economic forest, does anybody hear it?

in a generally strong economy any business that fails has only themselves to blame. that is the case in any circumstances.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Those mother fucking small businessmen are destroying the country.

Trump blows away global supply chains and raises the American businessman's costs of raw materials by 25% and you blame him.

What Trump said is just as big a load of crap as what Barrack Obama said about the businessman:

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Old 09-06-2019, 08:11 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Those mother fucking small businessmen are destroying the country.

Trump blows away global supply chains and raises the American businessman's costs of raw materials by 25% and you blame him.

What Trump said is just as big a load of crap as what Barrack Obama said about the businessman:

Brother Tiny. Everything Trump touches dies. He has Zero regard for others
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Old 09-06-2019, 09:08 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Those mother fucking small businessmen are destroying the country.

Trump blows away global supply chains and raises the American businessman's costs of raw materials by 25% and you blame him.

What Trump said is just as big a load of crap as what Barrack Obama said about the businessman:


is it? you want me to dig up your post where you agreed trade is inherently unfair to the US? and your solution?

don't need to. you seem to favor the globalists. not very american of you. Trump, in his second term, is going to bring down China like Reagan did to the USSR. between China's fake house of cards propped up by state banks economy and the Hong Kong nuclear meltdown in the making, Trump holds all the aces.

China desperately wants to wait Trump out for Nov 2020 hoping a socialist idiot gets elected. not going to happen. Biden is being handed his hat, by himself! and the DNC is giving him some help. Bernie? no way. Warren? nope. Butthead from South Bend? Nah.

consumer confidence it at a decades long high. so some poor asshole pays 25 cents more on a dollar for something. i couldn't care less. US farmers "literally killing" themselves over Trump? fuck them. my advise to US farmers?

"Get that shotgun squarely in front of your face, Thank you for calling!".

the US has propped US agriculture for so long they are a welfare state. fuck them. let them all fail.
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Old 09-07-2019, 04:24 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
is it? you want me to dig up your post where you agreed trade is inherently unfair to the US? and your solution?

don't need to. you seem to favor the globalists. not very american of you. Trump, in his second term, is going to bring down China like Reagan did to the USSR. between China's fake house of cards propped up by state banks economy and the Hong Kong nuclear meltdown in the making, Trump holds all the aces.

China desperately wants to wait Trump out for Nov 2020 hoping a socialist idiot gets elected. not going to happen. Biden is being handed his hat, by himself! and the DNC is giving him some help. Bernie? no way. Warren? nope. Butthead from South Bend? Nah.

consumer confidence it at a decades long high. so some poor asshole pays 25 cents more on a dollar for something. i couldn't care less. US farmers "literally killing" themselves over Trump? fuck them. my advise to US farmers?

"Get that shotgun squarely in front of your face, Thank you for calling!".

the US has propped US agriculture for so long they are a welfare state. fuck them. let them all fail.
You're changing the subject. Say you have a U.S. company and a German company. They both manufacture the same product. They both incorporate Chinese parts into their product. The U.S. company starts paying 25% more for its parts, so it goes out of business, while its German competitor prospers.

You say "in a generally strong economy any business that fails has only themselves to blame. that is the case in any circumstances." No, in these circumstances, Donald Trump is to blame. And there are cases like this out there.

As to agriculture, for a good while Trump's additional support for agriculture was more than what we were raising from the new tariffs. How much sense does that make?

And as to your digging up some post where I say Trump's a genius if he gets China to play fair and both countries reduce tariffs to "0", well, he's not a genius. On this issue he's just as stupid as Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. How about digging up some of my posts showing evidence for the benefit of "0" tariffs, or showing the U.S. under Trump has the highest tariffs in the developed world outside of possibly Norway.

You question my patriotism because you support a senseless trade war that hurts everyone except the crony capitalists who hide behind tariffs.
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Old 09-07-2019, 09:56 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
You're changing the subject. Say you have a U.S. company and a German company. They both manufacture the same product. They both incorporate Chinese parts into their product. The U.S. company starts paying 25% more for its parts, so it goes out of business, while its German competitor prospers.

You say "in a generally strong economy any business that fails has only themselves to blame. that is the case in any circumstances." No, in these circumstances, Donald Trump is to blame. And there are cases like this out there.

As to agriculture, for a good while Trump's additional support for agriculture was more than what we were raising from the new tariffs. How much sense does that make?

And as to your digging up some post where I say Trump's a genius if he gets China to play fair and both countries reduce tariffs to "0", well, he's not a genius. On this issue he's just as stupid as Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. How about digging up some of my posts showing evidence for the benefit of "0" tariffs, or showing the U.S. under Trump has the highest tariffs in the developed world outside of possibly Norway.

You question my patriotism because you support a senseless trade war that hurts everyone except the crony capitalists who hide behind tariffs.
Waco doesn't know his stuff. He's an IT guy whos getting outsmarted by Asian IT guys
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Old 09-07-2019, 09:58 AM   #26
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More like a Super Human IT guy!
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Old 09-07-2019, 03:28 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
More like a Super Human IT guy!
MAGA Gurl is a super hero? Who would have known.
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Old 09-07-2019, 06:01 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
You're changing the subject. Say you have a U.S. company and a German company. They both manufacture the same product. They both incorporate Chinese parts into their product. The U.S. company starts paying 25% more for its parts, so it goes out of business, while its German competitor prospers.

your analogy is flawed. what happens when both companies play on even terms? free or at least fair trade. then it's down to who is simply the better company, as it should be.

You say "in a generally strong economy any business that fails has only themselves to blame. that is the case in any circumstances." No, in these circumstances, Donald Trump is to blame. And there are cases like this out there.

As to agriculture, for a good while Trump's additional support for agriculture was more than what we were raising from the new tariffs. How much sense does that make?

so what? you certainly know agriculture in the US has been subsidized for decades by the government. you don't deny that because you know it's true. so why is this suddenly all on Trump? it's not.

And as to your digging up some post where I say Trump's a genius if he gets China to play fair and both countries reduce tariffs to "0", well, he's not a genius. On this issue he's just as stupid as Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. How about digging up some of my posts showing evidence for the benefit of "0" tariffs, or showing the U.S. under Trump has the highest tariffs in the developed world outside of possibly Norway.

i didn't say you said Trump was a genius. i said you agreed trade was unfair to the US. and you did. so don't make any more of it than that.

You question my patriotism because you support a senseless trade war that hurts everyone except the crony capitalists who hide behind tariffs.

it is unpatriotic to support unfair trade that harms the US. Trump has said he wants free trade, if not that, fair trade. how does that harm anyone? in the long run it's a benefit to all countries.
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Old 09-07-2019, 06:04 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by themystic View Post
Waco doesn't know his stuff. He's an IT guy whos getting outsmarted by Asian IT guys

the Asian or Indian IT guy hasn't been born that can outsmart me.

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Old 09-07-2019, 07:19 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
the Asian or Indian IT guy hasn't been born that can outsmart me.

MAGA!!! Way to go Waco!!
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