Nope. Anything dreamgirl says is irrelevant.
You shut down indys days before Christmas, leaving sex workers struggle and go without for Christmas...shortly after you posted on Twitter that you were booked up through January.
This flexing of your power shows exactly how much you are like your abusive boyfriend. BTW nobody thinks you have the know how for running the new site...we all know it's your abusive boyfriend still.
Let's not even start chatting about how you've abused your new found power with clients around Pittsburgh. You know...guys talk more than we do? LOL!
So whatever you have to say to me it...I don't give a fuck and I'm not unblocking you to find out what your bitching about. I don't give a fuck.
You can hop up off my thread now. Buh-bye now.
Hobby Emails anyone?

DM me.