When the gays had their parade the narrative was tolerance and acceptance...WHY NOT acceptance from them?? I think I saw TM and YR in the crowd throwing rocks and soda bottles full of piss!! This behavior shouldn't be tolerated even from TM and YR... you did say something about
Sucker TM!!
Boston’s Straight Pride Parade is Mired by Outraged Protest, But its Choice of Grand Marshal is Hilarious

[Screenshot from Joey Garrison via Twitter,
Well, it’s actually come to pass.
Boston’s Straight Pride Parade got off with a bang Saturday, attracting crowds for and against.
And topped off with a robust police presence.
Why do you need cops for people to champion their sexual preference?
NBC News
The parade, which drew several dozen participants, kicked off at around noon to the sound of Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless the USA” with some floats displaying messages of support for President Donald Trump, with signs such as “build the wall,” “Trump nation” and “Blue Lives Matter.”
The parade caught flack before it’d even begun. As I
covered in June, mere mention of its plan had riled a writer for Consequence of Sound — via Yahoo News:
The recently reported straight pride parade in Boston (no, we’re not linking back to news of it) is gaining traction in and around the city, with parade organizers demanding that their First Amendment right to make themselves into a public spectacle be honored.
Accepting that a concept like the suggested parade doesn’t belong in any reasonable, civilized society, organizers nevertheless insist that they’re within their legal rights to celebrate something that has never been disputed at any point in human existence: the sovereignty of straight people to celebrate themselves, whether through House Hunters episodes or the music of the Dave Matthews Band.
Yeah, she wasn’t for it.
Mike Ford
Neither was TMZ:
As for the planned parade…the morons in charge say it will be a one-day event sometime in August, and they are requesting the same route as the Boston Pride Parade.
The parade has unsurprisingly been met with scorn and has a lot of folks shaking their damn heads.
To those folks’ dismay, the celebration of being one’s heterosexual self nonetheless flinted ignition in Beantown, and
The Boston Globe described “a few hundred marchers” who were eclipsed by hecklers.
Of what were they guilty? It would seem, an irrational fear of homosexuality — protestors called them bigots and homophobes.
Oddly, the protestors were shouting down a point of view with the condemnation of bigotry, which literally means “intolerance for an opposing view.”
They should’ve also touted
Willie Burnley, Jr. helped organize a counterprotest and
described his position thusly:
“This quote-unquote ‘other side’ is pretending that they’re just a foolish group of freedom-of-speech lovers who are advocating that straight people have all the rights that queer people have.”
Rallier Lisa Magil was all out of tolerance:
“These people aren’t welcome here, and I felt the need to tell them myself. This isn’t about straight pride. This is about hating everyone who isn’t them.”
A professor of women’s, gender, and sexuality studies at the University of Massachusetts, Shoshanna Ehrlich, was downright outraged:
“As a straight person, I’m outraged at the idea of them arguing that straight people are an oppressed majority. We’re not the ones beat up, marginalized, and harassed for our sexuality.”
One marcher
expressed his feeling of less-than status:
“It’s become less and less PC to be straight, white, and male. That’s considered the bottom of the chain. That’s the one group you can still voice negative things about on YouTube and there’s no punishment.”
Personally, I don’t get any of it, or the general outrage of contemporary times.
As I
wrote in June:
I don’t understand the celebrate-oneself state of contemporary culture. I could give many examples of this, but I suspect they’d only serve to make a disproportionate number of people mad. Let’s just say that we live in a world of the selfie stick and the unboxing video — a filmed commemoration of someone giving themself a present — and it ain’t good.
Virtue signaling? Online shrines to oneself via social media? Empowerment memes? Thumbs down. To me, one of the most devastating components of modern society is narcissism. I believe no one can find true happiness within; happiness is found through charity, thoughtfulness, and kindness to others. Not in shouting how special you are. That’s all emptiness.
will give the parade high marks for comedy, though: They hosted as Grand Marshal outspokenly-gay Milo Yiannopoulos.
If you didn’t notice, his hat says “Make America Straight Again.”