Originally Posted by Latinlion
Just do the math fellas ... All YES reviews and 1 dumb ass No . In how many years ? How many reviews ?
Everyone here is "ballin" to a certain extent or at the very least has some discretionary income to purchase this crack
. Even ballers have bad or off their game days and this could have been one of those days for her. Personally, I've been to that spot to see her roomie who wasn't available at the time so she turned me on to her. Her roomie is top, top notch and the spot is top notch, very upscale. In fact they have a full scale bar and will fix you a drink (damn near whatever you want) when you arrive each and EVERY TIME! Dania wasn't for me because of chemistry not any of the issues stated in the complaint, but that's not to say it didn't happen to the brother. I think that's one of the reasons why the acronym YMMV exists.