Date: Aug. 2, 2019
Name: FOXY of Blue Spa
Address and Phone: Blue Spa - 11181 Denton Dr. Ste. 110, Phone: (972) 241-2999
Address: see above
Phone: 972-241-2999
City: Dallas
State: Texas
Email Address: n/a
URL / Website: n/a
(For quick CliffNotes version read only these activities plus BOLD print in ROS). DFK, hugs, BBBJ (quasi-DT), BLS, TUMA (LITE), DATY/69, (new

SEATED MEXICAN CARTWHEEL at her initiative, thrusting "FF LITE," "new and improved" IOP, MPFS (e.g. Doggie variants, CG, ACG, RCG, MISH, plank) until cum. FBSM. Quick standing shower.
Hair Length and Color: black and fairly long (just past shoulders) in sorts of thin braids; up for much of the session
Age: young 20s
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker
Ethnic Background: Korean
Physical Description: One of the cutest (and in the eyes of many on here, though I still adore PERFECT!, arguably THE cutest) young spinners we've ever seen locally. MM Cs, all over tan, a few discreet and non-distracting tats, fantastic figure with great legs and ass, about 90 lbs and about 5' tall. (I think she's even lighter than PERFECT)!
Recommendation: Yes -- join me in following and helping to nurture the continued improvement of
this unique spinner cutie!