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Old 07-25-2019, 12:44 AM   #1
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Default Colorado State: Don’t Use the Word ‘America’ Because It’s Not ‘Inclusive’

not inclusive. right!!!

Colorado State: Don’t Use the Word ‘America’ Because It’s Not ‘Inclusive’


Colorado State University’s Inclusive Language Guide instructs students “to avoid” using the words “America” and “American,” because doing so “erases other cultures.”

“The Americas encompass a lot more than the United States,” the guide states. “There is South America, Central America, Mexico, Canada, and the Caribbean just to name a few of 42 countries in total.”

“That’s why the word ‘americano’ in Spanish can refer to anything on the American continent. Yet, when we talk about ‘Americans’ in the United States, we’re usually just referring to people from the United States. This erases other cultures and depicts the United States as the dominant American country.”

The guide advises students to use the words “U.S. citizen” or “person from the U.S.” instead of “American.”

Some of the other words and phrases deemed not inclusive by the guide include the words “male” and “female” (because this “refers to biological sex and not gender,” and “we very rarely need to identify or know a person’s biological sex and more often are referring to gender”), “cake walk” (because it apparently has origins in “the racism of 19th century minstrel shows”), “freshman” (because it “excludes women and non-binary gender identities”), “Hispanic” (“because of its origins in colonialization and the implication that to be Hispanic or Latinx/Latine/Latino, one needs to be Spanish-speaking”), “hold down the fort” (because “the U.S. the historical connotation refers to guarding against Native American ‘intruders’ and feeds into the stereotype of ‘savages’”), “no can do” (because it was “originally a way to mock Chinese people”), “peanut gallery” (because it “names a section in theaters, usually the cheapest and worst, where many Black people sat during the era of Vaudeville”), “straight” (because it “implies that anyone LGBT is ‘crooked’ or not normal”), “food coma” (because it “directly alludes to the stereotype of laziness associated with African-Americans”), and “war” or “battle,” when used any way other than to describe a literal war or battle (because “they evoke very real tragedy that can be problematic for survivors of war or Veterans”).

Honestly, I write about political correctness for a living, and yet I have to admit that many of these were news to me. Now, because I’m not a jerk, if any of these words or phrases were to actually bother someone with whom I was speaking, I would avoid using them during those conversations in order to be respectful. The thing is, though, I highly doubt that there are many people who actually are offended by these words and phrases. Regardless of what they may have meant in the past, I think that most people understand that when someone says, for example, “That test was a cake walk,” that person is obviously not intending to convey even the slightest disrespect toward African-American people. I know there are words (such as “hysterical”) that have origins that are offensive to women, but I (a woman) am still personally not offended by them — because I understand that meanings can change over time, and tend to focus more on what the other person is actually trying to communicate than on what kind of offense I could potentially take from it.

Speaking of things I highly doubt, I actually outright reject that simply using the word “America” or “American” actually has the power to erase another culture. Everyone who’s older than five understands that “the Americas” encompass more than just the United States, and using the word “America” to describe the United States doesn’t just erase those cultures. I have never once, for example, asked for “American cheese” on my egg sandwich and had that cause me to totally forget that Mexico and Canada exist. In fact, I will go as far as to say that I don’t think that my use of the word has itself caused even the slightest amount of harm to even a single other country.

The truth is, “America” is just what we call ourselves, and people who live here understand that fact. It’s a common reference; our language has lots of them. As long as everyone understands what a person means when they use a certain word (and understand that that person is not using it in a derogatory way), then I think that it should be totally acceptable to use it. That’s the whole goal of language, after all, to communicate, and I just don’t see the point of removing any of it when it’s not actually causing harm.

This story was previously covered in an article in Campus Reform.

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Old 07-25-2019, 12:50 AM   #2
dilbert firestorm
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america's universities need reform!
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Old 07-25-2019, 06:21 AM   #3
friendly fred
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Fucking DPST's.

Colorado State is barely a University anyway.
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Old 07-25-2019, 07:17 AM   #4
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Yes the liberal - retarded colleges have need reform for years tenure needs to GO and work reviews like the rest of the world would go along way to "fix " education in the country....
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Old 07-25-2019, 07:39 AM   #5
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Have your sources made a correction to their stories yet?
Probably not.
That's why those are your sources.
They screw the pooch on being correct in the "facts" of the stories and the trumpys will continue to misstate the facts.
Destroying their credibility, not with bias but with plain old wrong information, they published this story after Colorado State published an article pointing out the inaccuracies in the College Fix, College Reform, etc.

National Review and yahoo published on the 24th and Colorado State published on the 23rd.
All National Review had to do was google "Colorado State University guide" and they would have seen C.S.'s reply.

Since each story stands on its own regardless of source, this doesn't mean the N.R. doesn't publish the truth. It means you have to find out the truth about a story. Anyone who claims a source disqualifies the info in a story is talking out their ass.
Bias and incorrect facts are 2 completely different things.

"McConnell did laud news outlets which noted the guide was not official policy; the College Fix and Campus Reform did just that.
(National Review and yahoo didn't)

CSU Chancellor Tony Frank also spoke to the issue, noting “[m]ost of the suggestions in [the guide] are common sense and have been in common use for decades,” and that the list “was never intended for use by students.”

“We actively promote a climate of free and open debate at CSU,” Frank wrote. “The bottom line is that no one is making anyone use this guide, and we have not seen any evidence that this brief guide has had a chilling effect on that climate on our learning environment.


Link to current guide. https://collegian.com/wp-content/upl...uage-Guide.pdf

The first lines of both versions.

"What this document is: This is a living resource compiled by the Inclusive Communications Task Force at Colorado
State University. The document is intended to serve as a best practices guide. It is provided and will be updated
with the intention of sharing meaningful and useful language suggestions. It is worth noting that language is
always evolving so this document will be updated periodically.
What this document is not: This is not an official policy or required practice. This document is intended as a
resource to help our campus community reflect our Principles of Community particularly inclusion, respect, and
social justice. The language in the guide may not apply to every individual and it is critical to take personal
preference into account
. The guide is not about political-correctness or policing grammar, but rather helping
communicators practice inclusive language and helping everyone on our campus feel welcomed, respected, and

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
not inclusive. right!!!

Colorado State: Don’t Use the Word ‘America’ Because It’s Not ‘Inclusive’


Colorado State University’s Inclusive Language Guide instructs students “to avoid” using the words “America” and “American,” because doing so “erases other cultures.”

“The Americas encompass a lot more than the United States,” the guide states. “There is South America, Central America, Mexico, Canada, and the Caribbean just to name a few of 42 countries in total.”

“That’s why the word ‘americano’ in Spanish can refer to anything on the American continent. Yet, when we talk about ‘Americans’ in the United States, we’re usually just referring to people from the United States. This erases other cultures and depicts the United States as the dominant American country.”

The guide advises students to use the words “U.S. citizen” or “person from the U.S.” instead of “American.”

Some of the other words and phrases deemed not inclusive by the guide include the words “male” and “female” (because this “refers to biological sex and not gender,” and “we very rarely need to identify or know a person’s biological sex and more often are referring to gender”), “cake walk” (because it apparently has origins in “the racism of 19th century minstrel shows”), “freshman” (because it “excludes women and non-binary gender identities”), “Hispanic” (“because of its origins in colonialization and the implication that to be Hispanic or Latinx/Latine/Latino, one needs to be Spanish-speaking”), “hold down the fort” (because “the U.S. the historical connotation refers to guarding against Native American ‘intruders’ and feeds into the stereotype of ‘savages’”), “no can do” (because it was “originally a way to mock Chinese people”), “peanut gallery” (because it “names a section in theaters, usually the cheapest and worst, where many Black people sat during the era of Vaudeville”), “straight” (because it “implies that anyone LGBT is ‘crooked’ or not normal”), “food coma” (because it “directly alludes to the stereotype of laziness associated with African-Americans”), and “war” or “battle,” when used any way other than to describe a literal war or battle (because “they evoke very real tragedy that can be problematic for survivors of war or Veterans”).

Honestly, I write about political correctness for a living, and yet I have to admit that many of these were news to me. Now, because I’m not a jerk, if any of these words or phrases were to actually bother someone with whom I was speaking, I would avoid using them during those conversations in order to be respectful. The thing is, though, I highly doubt that there are many people who actually are offended by these words and phrases. Regardless of what they may have meant in the past, I think that most people understand that when someone says, for example, “That test was a cake walk,” that person is obviously not intending to convey even the slightest disrespect toward African-American people. I know there are words (such as “hysterical”) that have origins that are offensive to women, but I (a woman) am still personally not offended by them — because I understand that meanings can change over time, and tend to focus more on what the other person is actually trying to communicate than on what kind of offense I could potentially take from it.

Speaking of things I highly doubt, I actually outright reject that simply using the word “America” or “American” actually has the power to erase another culture. Everyone who’s older than five understands that “the Americas” encompass more than just the United States, and using the word “America” to describe the United States doesn’t just erase those cultures. I have never once, for example, asked for “American cheese” on my egg sandwich and had that cause me to totally forget that Mexico and Canada exist. In fact, I will go as far as to say that I don’t think that my use of the word has itself caused even the slightest amount of harm to even a single other country.

The truth is, “America” is just what we call ourselves, and people who live here understand that fact. It’s a common reference; our language has lots of them. As long as everyone understands what a person means when they use a certain word (and understand that that person is not using it in a derogatory way), then I think that it should be totally acceptable to use it. That’s the whole goal of language, after all, to communicate, and I just don’t see the point of removing any of it when it’s not actually causing harm.

This story was previously covered in an article in Campus Reform.

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Old 07-25-2019, 07:51 AM   #6
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MM- the usual deflect and deny BS - CSU put it out there, and is now facing the consequences.

I hope they see less students applying, and less money donated to them
Let them educate illegals for free - and see how that goes.

you are welcome to go there - The DPST climate would suit One so "Blue"!!!
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Old 07-25-2019, 05:21 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by friendly fred View Post
Fucking DPST's.

Colorado State is barely a University anyway.
Yeah, maybe a little bit of compensation going on here.

"Our football teams have been getting their asses waxed for decades by CU and BYU. Also, we're not noted for much academically (except maybe the chemistry department). Let's try to get in on this new liberal bigotry thing, and see if we can make some kind of a splash."

Last time I was in Fort Collins I saw that the old frat on Shields Street had actually been renamed "Diversity House." Wonder whether Belushi could get a role in that movie....
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Old 07-25-2019, 09:15 PM   #8
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This is why every post you make is suspect. You are constantly at odds with the facts.
The first paragraphs of the first posting and prominently displayed are:

"What this document is: This is a living resource compiled by the Inclusive Communications Task Force at Colorado State University. The document is intended to serve as a best practices guide. It is provided and will be updated with the intention of sharing meaningful and useful language suggestions. It is worth noting that language is always evolving so this document will be updated periodically.
What this document is not: This is not an official policy or required practice. This document is intended as a resource to help our campus community reflect our Principles of Community particularly inclusion, respect, and social justice. The language in the guide may not apply to every individual and it is critical to take personal preference into account. The guide is not about political-correctness or policing grammar, but rather helping
communicators practice inclusive language and helping everyone on our campus feel welcomed, respected, and valued."

Both statements are clear and ignored by you. All those statements do is provide context for the document. Something y'all are good at ignoring.

Let's break down your reply.

the usual deflect and deny BS - CSU put it out there, and is now facing the consequences. It's facing the consequences of NR lies of omission.
Pointing out the version posted by the OP article is 9 months old and that the new version is significantly different (doesn't even contain one of the major bitches the author included), as well as the article was posted after CSU pointed out the versions had changed at least once. It isn't deflection or denial. It stays on the topic while pointing out details the NR article made no attempt to include. That those details were needed to present the truth is obvious from your reply. The "denial" you claim is nothing more than pointing out that NR chose to ignore current information (that was included in the OP link, pretty funny, and impossible to deny). Next,

I hope they see less students applying, and less money donated to them
Let them educate illegals for free - and see how that goes.

Your true nature emerges. You will lie, embrace the lies of others, and display irrational hatred in the face of documented proof that disproves your position.
The only bias is valuing truth over lies/excluded facts/ignoring updates made before the NR article. Now, why would NR use outdated information in their article? To fire up the base. And it obviously worked. Because you bought into what someone else told you to think. The word that is his centerpiece (American)isn't there. And nowhere is there anything that legitimately infers this has anything to do with illegal immigrants. Your warped vision adds that.

And finally, you include your "one insult fits all". No mention of socialists by anyone but you. And you usually come up with a "reason" for adding it. In this case, because I proved my point and shot yours down. But I have an open mind. If you have any proof to refute me, have at it. Real proof, not because you say so.

It's obvious you are responding to me. Keep it up. You say the same stuff regardless of content. "Deflect", "Deny" etc are included with no explanation or examples. trump only tells you to say those things but doesn't tell you why to say them.
I explained and gave examples to back what I said.

You not reading whole articles or following links doesn't mean they don't exist. If you can't understand what I'm saying and you aren't requesting clarification then it just means you're stalling.

Now it's time for a snappy reply that doesn't address any of these issues.

Originally Posted by oeb11 View Post
MM- the usual deflect and deny BS - CSU put it out there, and is now facing the consequences.

I hope they see less students applying, and less money donated to them
Let them educate illegals for free - and see how that goes.

you are welcome to go there - The DPST climate would suit One so "Blue"!!!
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Old 07-25-2019, 09:30 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Munchmasterman View Post
This is why every post you make is suspect. You are constantly at odds with the facts.
The first paragraphs of the first posting and prominently displayed are:

"What this document is: This is a living resource compiled by the Inclusive Communications Task Force at Colorado State University. The document is intended to serve as a best practices guide. It is provided and will be updated with the intention of sharing meaningful and useful language suggestions. It is worth noting that language is always evolving so this document will be updated periodically.
What this document is not: This is not an official policy or required practice. This document is intended as a resource to help our campus community reflect our Principles of Community particularly inclusion, respect, and social justice. The language in the guide may not apply to every individual and it is critical to take personal preference into account. The guide is not about political-correctness or policing grammar, but rather helping
communicators practice inclusive language and helping everyone on our campus feel welcomed, respected, and valued."

Both statements are clear and ignored by you. All those statements do is provide context for the document. Something y'all are good at ignoring.

Let's break down your reply.

the usual deflect and deny BS - CSU put it out there, and is now facing the consequences. It's facing the consequences of NR lies of omission.
Pointing out the version posted by the OP article is 9 months old and that the new version is significantly different (doesn't even contain one of the major bitches the author included), as well as the article was posted after CSU pointed out the versions had changed at least once. It isn't deflection or denial. It stays on the topic while pointing out details the NR article made no attempt to include. That those details were needed to present the truth is obvious from your reply. The "denial" you claim is nothing more than pointing out that NR chose to ignore current information (that was included in the OP link, pretty funny, and impossible to deny). Next,

I hope they see less students applying, and less money donated to them
Let them educate illegals for free - and see how that goes.

Your true nature emerges. You will lie, embrace the lies of others, and display irrational hatred in the face of documented proof that disproves your position.
The only bias is valuing truth over lies/excluded facts/ignoring updates made before the NR article. Now, why would NR use outdated information in their article? To fire up the base. And it obviously worked. Because you bought into what someone else told you to think. The word that is his centerpiece (American)isn't there. And nowhere is there anything that legitimately infers this has anything to do with illegal immigrants. Your warped vision adds that.

And finally, you include your "one insult fits all". No mention of socialists by anyone but you. And you usually come up with a "reason" for adding it. In this case, because I proved my point and shot yours down. But I have an open mind. If you have any proof to refute me, have at it. Real proof, not because you say so.

It's obvious you are responding to me. Keep it up. You say the same stuff regardless of content. "Deflect", "Deny" etc are included with no explanation or examples. trump only tells you to say those things but doesn't tell you why to say them.
I explained and gave examples to back what I said.

You not reading whole articles or following links doesn't mean they don't exist. If you can't understand what I'm saying and you aren't requesting clarification then it just means you're stalling.

Now it's time for a snappy reply that doesn't address any of these issues.

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Old 07-25-2019, 09:32 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by roaringfork View Post
Yeah, maybe a little bit of compensation going on here.

Last time I was in Fort Collins I saw that the old frat on Shields Street had actually been renamed "Diversity House." Wonder whether Belushi could get a role in that movie....
Looks like a lot of compensation going on.

No mention of the house ever being a frat. Mostly used as a house for the president of the school. The surrounding acres were sold to build frat and sorority houses around 1969.

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Old 07-25-2019, 09:42 PM   #11
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That was snappy?

Certainly inadequate but snappy?

No, I think you felt you had to say something. And that was better than most of the things you could have said.

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post

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Old 07-25-2019, 09:42 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Munchmasterman View Post
Looks like a lot of compensation going on.

No mention of the house ever being a frat. Mostly used as a house for the president of the school. The surrounding acres were sold to build frat and sorority houses around 1969.



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Old 07-26-2019, 07:00 AM   #13
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Old 07-26-2019, 07:05 AM   #14
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I'm from Colorado, and all I have to say to those libtards at CSU is:

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Old 07-26-2019, 07:35 AM   #15
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MM - would be happy to be a citizen of Iran, and be forced into the street by the mullahs to chant "Death to America" on a daily basis!!
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