Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
The OP and reviewer in dispute should work it out privately at this point. All this extra mess starting by the board regulars is nothing but a unnecessary and sad and scary behavioral display...and bringing the board down ;-) Looks like some people that constantly whine about decorum could actually learn a thing or two from USA Soldier and Shine. What's good for the goose is sauce for the gander.

The audacity you have after your "Im back from the dead" thread. BTW I thought you were not staying?
I laughed so damn hard reading this....

Believe me, we know that the (Not a review) review he posted this am-is "suspect" to say the least. The non-reviewer also made no efforts to contact her. He made a public post in the wrong section for starters. Maybe he needs to step up & get it together!
I mean he cant even give BM a date!
Hopefully she will return but man sometimes you men run off women not just out of coed !