Originally Posted by Little Monster
I will call the greatest sport on earth what it is "Football" not soccer. Your sport is called "Anerican Football" not "Football" Don't like it, then go bury your face in a pillow and cry about it. Wasn't there a failed league in the very recent past called "Alliance of American Football"?? At least they got the name of their sport right, too bad nobody gave a shit about it. 
Could you be any more wrong about the name of soccer? It seems not.
""Rugby football" became "rugger" for short. "Association football" became "soccer."
After these two sports spread across the Atlantic, Americans invented their own variant of the game that they simply called "football" in the early 1900s.
"Association football" became "soccer" in America, and what was called "gridiron" in Britain became simply "football" in America.
The interesting thing here is that Brits still used "soccer" regularly for a huge chunk of the 20th century. Between 1960 and 1980, "soccer" and "football" were "almost interchangeable" in Britain, Szymanski found."
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