Originally Posted by Randall Creed
I will agree. If you're going to steal another girls' pics, at least steal some pics that ballpark your figure. I've seen pics of girls that you would see in a rap video, you get there and she's a waif with the curvature of a rectangle. 
On these lies also there're men involved, and many times another forum members who're lying to their colleagues on hobby too.
One russian lady in NYC stolen my pics and one guy wrote a positive review saying the pics were real on TER. When I wrote warning the situation they never deleted the review with false info.
So who's guilty?

There're many situations. Another in Erotic Monkey still use my photos on her ads and the webmaster don't want to delete this profile, even when he knows the photos were stolen to another provider in another country. In all these fake ads there're guys involved: pimps.
And the webmaster of escortindex.com permit many fake ads, there're ladies in Chicago and Los Angeles using my photos. I'm tired to write messages to the webmaster and the ladies to delete all of them.
I received threats to write bad experiences or false accusations for not making discounts, free services or accessing to a sexual practices that I'm offering on the part of crazy psychopaths, violent people, thieves, men who want to pay with false money or make scams to have free services ( the most popular is to pay with fake gold jewelry or the false deposit in the ATM or the false money transfer).
So someone comes to write a post trying to make us see all providers as compulsive liars tainted by drugs who rip honest men with a good heart. This is an unfortunate and unpleasant post and piss me off.