Originally Posted by Savannah Moon
I've been eye ballin you for awhile but your rates are a bit on the high end of the spectrum..Not saying you're not worth it ..I mean DAMN such a SPANKABLE Ass for DAYS.
Here's the real deal Big Deal, I'm looking for A spank able tity clamp wearing gent like you..2x a week at least.surely we can work something out.knock those Donations down & I will buy you sexy G-string silk Tbacks with matching titty clamps.

Bring those bad boy clamps babe. Ill work up a session rate that you will love!
And hey whateva you want me to wear is highly doable,
I cant get MW to take me to JC Pennys for some new unders, so Ill take what ya got.
I can put them on Seeking Arrangement see if I can sell them!