Originally Posted by discerning_guy
She is easily in the Mid 30's. I liked the experience, but it is what it is wrt her age.
but you didn't WRITE about your experience. you are only now posting what you consider her age. you only said something because this review was challenged. that happens very often in this Forum, readers don't know if you are a Bandwagon Jumper, or if you really did see her, but failed to review.
conversely, a perusal through Bobbie's review history (including as Clara), shows a bandwagon as well, including mine, LOL.. BUT.. I reviewed her, and I followed Quark's declaration that she reported herself to be 23 (others did the same).. I bumped that to "mid 20's" when I saw her again, but that was a small increase, based on my desire to be as factually accurate as possible. but 39 doesn't pass any test of credulity. 5-6 guys all posted "mid-20's" or YOUNGER.. NOBODY exceeded "mid-20's".
since this age debate issue has become chic in recent months, I see just as many guys deliberately pad a lady's age, as those who trim a decade or more off her actual age. the padding has become absurd in many cases.
and my review, as well as Quark's, clearly stated 23 was self-reported.. this review just tosses out 39, seemingly random. at least explain why you think 5-6 other guys are all WAY OFF, by 40%!!