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Old 06-29-2019, 10:03 PM   #31
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Like I said, only the person making the choice knows their reasoning. BUT, I get plenty of PMs from girls telling me why they don't see black guys and the large majority of them are because of racist stereotypes.

Recently I got a note stating "I don't associate with colored folk because they are thugs." It's hard for me to view that as a simple preference.
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Old 06-29-2019, 11:17 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by B Three View Post
Like I said, only the person making the choice knows their reasoning. BUT, I get plenty of PMs from girls telling me why they don't see black guys and the large majority of them are because of racist stereotypes.

Recently I got a note stating "I don't associate with colored folk because they are thugs." It's hard for me to view that as a simple preference.
That is exactly what is being talked about! That person is unfortunately blunt as fuck an instead of being respectful and having some sort of class felt the need to say I don't see AA clients because were they are thugs and they don't associate with Colored folks like it is the 50s.

I'm sorry but no reason or explanation is owed to anyone when a person says no to something! It is none of your business so move on. You are not owed anything!

Only the person that is making the choice knows their reason. That is why I said it is not yours nor my right to tell them if they are right or wrong. Nor is it our place to tell them they must see this guy or not and if they don't they are now a racist or labeled a bad person! What happened to honesty? Hell I'd much rather a person tell me up front that they are not at all intrested then going through the motions and I pick up on it and then I feel shitty about myself. We are not that person and it is not our body and we do not know the reasoning behind their personal choices. If a person is not physically into a certain race that does not mean they are racist or biased. Now if they said they hate all fucking people that are of....... race because they are pigs, thugs.... etc then yes!

Yes I wish we could be in a place where everyone loved everyone, no judgement. No hate, NO I like this and not that... but this is how its been for as long as most can remember. Its sad that in 2019 we are still here at this point in the road.

It is all very unfortunate. However each lady has a right to see any client she wants same as every client gets to see every lady he wants. We are in a different realm where we do not live by normal rules, we do not follow certain standards or laws. This is a forbidden world where we can do what ever the fuck we want and nobody tells us what to do nor do we follow guidelines. We get to be who we want to be and not who we are in the day to day.

Those private messages really don't have any part in this discussion as they were sent privately! Those ladies need to speak up and say something if they have certain preferences and they need to make them open for all clients to see. If you want to be all secretive etc and not give clients the respect of knowing your prerequisites before they book time with you well then you are just shitty. I have no sympathy and yes you deserve the shit show you are going to get.

Again... If she's not comfortable seeing a certain client that is her right. If a client isn't comfortable seeing a certain provider it is his right. Money has nothing to do with it. Being a provider had nothing to do with it? It is an individual right? Do we all agree with what someone else does? No! Do we feel everything is right? No! Are we really the kind of people that should be judging? No!
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Old 06-30-2019, 01:17 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by LuvYogaPants View Post
Damn Treetop, I disagree with you on a lot of issues but this is very true. Black men don't like to see black providers for the most part. It's just something that seems exotic about a white/hispanic/whatever else provider.
I had a hobbyist break something down to me, when asked.. (Long time member, top reviewer)

Here we go..

So I started seeing this particular hobbyist over the years on a regular basis, and he's white.. All of his reviews are on, Ebony women..

I told him I thought he was black due to his choices of women he reviews,so I asked why does he just see black women.. I was amazed by his response.

He told me, because he's married to a white women so when he hobbys, he wants something different that he cant get at home.. Makes alot of sense

You're right about, alot of black hobbyist choose to see white women, and so forth then black..

Maybe its due to what they have at home, and want something different than whats at home..

Its just another way of looking at things, and my client base is pretty much white males 97%..
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Old 06-30-2019, 04:40 PM   #34
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Maybe because its an attraction issue.
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Old 06-30-2019, 04:59 PM   #35
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Hey, Kick Rocks!

Lordie Jesus!

Have you seen that recent vidoe being passed around on, fb?

It was of a black couple doing anal, shit was every where, and she sucked it with all the shit on it.. Just know I was so sick to my stomach.(Looks like somewhere in Africa)

To answer your question though, im sure black guys can see it..
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Old 06-30-2019, 05:04 PM   #36
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CB, always makes my day better hearing from you! I had to edit because I feel my comedy may have crossed the line.
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Old 06-30-2019, 05:12 PM   #37
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Old 06-30-2019, 09:29 PM   #38
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I agree that no one in this business should be pressured to do anything they don't want to do. We can all find ways to have the kind of fun we desire within the parameters that are acceptable to both parties, and it is or should be an individual choice in every case.

But I think that a lot of people are so polarized in this day and age that they read things into it that were never there.

For example, the OP asked but did not demand to be told why providers have a no AA policy. I didn't see anything in his writing that led me to believe he was coercing an answer out of anyone, and there were several people who seemed very offended by the question being posted at all. It probably comes off to people in a different way than they intended.

I posted a thread asking for ladies who wish to self report that they welcome respectful gentlemen of all ethnicities, and I was immediately lambasted for race-baiting. I just thought it would be helpful for people to have a go-to list so that they don't have to get their soul hurt every time they see the no-AA comment. I never intended to start a discussion about the pros and cons, and I was very specific that people can express their opinion in other threads.

One thing that providers sometimes screen for is the ability to read and follow directions. So what was supposed to be a list of ethnic-friendly providers has now also turned into a list of people who do not respect the boundaries of others.

So be it. Karma is a bitch sometimes.
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Old 06-30-2019, 09:39 PM   #39
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It's certainly easy to agree that not all AA men are pimps or disrespectful to women. I'm not sure I can agree with your conclusion that most AA males are "highly educated and professionals doing very well in their careers".


On both sides of the fence people engaged in this as a hobby manage risk and exposure.

IF a woman is going to encounter a pimp and be pressured to coming under his "protective" reach what are the odds of that pimp being AA? Latino? Asian? White?

IF a woman is going to encounter a male that objectifies her or feels entitled to her performing outside of her comfort zone with/for him what are the odds of that man being AA? Latino? Asian? White?

IF a woman is going to encounter a male that is physically larger thereby taking a bigger toll on her body in a session what are the odds of that man being AA? Latino? Asian? White?

By not seeing AA men they are simply lowering their exposure to potential risk. OF all the music available to listen to is their ANY genre that glorifies thugs, pimps and the objectification of women that is much more prevalent performed by and listed to by AA males?

As a group it has always surprised me how many AAs are surprised that people in general are more cautious interacting with them.
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Old 06-30-2019, 10:14 PM   #40
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In the end it is her choice. Only she will know if it's to be cautious or flat out racist but when black culture does promote some pretty bad things it can be understood to a point. There are plenty of fish in the sea, don't let a few blob fish ruin the ocean for you.
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Old 07-01-2019, 07:04 AM   #41
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To the OP, I was wondering if the lady who let you waste your time going all the way to her place before informing you that she doesn't see AA gents had this information anywhere in her profile, ads, etc? There's a lot of information in signature lines that used to be able to be seen by everyone, that is now only visible to those with premium access, so it could have been there & maybe you didn't have premium access in the beginning? I was just wondering how this could even happen?

When you were telling your story I was thinking maybe you were a big linebacker type of guy and she may have felt intimidated upon seeing you? If I invite someone over I'm not going to change my mind unless I feel threatened in someway. If someone arrives and finds I'm not their cup of tea, then I actually prefer it if they say so and then immediately leave because who wants to spend time with someone who's not really all in.

There are lots of ladies out there who do see people of all races, so I think you should focus on finding them. Just as I don't waste my time answering ISOs where it is clear that someone's preference is young, spinner or another ethnicity than I am. Btw you appear to prefer younger athletic types, I don't question why that is.

By the way, just looking at your handle: DEESMOOTH...it doesn't exactly scream well educated professional, just saying.

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Old 07-01-2019, 07:48 AM   #42
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My favorite thing about this whole thread is the comment, "You didn't sound like a black guy on the phone."

Hey, black people, stop trying to pass yourselves off as white people on the phone!
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Old 07-01-2019, 08:12 AM   #43
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I sound like a little girl & that's one of the reasons I don't do phones, lol.

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Old 07-01-2019, 08:18 AM   #44
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My favorite part of this thread is:
[QUOTE=DEESMOOTH;1061585551] I respect everyones preference or right to see who they want to see. I sure as hell respect a lady's right to choose who she is willing to share her body with. Hell, we all have preferences whether we want to admit it or even want to admit it.

My question for you ladies that don't see African American men is, why don't you?


If you truly respected their choice you wouldn't ask the question. They don't have to explain themselves.
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Old 07-01-2019, 09:47 AM   #45
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There is a provider on here that says No AA on her bio page profile, she wrote, its not her thing...

OP...most providers ask for race, age, etc...how you went to her place with out stating your race...lost me.
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